Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1871: challenge

All night.

In the early morning of the next day, I simply closed it and escorted the team again.

Towards evening, a canyon appeared ahead.

Talon suddenly said: "Crossing this valley, we camped on the other side, and, when crossing the canyon, be vigilant and not be attacked by a beast!"


Everyone was in harmony.

This canyon is very long, at least more than a hundred kilometers, and it takes at least a quarter of an hour to pass through the footsteps of the gods.

There are wet rock walls on both sides of the canyon, and there is a barren forest above the canyon. When walking in the canyon, you can hear the roar of ferocious beasts from the barren forest overhead.

For a moment, everyone was vigilant, and even the superior **** Talon was no exception.

Just as he passed through half of the canyon, Talon suddenly raised his hand and made a listening Zhuang, for a moment, everyone's heart was tight.


Suddenly, Talon shouted ugly.

Suddenly, more than two hundred gods quickly moved, forming a simple battle line.

Xia Yang Gaiyu and his servant were surrounded by the crowd in the middle of the battlefield.


Just then, a harsh voice came. As soon as he heard this voice, the golden goddess Obine changed color first: "Not good, it's the Devourer!"

The Sky Devouring Rat is a group of fierce beasts, and their individual strength is not strong. The ordinary Sky Devouring Rats only have the early strength of the lower gods. The powerful magic rat will reach the middle of the lower gods, and the rat king will be worthy Inferior god.

However, once the Devouring Rat is dispatched, it is often no less than a thousand.

After Obine shouted the words of the Sky Devourer, other gods and men who knew what the Sky Devourer were also changed color, but Song Kun looked calmer. This was not that he did not know what the Sky Devourer was.

It is that he is confident enough in his strength.

Sure enough, with less than ten breaths, there were two groups of gray mice the size of a calf below the canyon to the crowd, and the number on both sides reached more than a thousand.


Talon drank softly, then shouted, "Everyone follow me!"

It's the best time to break out before the rats on both sides have formed a enclosure.

Hearing Talon's applause, more than two hundred men kept fighting and rushed forward.

"Song Ye, are you afraid?"

Xiao Yuer asked softly.

"What is there to fear!" Song Yan chuckled.

While talking, Talon was less than ten meters away from the rats in front. At this time, he had a long black knife in his hand.


A black blade of light radiated from his long sword, forming a blade of more than ten feet.


Dao Mang was bombarded and killed in the rat group, and a channel was cut directly in the rat group. At least hundreds of Sky Devouring Rats were killed under his knife.

"The Lord God is really amazing!"

Song Yan secretly said.

"Boom boom!"

Talon kept waving his sword, and every time he went down, nearly a hundred Sky Devouring Rats were killed. In a moment, most of the Sky Devouring Rats in front of him were cleared away, and then he regressed and moved towards the one that was about to catch up The swarm of slayers cut out with a sword.

Counting down the sword, hundreds of Sky Devouring Rats were beheaded, and at the same time, his mouth is still urging everyone to go, because the **** smell has a fatal attraction to the beast. There will be a lot of fierce beasts in the forest.

Thousands of Devouring Rats in front have been killed by Talon for seven or eight hundred, so the remaining ones cannot cause damage to the **** group at all.

While they were moving forward quickly, they waved their weapons and killed the Sky Devourer that had been slain.

After speeding up, the crowd quickly passed through the entire canyon, and then there were mad beasts roaring behind them. Obviously, a large number of fierce beasts in the barren forest on both sides of the canyon were attracted.

For a while, everyone was fortunate. Fortunately, they ran out ahead of time. Otherwise, they were trapped by the ferocious beast. It is estimated that many people have to explain there.

Song Zheng nodded secretly.

This is the advantage of master escort. If this situation is changed to a private hunting team, the whole army is likely to be overwhelmed.

Because unknown beasts exist in the canyon, it is no longer safe to camp near the canyon. Therefore, Talon led everyone to travel hundreds of kilometers before camping on a plain.

When encamped, a one-star demon mentioned the corpse of the Sky Devourer, and expressed regret that one Sky Devourer was worth at least ten **** crystals, and nearly two thousand corpses of the Sky Devourer were thrown into the canyon.

"Whether life is important or Shenjing is important!"

A two-star demon sneered: "Life is important or Shenjing is important!"

"This adult is right, I just talk casually!"

The one-star demon quickly revealed a way of courting.

When Talon took out the line and laid down the defensive line, all talents relaxed and began to rest or practice. Maybe it's a habit.

When Song Yan sat down with his knees crossed, Xiao Yuer automatically came to sit next to Song Yan and said, "Do you continue to tell me about fairyland?"

"it is good!"

Song Yan did not shirk, and continued to talk about the fairy world.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yang Gaiyu secretly gritted his teeth. On this way, he had already inquired about Song Yi's identity. A god-man who had just ascended to the realm of God recently had no background.

Why can such a guy get Xiao Yuer's favor, but he disdains the son of his grand Xia Yang family.

"You thought of a way for me, I'm going to pack the kid!"

Xia Yang Gaiyu spoke to the old man.

The old man thought a little and made a suggestion. Xia Yang Gaiyu could not help but brighten his eyes, then stood up and shouted to the crowd: "The long night is long, if it is too boring to pass through, I will play a challenge game with you Who can support three tricks on my old slave, Master Ben rewards him 50 **** crystals, if he can support ten tricks, reward one hundred, if he can defeat my master, master Ben rewards him five hundred God crystal! "

Hearing Xia Yang Gaiyu's shout, Talon raised a brow slightly, but immediately returned to normal.

Xia Yang Gaiyu's old slave was the late **** of the median.

It is not easy to support the three moves in his hands, but there are still many people who are tempted. After all, there are fifty gods rewarded after three moves, and this task is only eighty gods reward.

"I'll try!"

A one-star lower-level demon stepped out.

Soon, the two sides fought.

Unfortunately, the other party did not support the three moves, only to be hit by the old slave in the second move.

"Who is still here?"

Xia Yang Gai Yu asked with a smile.

Immediately, another one-star demon stepped out. This one-star demon was also the next lower god, but he was obviously stronger than the first one and just survived the three moves. Pass it to each other.

When the other gods and men met, many people's eyes glowed hot.

Then, many one-star gods and demons stood up to challenge, but those two-star gods and demons were unmoved.

Compared to the one-star demon, they have a lot of money on their hands.

In an instant, more than thirty people completed the challenge, and five of them received the reward of fifty gods.

Suddenly, Xia Yang Gaiyu turned his eyes and shouted to Song Yan: "Don't you try this **** and demon, but you are the middle god, isn't your courage better than the lower god?"

[Author off topic]: Two more

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