Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1832: Kill one of me and a thousand of me

Yanhuang City, the main city.

Song Kun and a group of senior men under his command were gathered together.

Qin Xiaoyu, the head of the House of Internal Affairs, said, "My son, as you expected, the other party didn't bother to give us any explanation."

"In that case, let's send troops!"

Song Yan's eyes narrowed for a moment, with a cold flash of light in between.

Some people have to ask, why are those forces not afraid of Song Kun, and why did he summon a god-man?

First of all, due to the restrictions of the heavenly world, it is impossible for a god-man to stay in the fairy world for a long time. Secondly, they believe that Song Qi's ability to summon the god-man can only be performed once. Wonderland, why go to the wild wasteland toss?

It was they who determined that Song Yan could not make a second call to the god-man, and those forces would be so fearless.

At the next moment, Song Zheng stood up from his seat, and said in a long voice: "The First Army, the Second Army, the Third Army, the Fourth Army were all dispatched, the Golden Eagle Army was dispatched 300,000, and the remaining six Army Corps and 20 Ten thousand golden eagles and ten thousand Xuanjia army guard the Yanhuang Realm! "

A few days ago, Song Yong renamed the wild wasteland Yan Yanyu because he felt the wild wasteland was too bad.


As the four major legionaries, Jun Jiutian, Huang Zhi, Xue Yangzi, and Fang Tianyue stood up and responded.

After a hundred years of development, the soldiers in the four major legions have reached the late stage of the immortal period. The thousand captains are all served by Jinxian, the ten thousand captains are served by the late Jinxian, and the vice generals are served by the early Xuanxian.

As soon as the 4 million army moved too loudly, it could not be concealed at all. In addition, with the growth of Song Yong's power, those people have planted their staff in major cities.

Therefore, when the army moved, all the major forces received the news.

"Is that kid really here?"

After getting this news, those big powers felt a little incredible. Although he aimed only at the Purple Dragon Fairy, behind the Purple Dragon Fairy were the other seven Great Fairies.

In just one hour, the four million army was teleported out of Yanhuang Realm, and then quickly approached the Purple Dragon Realm.

Feng Deqiu is the deputy gatekeeper of Wuliangzong, a super-major gate of Shenyuxian Realm.

A hundred years ago.

The eight major families of the Purple Dragon Fairy were destroyed. Zongmen sent him to lead a group of masters of Zongmen to seize the land. In the end, he relied on his mighty strength to win 5% of the area of ​​the Purple Dragon Fairy. Rich land.

After winning this area, Wuliangzong has been sending him to guard it.

Because of his character, in Wuliang Sect, he has been unable to compete with the other two deputy masters who are proficient in calculations, and has been suppressed by the other two. Therefore, when he came to Zilongyu as a native emperor, he was also happy.

In the past 100 years, he has enjoyed an endlessly beautiful fairy, and even more people rush to flatter him, but that small day, where have you been to the infinite amount of happiness?

It also made him reluctant to think of Shu, and did not want to return to Wuliangzong at all.

This day.

Feng Deqiu embraced from left to right and enjoyed the beauty of beauty, but some of his men came to report.

"My lord, that Song Xiao little thief sent an army of four million land immortals to attack the Purple Dragon Realm!"


Qiufeng was surprised when he heard the words, but immediately he waved his hands disapprovingly and said with disdain: "The army of four million celestial beings has a fart. One deity can wipe out tens of thousands, four hundred. How many palms can the armies stand? "

"Vice Vice Lord Feng is really domineering! Unfortunately, you can't even send a palm!"

A sudden noise sounded.

Then the void opened, and a young man like a jade stepped out of the void and landed in the courtyard.

"Song Ye is a thief!"

Feng Deqiu pushed away the two beautiful fairies around him, and then laughed, "Little thief, how dare you run to this deity to die!"

Song Yan smiled and shook his head with a smile: "No, the Deputy Sovereign Feng should not misunderstand. I am not here to die. If the Deputy Sovereign is willing to surrender, I can spare you!

"Don't talk too much! Suffer!"

With a light drink, Feng Deqiu raised his hand and punched Song Song away.


The seemingly ordinary punch contains the power of heavenly power. Instantly, all the surrounding void is frozen.


The next moment, Feng Deqiu's fist successfully hit Song Kun, his body burst apart and turned into a mist of blood.

"Died so easily?"

Feng Songqiu was surprised when he saw Song Ye who had exploded into a mist of blood, because it was so easy.

At this moment, a sadistic voice sounded: "Feng Fengzong seems to be playing too much with fairies, and you are playing imaginary, you won't even hit anyone. I'm here, how do you In that direction? "

Feng Deqiu turned his head back suddenly, horrified to find that Song Yan was standing in the other direction intact.

"How can it be!"

He exclaimed, but he locked him with immortality just now. How did the other side escape his immortality?

Unbelief Feng Deqiu bombed again.

The punches were so powerful that he once again killed Song Yi into a blood mist.

But soon, two voices sounded at the same time: "Vice Deputy Sovereign, can you see if you can shoot?"

Feng Deqiu looked around and found that there was a Song Kun standing on the left and right sides, and despite his immortal knowledge, they found that the two were actually true.

Annoyed by heart, he kept silent and banged two punches directly to blast two Song Kuns.

"Are you dazzled by Vice Lord Feng? I'm here!"

"Hit this way!"

"Vice Sovereign, it seems you're out of business!"

"Ha ha, missed again."

The four sarcastic voices sounded one after another, but they came from four Song dynasties. Yes, Song dynasty became four Song dynasties, and Feng Deqiu's fairy consciousness couldn't even tell which was true and which three were false. .

"Ah! All die for the deity!"

Feng Deqiu snarled and shot four Song dynasties, but the next moment, eight Song dynasties appeared around his body.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Feng Deqiu was going crazy, and behind him a **** mountain emerged. This was his ancestral avenue. He shot it out violently, killing eight Song dynasties in just one thousandth of a second.

But the next moment, sixteen appeared.

He kills again.

Song Kun became thirty-two.

Then, the harder he killed, the more Song Yan appeared.

In the end, Song Ye was everywhere in the sky and in all directions.

"Why not kill? Go on!"

Hundreds of Song Qi started talking.

"Ah! Give me death!"

Feng Deqiu broke out again, and he was madly killed. Hundreds of Song Kui were killed all at once, but immediately, Song Kui appeared again.

"Go ahead, don't stop!"

Song Yan urged that in the end, Feng Deqiusheng killed tens of thousands of Song Yan.

Feng Deqiu really gave up.

"Don't do it? Then I'm going to do it!"

Tens of thousands of Song Kun erupted at the same time, and then launched a crazy attack.

Feng Deqiu could not resist at all, and was directly drowned by the attack of tens of thousands of Songs.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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