Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1833: Princess of the Qin Dynasty

The void was slightly distorted, and tens of thousands of Song Kun suddenly disappeared. Even the dead Feng Deqiu stood there intact. However, at this moment, his expression was dull and his eyes were empty.

Just now, Song Xuan pulled Feng Deqiu into the spiritual world created by his magical magical power. He killed Feng Deqiu in it, which is equivalent to erasing his will. Now his physical body and soul They were all there, but they became an empty shell without thought.

Raise your hand and point out a finger.

A magical power broke into Feng Qiu's heart, and the other side was enslaved by him.

Unfortunately, the other party has no thoughts and can only be used as a tadpole.

Feng Deqiu went into the temple at will, and Song Xun stepped into the void and disappeared.

The other two ancestors of the suppression of the Zilong Realm are called Yuwenyu and Zuoqiu Qinglian. Yuwenyu is from the Yuwen Family of Tongtianxian Realm, but is the eldest brother of the contemporary owner.

Zuo Qiu Qinglian is from the Heavenly Fox Shengzong of the God Yuxian Realm, but is one of the elders of Heavenly Fox Shengzong.

These three people can be said to be the biggest obstacle for him to send troops to the Purple Dragon Realm. After all, if Zuxian thirteen is crazy, he can completely destroy a million legions by himself without breathing.

Therefore, they must be cut off in advance.

Feng Deqiu had no ambition, but Yu Wenji was extremely belligerent.

When Song Yan arrived at Yu Wenzhen, he found that he was fighting with more than ten ancestors. The weakest of the tens of ancestors was the sevenfold ancestor, and the strongest one reached twelve. weight.

But they joined forces, but they didn't want Yu Wenyu, but he had the upper hand.

On strength, Feng Deqiu is far worse than him.

"Mr. Yu Wen is really good!"

Song Xuan stepped out of the void and ignored the prohibition of the array law and stepped directly into the martial arts field.

The crowd stopped and watched Song Yong.

"It's you!"

After Yu Wenzhang had a good look at Song Zhe's features, he was surprised.

"Mr. Yuwen, I came to persuade you to surrender. What do you think?" Song Yan said with a smile.

Yu Wenji said disapprovingly: "You little thief is interesting, but unfortunately, you persuaded the wrong object!"

"Since Mr. Yu Wen is unwilling to surrender, I can only offend!"

Between the words, Song Yan had an excalibur in his hands.

This Yu Wenzheng has the strength to catch up with the ancestors of the fourteenth, and he is afraid to take care of himself.

"Good sword! It's a pity, it's a pity!" During the speech, Yu Wenji waved the double sword in his hand and chopped it towards Song Yu.

Song Yan fought against his sword.


The void oscillated, with dozens of violent collisions, and both sides flew out at the same time.

Yu Wenzhen looked at Song Yan deeply, his face became extra dignified: "Hundred years ago, you were just a mysterious fairy, but after a hundred years, you reached the tenth ancestor of the ancestors. This speed of cultivation is afraid of all the forces It ’s hard for top geniuses to get you. Since you have such a good talent, why not practice hard and become a god, but you want to jump out and engage in wind and rain? "

Speaking of this, there was a pity of regret in Yu Wenyu's eyes, but immediately his eyes were replaced by murder: "If you have a peerless genius that is not destroyed in time, you will definitely break the immortal situation in the future. Kill you! "

"Mr. Yuwen is confident!"

Song Yan smiled, holding a sword to the sky!

"Come again!"

With a sip, Yu Wenji suddenly emerged behind Zuxian Avenue, whose avenue was a giant sword crossed with two handles.


Powerful and invincible, Yu Wenzhang took the might of the Avenue to kill Song Zong again.

Compared with before, now Yuwen is ten times more stubborn than the Zuxian fourteen.

"Haha! Good job!"

Song Kun laughed. In addition to his cultivation, he has also entered the temple many times to learn the "Breaking Sky Sword" and "Opening the Axe".

After six soul transformations, his talents are terrible and powerful. Both "Breaking Sky Sword" and "Opening Axe" have been realized by him, but they are not strong enough to give out their true power.

Even so, it was enough for him to kill the enemy.

In the face of Yu Wenxuan, Song Xuanshi exhibited a heavenly sword.

Swords are like gods.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two continued to confront each other in the void. After several times, the formation and restraint that shrouded the martial arts shattered, and the dozen or so ancestors were also forced back by the momentum of the two.

Fifty strokes, the two figures appeared in the void.

Song Yan was safe and sound, but Yu Wenzhen had a bloodstain on his brows.

"You ... well!"

Speaking to Song Yun, Yu Wenzhen's body suddenly collapsed like a mirror, completely dissipating in this world. In the competition just now, he burned his own fairy soul. Even so, he was no match. The power of the Sword of the Divine Sword and the Heavenly Sword, the power of the soul and the power of the flesh consumed up all together, dying with no residue. Seeing this scene, the dozen or so ancestors were all demented.

Immediately fled towards the Quartet.

"Leave it all!"

Song Xun spoke a word gently. Then, the dozen or so ancestors who fled were all in place, and Song Xuan stepped forward and punched a magical power into them.

After six metamorphosis, his soul is terribly powerful, even if Zuxian is fifteenth and difficult to reach, it is not easy to enslave them.

Throwing these enslaved ancestors into the temple, Song Yan went straight to Zuo Qiu Qinglian.

"Well, nobody?"

When Song Yan arrived at Zuoqiu Qinglian, he found that the other party was not there.

So he captured a ancestor and asked him, and found that Zuo Qiu Qinglian left a quarter of an hour ago.

A quarter of an hour ago, it was the time Song Song went to deal with Feng Deqiu.

It is said that Tianhu Shengzong is proficient in natural magic and has the power of an unknown prophet. Does this Zuo Qiu Qinglian figure out that I want to deal with him, so he ran ahead of time?

Divine magic?

Song Xun could not help thinking of the old man with the magic machine.

Is there a connection between the two?

On a small mountain peak in the Purple Dragon Fairy, a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi fell to the ground and said to a beautiful woman with his back to his back: "Subordinate Zuo Qiu Qinglian see Her Royal Highness!"

Standing next to the beautiful woman was an old man with a broken face. If Song Ye was here, he would surely recognize that this old man was the magical machine he had just thought of.

"Get up!"

A cold voice came, Zuo Qiu Qinglian stood up, but he still didn't straighten his body and kept enough respect for the princess in his mouth.

The next moment, the woman turned around and revealed the appearance is Murong Hongdou, but compared with Xianxia World, her expression was extremely cold. She stared coldly at Zuo Qiu Qinglian: "This palace wants to rebuild the Great Qin Fairy, Zuo Qiu Qinglian , Are you willing to return to your Majesty the Great Qin Dynasty? "


Zuo Qiu Qinglian smiled bitterly: "The Great Qin Dynasty has been extinct for two million years. It is easier to rebuild!"

"What? Are you reluctant to return to the Great Qin Dynasty?"

Murong's red bean eyes were a little colder.

Zuo Qiu Qinglian sighed: "Princess, it is not the subordinates who do not want it, but it is simply impossible. Those who are sleeping are too strong, and we have no possibility of rebuilding the fairyland!"

[Author off topic]: The third update is complete, thanks [vfdn] [mosquito is a big ugly force] Two big rewards

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