Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1735: Fairyland entertainment

White Empire.

Ever since the Dange under the city's main government hosted the event of exchanging the best xianyuandan with immortal medicine, the whole city has become more prosperous, and the business of inns and restaurants has also grown a lot.

Therefore, those who open the inn and restaurant hope that the activities of Dange will continue to be held.

This day.

Song Kun accompanied the girls in shopping and walked along the way, attracting many people's eyes.

But no one dared to come forward to talk, because during this time, the news that Jiuyang Sword Fairy was replaced has been spread, and all the major forces have painted Song Kun's portrait and passed it on, so as not to offend Song Yan who offended. Bring trouble for their respective families or sects.

Fairyland is no better than water blue star, and there are few entertainment items.

Take Baidicheng for example. The only entertainment project that can make a difference is Dougong.

The so-called fighting palace is the so-called fighting field. Every day there are beast-to-beast, human-to-beast, or human-to-human battles. Viewers can also bet.

By the way, this Dou Gong's largest shareholder belongs to His Majesty's House, and the remaining small shareholders are composed of several other forces.

Generally, people who go to Dou Gong to play are people with identity. After all, tickets cost 100 cents.

Ordinary immortals who want to have some fun can go to the ticker bar. There are storytellers in the ticker bar, which mainly tell the stories of some great people in the Langxian world.

Just a piece of fairy stone can stay in the ticker for a day, and free tea is provided.

Therefore, the ordinary fairy wants to relax and goes to the tick bar.

What surprised Song Yong the most was that there was also a Qinglou in the fairyland.

However, according to the information he has learned, all the green houses in the fairyland are controlled by a super force called Tianjiao Palace. Each of the women they cultivate is proficient in fangshu. You are guaranteed to try it once and want to come again. There are fairy stones.

What surprised Song Ye even more was that there were still ** s in the blue building, and these ** waiters were very effective, so there were many fairies patronizing the building.

After all, the life of the fairy is too long. No matter how deep the relationship is, it will fade out after getting along for a long time.

Therefore, there are quite a few divorces in the fairyland.

Of course, there is no such thing as a divorce in the fairyland. As long as you don't want to make up with each other, you can discuss them separately, and then find another one for you, or stay single.

Of course, this is aimed at ordinary immortals.

Those powerful immortals can still marry. There is also a clothing store in Fairyland. The clothes inside are not only beautiful in style, but also have a certain defensive effect.

I was with the girls for two full hours, because Song Ye had no shortage of immortals, so every girl bought a lot of clothes and some gadgets.

"He's that Song Yan?"

On the street, looking at Song Yan who had swaggered the girls across the city, a Tsing Yi woman talked disdainfully.

"Yeah, that's him!"

The other Tsing Yi woman nodded.

"Soon after coming to the fairy realm, there are so many Ji Xun, at first glance, those who are inexorable!" The Tsing Yi woman continued: "If he is such a lascivious person, we will become a scourge!

"But it gave us an order, let's go and contact him first!" Said another woman in Tsing Yi.

"I really don't know what to think above. I actually want to absorb this kind of people!" The Tsing Yi woman was dissatisfied, and her perception of Song Yong was getting worse.

the other side.

Song Yan smiled and said, "After so long shopping, let's find a restaurant to eat something!"

Although reaching the level of Jinxian, even if you have n’t eaten for thousands of years, it ’s okay, but Song Yi thinks that in order to cultivate, even the pleasure of enjoying food is abandoned, what kind of immortal is that?


The girls agreed with Song Yan's proposal.

"Master, please, the little one has arranged the best box for you!"

As soon as he stepped into the restaurant, the shopkeeper greeted him personally, with respectful words.

Song Kun is now the owner of Baidi City. There are too many people who want to please him. Before he planned to go to the restaurant for dinner, the guards who followed the city quietly arranged it in advance.

"Okay!" Song Zheng nodded, motioning to let the shopkeeper arrange.

Just at the restaurant's shopkeeper, Song Jun and others were personally caused to the restaurant. Two Tsing Yi women also wanted to enter the restaurant, but they were stopped: "Sorry for two girls. There is an adult dining here, it is not convenient for you!"

"Hum, let's go!"

The woman in Tsing Yi turned around and left, but in her heart she became increasingly dissatisfied with Song Ye, and even wanted to report to him and let them give up the person.

Seeing this, another Tsing Yi woman quickly followed.

"Sister Qingqing, do we still follow?"

After walking a distance, another Tsing Yi woman whispered.

Ji Qingqing whispered coldly: "What else to follow, anyway, he will not run away if he lives in the city's main government house!" Liu Pingping said: "But let us contact him first, if we leave here, in case he is in the city again What can we do if the government does not come out? "

"Go back and say, I'm not comfortable seeing this guy!"


Seeing this, Liu Pingping sighed helplessly and had to catch up.

After an hour, Song Ye and the girls walked out of the restaurant with satisfaction. I have to say that the restaurant's chef is very good. In addition, the ingredients are precious fairy beasts and birds, as well as all kinds of fairy materials. The taste of the dishes is excellent, even better than that of Song Yan who has the skill of cooking.

Everyone is very full. If you go back to this place, it will inevitably be a bit disappointing. Therefore, Song Yan suggested to go to the checkout bar.

As for Dou Gong, Song Ye did not know how many battles he had experienced in his short life, and even there were no battles between life and death. How could he be interested in those battles.

Each person paid a piece of fairy stone and entered the tick box.

Although the ticker bar is a place where ordinary immortals come to have fun, it is not the messy name imagined.

After entering the door, there will be guy guidance, if you want to hear the book, go to the left side, if you want to listen to music and song and dance performances, go to the right.

Soon, Song Ye and his party came to a theater-like venue.

There are thousands of seats in it, and on the front stage there is an old man with a fairy-tale bones spitting and telling a story.

After listening to Song Yan, the protagonist of this story is called Feng Taiyue.


After half an hour, the storyteller picked up the gavel and patted it on the table, and said loudly, "For the future, please listen to it next time!"

Everyone was hearing the plot where Feng Taiyue and Huaxianzi met. Suddenly they stopped talking, and could not help but regret it.

Song Yan feels a little funny. The experience of Feng Taiyue is very similar to the protagonists of the online novels on Aqua Blue Star. They are from a downcast family, known as waste, then suddenly rise, and then kill the Quartet, and then Meet all kinds of fairies.

Immediately after the storyteller finished speaking, he changed to another storyteller and continued to tell another story.

After listening to several stories in succession, Song Kun was boring. After all, after being baptized with various brain holes on the blue star, these storytellers were all too old-fashioned to hear him lethargic. Even the girls were bored, so Song Yan proposed to go to a song and dance performance.

The girls readily agreed.

[Author off topic]: One more

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