Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1754: Do you want to collect my tax

Jiuxiang is not afraid of the alleys, but Song Yong is not willing to slowly open the situation, so he has adopted the simplest and most direct marketing model on the Blue Star-sending out flyers.

Millions of leaflets were produced and thousands of celebrities were hired to distribute leaflets.

Luluo City is located in a remote area, with a total population of just over 1.7 million people. Therefore, the sensation caused by the release of one million leaflets can be imagined. Therefore, almost everyone in Luluo City knows Song The presence of Shidan pharmacy.

That day.

Song Xun sold and exchanged 158,000 superb elixir.

On the second day, sales and exchanges skyrocketed, reaching 360,000.

On the third day, it reached 800,000.

On the fourth day, it reached 1.09 million.

On the fifth day, both sales and exchange volume declined, totaling only 1.03 million.

Mainly, the market of Luluo City is only so large.

In the next few days, sales and exchanges continued to decline, eventually remaining around 900,000.

At the same time, there are savvy immortals who buy Song Xi's best Xianyuan Dan in large quantities and then transport them to other cities for sale.

Anyway, after opening the temple for a thousand times, it took only a few hours for Song Yong to refining millions of superb elixir, so instead of prohibiting such behavior, he took the initiative to reduce the price. More than 10,000 pieces, he only received one hundred cents.

This greatly stimulated those unlucky ones. Several resellers gathered together to buy 100,000 superb elixir, and then sold them to another city.

As it is said that there is no ventilated wall in the world, after a large number of the best Xianyuandan flows into the surrounding cities, some people began to find the source, and then found Song Ye here.

And voluntarily requested to buy the best Xianyuandan from Song Ye.

Anyway, Song Ye has a lot of the best Xianyuandan in his hands, and the visitors don't refuse.

In one day, 5 million Need Xianyuan Dan was sold to big buyers from surrounding cities.

And he started selling them the best elixir.

I heard that he still has the best immortal essence here. Those big buyers are very enthusiastic. After Song Yong actively lowered the price to 2,800 immortal stones, they couldn't resist the temptation of this price.

As a result, Song Yong sold another half a million fine elixir.

In the blink of an eye, in the past month, this month, Song Yan was madly raking in gold and earning more than 6 billion immortal stones.

The reserves of Needed Celestial Dan and Needed Celestial Dan not only did not decrease, but increased a lot.

Profiteering makes people jealous.

No, his store just opened in January, and the owner of the city's tax office broke into his store aggressively, ordering him to pay 30% of his income to pay taxes.

The leading tax officer was an early immortal, and he was very proud, and he did not pay attention to the late emperor of Song Di.


But Song Yong's response was a slap, and the tax officer was directly out of the shop.

Seeing this scene, not only the staff of the tax officials were surprised, but even those customers who bought the elixir were stunned.

"Asshole! You dare hit me! It's dead!"

When the furious tax official stood up, he roared loudly at Song Yong.


Song Yiyao took a shot, the tax officer flew out again.


"Dare to beat the tax officer of the main city!"

"Although the treasurer is a master of the late Dixian, the master of the city is Jinxian, and there are more than ten deities in his late Dixian!"

Seeing this scene, many guests retreated while discussing, because they all knew that it wouldn't be long before a master of the city's main government came to suppress the shopkeeper.

Sure enough, the tax official was embarrassed to leave less than a quarter of an hour.

Two Dixian arrived with a group of Dixian guards in the city's main government in the late period.

"Take it down!"

The two guard chiefs in the later period of Dixian did not intend to do anything, but ordered their men to do it.

More than ten Dixian guards rushed into the shop.


Song Kun raised his hand to shoot continuously.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

All the immortal guards just approaching the shop door were shot by him.

"So strong!"

Seeing this scene, those who were quietly hiding in the surroundings watched the air secretly. Among the guards, there was no shortage of mid-term immortals, but they were shot without any resistance.

Seeing this scene, both Dixian were shocked in the later period, and they couldn't ask themselves to hit more than ten Dixian guards in an instant.

"Go together!"


The two sacrifice their immortals and turn them into a shadow and kill Song Song.


Song Yan spit out a word gently, then raised his hand, and the two Dixian leaders just rushed out were also photographed. "Isn't this treasurer the master of gold fairy?"

Seeing this scene, countless people were stunned.

At this moment, Song Xuan grabbed the detective in the void, and then a figure fell out of the void.

When the guards of the city's main government saw the appearance of the figure, they couldn't help shaking, and saluted one after another: "See Lord City Lord!"

"What, he is the owner of the city?"

"The city owner was captured by the treasurer out of thin air!"

"How is it possible that the master of the city is a master of Jinxian, how could he be caught by the treasurer out of thin air? Did all the guards admit it?"

Bei Mingying, the host of the city, changed his face sharply, and then bent towards Song Yan: "I don't know if the adult called me, what do you tell me?"

"Your men are going to take 30% of my income, do you know?"

Song Yan smiled and asked.

Suddenly, Bei Mingying knew the reason, but the other side's ability to capture him from the main city of the city showed that the strength of the other side was far beyond him. Therefore, he could only confess: "This ... for tax, I never ask myself! "

"Then if you ask, how much do you plan to collect?"

Song Yan asked again.

Bei Mingying became more and more aggrieved, and said something inconsistent with her heart: "Adults come to my territory to open a store that deserves me, how can I collect adult taxes!"

"What if you don't collect taxes, I'm the kind of unruly person. In this way, you can take this piece of fairy stone and treat me as if I charge you taxes!"

While talking, Song Yan threw a fairy stone to Bei Mingying.

Suddenly, the other person's face became flushed, giving an immortal stone more than he did not, it was simply a humiliation to him, but who made the other person too strong, humiliating in his heart, he could only bear it!

"The tax is also collected! Let your people go, don't disturb me in doing business!" Song Yong waved his hand impatiently.

Bei Mingying saluted again: "Sir, then I will say goodbye. If the adult is in trouble, please come to the city's main house to find me!"

Song Yan didn't speak, but just waved at him, urging him to get out of the way.

Not far away, a man and two women stood there, witnessing the whole process.

Ji Qingqing said: "Unexpectedly, I haven't seen it in months. His cultivation has been promoted so much!"

"Yeah! It's just evil!"

Nangong Mingxuan nodded deeply, "Let's go!"

[Author off topic]: Two more

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