Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1755: Use

"Why are you here?"

Looking at Ji Qingqing, Liu Pingping and Nangong Mingxuan, there was a hint of surprise on Song Yan's face: "Come in and sit down!"

After the two sides were seated, Song Ye sent tea.

I took the tea and drank, and glanced at the three of them, and found that each of them had a minor injury.

"What happened to your injuries?"


Nangong Mingxuan sighed softly: "Di Kuitang is gone!"


After hearing the words, Song Xuan's eyes could not help flashing a hint of surprise: "Your Dikuitang should have Xuanxian sit in town, how can you say that there will be no more!"

Ji Qingqing's eyes flashed a thick pain: "We got the trick of the Ling family, and they found out where our hallway was. In the end, the old ghost also sacrificed to save us!"

"Then how did you find me?" Song Yan asked again.

Nangong Ming said: "After the entrance of the hall was destroyed, we went all the way north and decided to go to Dishatang. As a result, we heard from the giant baby city that someone at Luluo City was selling and exchanging the best fairy yuandan at a low price, so we came Luluo City, I never thought it was you! "

Song Zheng nodded: "What are you going to do in the future?"

"We don't know, go to Dishatang, wait for it to stabilize, and then make another plan!"

Nangong Mingxuan sighed.

The mood of the three of them was very low, and Di Kuitang was destroyed by the Ling family, which dealt a heavy blow to them.

"Don't you ever think about rebuilding Di Kuitang?" Song Zheng said again.

Nangong Mingzhu looked at Song Kui in amazement and thoughtfully said, "We thought about it, but there must be someone from the Spirit House over Di Kuitang to watch, so it is impossible for us to be there. Regional reconstruction of Kui Kui Tong. In other places, we have no foundation. Moreover, we still lack immortal elixir, so we are attentive! "

"I can help you!" Song Yi said.

Hearing the words, Ji Qingqing blurted out: "You are so kind?"

"Ha ha!"

Song Kun smiled, and didn't bother to care about the other party. The girl's head was lacking in strings, but Ji Qingqing regretted it after all. After all, Song Kun also helped them and sold them a lot of elixir at low prices.

However, Mingong Nangong's eyes lightened: "If Song Gongzi can help us naturally, it is wonderful, but I don't know what conditions Song Gongzi has?"

"Let her be my aunt, I'll help you!"

Song Yan pointed at Ji Qingqing Road.

At first Song Ji thought Ji Qingqing would be furious, but the other party hesitated a little and said, "As long as you help us rebuild Di Kuitang, what if I am your aunt!"

For a while, Song Ye couldn't get off the stage, so he had to say, "Just a joke, don't get me wrong! In fact, I help you just because everyone is an ascendant, and there is no other requirement. Right, you re How much immortal stone and elixir do you need to form Di Kuitang? "

Nangong Mingxuan estimated in his heart: "At least 10 million immortals and tens of thousands of elixir!"

Song Yan asked again, "What are you going to do after you rebuild Di Kuitang?"

"This is also asking, naturally it is to contact more Ascension Fairies to join us!" Ji Qingqing said with a lip.

"Then have you thought about how to earn Xianshi?"

Song Yan asked again.

"This one?"

For a time, Nangong Mingji and Ji Qingqing's faces all showed confusion.

"What did you use to maintain the ground?"

Song Kun continued to ask.

"Every ascendant who joins us will hand in a batch of immortal stones every year!" Said Nangong Ming.

"Did you do this at every entrance?" Song Yan looked at them in surprise.

"It's almost the same!"

"No wonder!" Song Zheng stroked his head: "No wonder you are getting weaker and weaker over the years!"

"What do you mean?" Ji Qingqing was very dissatisfied when he heard Song Xuan's derogation to the League of Legends: "Our League of Leagues is so hard pressed by the local fairy group that it can be sustained!"

Song Yan said with a lip: "It's just that the world is full of benefits. Joining your Holy Alliance will not be good, but you will also hand in your own fairy stone. You said that such a rule will make it easier for everyone. Do you die? "

"But our goal is to overthrow the native immortal and restore the glory of the rising fairy!" Ji Qingqing was not convinced.

Song Yan sneered: "Not everyone can see that far, and you are crying to restore the glory of the rising fairy, but after so many years, your Holy Alliance is getting more and more miserable. If you go on like this, only the destroyed Maybe, it is impossible to restore the glory of the ascension of the fairy! "

"I don't know what is the opinion of Song Gongzi?" After listening to Song Yan's words, Mingong Nangong seemed to understand.

Song Yun thought for a while: "First of all, you have to let the people who join you understand that with your Holy Alliance, there are wine and meat to eat and more fairy stones. Secondly, you have to let them know that mixing with you is very promising. In the future, you will earn more immortal stones. Finally, you told them that your goal is to restore the glory of the immortal ascension and become the master of the Langxian immortal world! "

"But we have no source of income at all!" Ji Qingqing said.

"Don't know how to find income without income?" Song Yan said angrily.

"Please ask Song Gongzi for pointers!" Nangong Mingxuan stood up and worshipped Song Song.

"No more, send Buddha to the west, I have a way here, you can make a lot of fairy stones!" Song Kun said.

Hearing the words, the three raised their ears.

Song Yuan said: "I can wholesale the best xianyuandan to you for ninety cents, and then you send someone to sell! As for how many cents are sold, it depends on you!"

"One of the ninety fairy stones!"

At the price, the three of them throbbed for a while, and even if they sold only one hundred and fifty cents, they could earn sixty yuan each.

Song Yue continued to flicker: "And I can teach you a way. Instead of selling elixir by yourself, go to each city and contact the elixir dealers in those cities directly.

Then you sell them the elixir in your hands, and the demand for the best xianyuandan is huge, and there are countless cities in fairyland. If you can become one hundred cities, or two hundred cities, Drug providers, think about it, how many cents will you earn? "

Hearing here, the trio's eyes glowed with brilliance and stars, and they seemed to see a lot of immortals beckoning to them.

Of course, the three people couldn't refuse such tempting suggestions.

They agreed on the spot, and Song Ye was not stingy, he directly assigned them a million yuan of elixir, and after they sold all these elixir, he gave him xianshi or equivalent.

After receiving the elixir, the three wanted to set out on the spot, and Song Zheng persuaded them to take care of their injuries before leaving, but they could not wait any longer.

After sending these three away, Song Yan's mouth could not help showing a hint of playful smile.

"These three big fools have been fooled without knowing it!"

Although he also meant to help them, but it was more out of selfishness. It was too slow and wasted energy for him to open up the market of the best Xianyuandan.

Therefore, he can completely leave the market development to these three people, and after they set up Di Kuitang, more people will run the market for him.

Although the elixir he wholesales to them is only ninety cents, but when the market is large and tens of millions of elixir will be shipped every day, he will only earn more.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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