Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1734: mouse

White Emperor City, the city's main mansion.

Looking at the rice steward who was standing below, Song Kun asked, "Who is in charge of the affairs of Huaxianchi?"

Mr. Mi said, "Master, it was Wan Yan Tianyue who was in charge of Huaxianchi. After he disappeared, Tu Yang temporarily let his subordinates take over Huaxianchi!"

Wan Yan Tianyue, Tu Yang's one of the two golden immortals, is now being imprisoned in the temple by Song Yang.

"From now on, all the prices of Huaxianchi will be adjusted to five hundred cents!" Song Kun said in a deep voice. The local fairy people only need to pay five hundred cents for condensed celestial bodies. unfair.

Song Kun, who is also one of the ascending immortals, naturally has to do something for the ascending immortals.

After hearing that, the steward of the rice had changed his face, and there was a faint flash of horror in his eyes, and he hurriedly said, "Master, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Why not?"

Song Yan's eyes suddenly became cold.

The steward Mi felt the gaze of Song Yan, and quickly fell to his knees: "Do not misunderstand the adults, it is not the villains who want to stop the adults from doing this, but the adults who have done so will cause themselves a great disaster!"

There was a hint of doubt in Song Yan's eyes: "Oh! Get up and talk!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

The butler was relieved in his heart, then stood up and said carefully: "The price of Huaxianchi was set by all the powers of the fairyland. No matter who it is, you can't lower the price of the ascension of the fairy. Violators will be punished. They will either be abolished and repaired, or the spirit will be scattered. In the past, some ascendants occupied a certain city and then adjusted the price. If all of them fall into the end of the spirit, they will even hear about it Xuanxian cannot escape punishment! "

"Are there such things?"

There was a hint of surprise in Song Yan's eyes.

The steward Mi responded quickly: "The subordinates are true, and they dare not conceal them in the slightest, and the fairy who only lived a little longer knows this!"

Sure enough, after calling the rice steward, Song Kun deliberately inquired about this matter. Indeed, as the other party said, anyone who dared to reduce the price of the ascension condensed body would suffer extremely severe punishment.

As for those immortal powers that set the rules, they all have reached the ancestral level.

Compared to Zu Xian, Song Yan is still far behind. He is invincible in Jin Xian at most, and even Xuan Xian may not be his opponent.

He is not an impulsive person. Since things cannot be violated, he temporarily extinguished his intention to adjust the price of Xianchi, and waited for his strength to reach a certain level.

It's just that he's a little strange. Why did the big brothers of the fairyland target the ascendants this way? His time to fly to the fairyland is too short, and the level is too low, so it is impossible to detect the secrets.

Therefore, he temporarily put aside this matter and entered the temple again to make a statue like Yuan Dan.

He searched all the medicine gardens on the residences of the five emperors of the Five Emperors Alliance, and there were many elixir like five and six grades, plus the elixir obtained from those forces. Enough to let him break through to Jinxian level.

Alchemy takes a short time, only one day.

After Dan Cheng, he began to retreat in the temple.

One day!

Two days!

Five days!

Ten days!

One month later, after taking eight hundred elephant yuan dan, Song Yuan's body finally reached fullness.

"Break it!"

With a light sip, he started to break the Heavenly Sword Technique. Suddenly, the puppets in his body were broken. If the water came into being, his realm reached the level of Jinxian, and then his fairy soul and fairy Yuanli began to transform themselves.

This self-transformation took three months to complete.

To his disappointment, the inheritance method carried by the Pangu lineage did not inspire.

But when you think about it, you are relieved that Pan Gu is even more powerful than Cain's bloodline. Otherwise, he cannot kill most of the three thousand deities alone.

The more it excites, the stronger the Pangu lineage is.

However, although the bloodline has not been stimulated, Song Zheng can sense that his physical strength has already exceeded the ordinary Jinxian strength. If he is using the divine body, he may not have the possibility to resist the mystery!

With a thought, he stepped out of the temple and went to speak to the girls.

The Purple Dragon Realm is one of the eight immortal realms of the Langxian Immortal Realm.

The eight immortal realms in the fairy realm are said to have been created by eight extremely powerful ancient immortals. It is said that the eight ancient immortals did not die, but slept in the fairy realms they created, and may wake up one day.

The Purple Dragon Realm was created by the purple dragon among the eight ancient immortals.

At present, the Purple Dragon Realm is jointly comrades of the Eight Great Family. The predecessor of the Eight Great Family is the descendants or relatives of the ancient immortal Purple Dragon. At the same time, each family of the Eight Great Family has their ancestors sitting in it.

The Ling family, one of the eight families of Zilongyu.

At this moment, in a certain garden of the Ling family, a tall middle-aged man was teasing a beautiful fairy bird in the cage. Behind him, a young man was whispering. After listening to the report, the tall man's brow frowned slightly: "I really can't help the mud on the wall, but died in the hands of a rising fairy!"

"Sir, the strength of the rising fairy is very extraordinary. All eleven golden immortals who dealt with Ling Yufan against him died, and none survived!" The young man added.

"Oh! That's kind of interesting." The tall man seemed to have a little more interest: "It seems that the seedlings of the Ascension Fairy haven't appeared in such a long time, let out the wind, maybe they can draw some old guys!"

With that said, a flash of cold light flashed through the eyes of tall men: "The old guys are like mice, hidden in a dark place, and they will jump out and do damage once they have a chance. I can't wait to kill them all!

Speaking of which, there is a strong killing in the eyes of the middle-aged man.

Slightly silent, the tall man waved his hand: "Okay, you go! Remember, keep quiet, don't make a fool of the snake, lest those rats dare not contact the kid!"

"Yes! Follow your orders!"

The man bowed back, but Song Kun, who was far away from Baidi City, didn't know that he had become a bait in the plan of others.

A few days later.

In a remote mine, a strong man was digging in a mine. Suddenly, his eyebrows were slightly raised, but he returned to normal immediately, and then another person was added to the mine.

The person who arrived was also a middle-aged man dressed as a miner.

"Why are you here? Don't you let me be okay? Don't come to me?"

The strong man did not look back, even the movements on his hands did not stop.

"It's natural that I won't come to you!" The middle-aged miner smiled: "This time, we found a good seed!"

"is it?"

The strong man still didn't care much, and his tone was very disapproving.

The middle-aged miner continued: "This time, this seedling is extraordinary. It took less than a year to soar and killed a Jinxian and occupied a city!"

"Oh, are you?" A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the brave miner: "That way he would die faster!"

The middle-aged miner nodded with a deep sympathy: "Yeah, so we must recruit him to protect him from his death too soon!"

"You can be sure he was not arranged by that group!"

"No, because he also killed a golden immortal of the Zilong Yuling family!" The middle-aged miner was very confident.

[Author off topic]: Three updates have been completed, thanks [Wen Xing 45] [also in the account] two great rewards

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