Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1872: You are a good person

As soon as this guy put forward this challenge game, Song Kun knew that he was not at ease, and he was not as expected, and now he showed a pony tail. So he stood up from the pan and smiled, "It ’s not my guts that I lack, but Master Xia Yang. Too small, too few rewards to give me a shot! "

Hear the words.

Xia Yang Gaiyu's eyes blinked for a moment, and there was a flash of cold light: "Too few, that's easy to do. If you can beat me, this old slave, Ben will reward you a thousand gods!"

Hearing a thousand **** crystals, even the two two-star gods and spirits were impressed.

But Song Yan shook his head: "It's still too little to be worth my shot!"

Xia Yang Gaiyu could not help but be a little angry, thinking Song Ye was afraid to challenge the old slave, and deliberately made excuses, so he sneered: "You might as well say the number!"

"How about ten thousand gods? If Master Xia Yang dares to promise, I will accept the challenge!"

Song Yan said with a smile.

Hearing that Song Kun actually opened his mouth so big, Xia Yang Gaiyu became more and more annoyed, and he laughed and said, "It's just you, it's worth ten thousand gods!"

Song Zheng replied: "It's better to change the game. If I lost to your old slave, I will pay you five thousand **** crystals, otherwise, how about you give me ten thousand?"

Xia Yang Gaiyu stared suspiciously at Song Yan: "How can you hold five thousand **** crystals just because of a **** man you just soared!"

"and many more!"

Song Zheng waved his hand to him, and then said to the other gods and demons: "Everyone, I give everyone a chance to make a **** crystal. Who would like to borrow some **** crystals for me, and wait for me to win the challenge, double pay!

Seeing this, Xia Yang Gaiyu could not help laughing at it loudly: "Haha, you can't take out five thousand **** crystals! A poor ghost dares to fill his head in front of me!"

Song Yang ignored him at all, and once again told everyone: "It's a rare opportunity. If I borrow a hundred **** crystals, I can get back two hundred **** crystals in a while. After this village, there is no such shop!"

But still no one moved.

Xia Yang Gaiyu sneered again: "It seems that everyone has no confidence in you!"

"Who said no, Song Ye, I have two thousand **** crystals here, you can use them first!" Xiao Yuer handed out a storage ring.

Song Yan smiled: "Ha ha, girl Yuer, rest assured, your two thousand **** crystals will soon become four thousand **** crystals"

Having said that, Song Yong shouted to the crowd again: "Are there anyone to invest in? Opportunities are rare!"

However, no one was still talking.

"Hey, everyone!" Song Yan shook his head: "The opportunity to make Shenjing is given to you, but you don't know to cherish it, Lord Talon, are you interested in investing in Shenjing?"

Talon stunned, then revealed a playful smile, and threw a storage ring to Song Yong: "Take it, I will also lend you two thousand Shenjing, but it will be two thousand when you win!"

"Thank you Lord Talon, but since Lord Talon supports me so much, I can't let the adults down!"

Speaking of which, Song Zheng took out all the **** crystals in the two stored **** rings, and took out one thousand **** crystals from his own stored **** ring to make up five thousand **** crystals, and then looked at Xia Yang Gai Yudao: "Master Xia Yang, five thousand **** crystals is enough. Would you like to bet against me?"

Xia Yang Gaiyu was a little surprised. It was not expected that Song Ye could make up the five thousand **** crystals. However, he was quite confident in the old slave. The other party was in the late period of the mid-god, and Song Yuan was only the middle stage.

So when he waved his hands randomly, there were a bunch of **** crystals in front of him, exactly ten thousand.

Song Yong smiled with satisfaction, looking at Xia Yang Gai Yudao: "Master Xia Yang, you are sure you do not regret it, don't feel bad when you lose ten thousand gods!"

"Huh! Ten thousand gods is a fart!" Xia Yang Gaiyu said angrily: "It's you, how can you pay back five thousand gods!"

"I won't lose!"

Song Yan said to himself, and then stepped forward, facing the old slave, "Old slave senior, do you shoot first?"

"Good arrogant boy, old slave to teach you!"

The old slave flashed coldness in his eyes, stepped out, and then punched hard, and the divine pattern slammed in the direction of Song Yong.

"Good job!"

Song Yan also strode forward, punching a punch.


The fists of the two banged together in the void, and then the old slave's body flew back a few steps to stabilize the body. At this moment, Song Xuan rushed up and shot several punches in succession.


The old slave greeted her with fists, but was blasted back.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of other gods and demon are all round, full of incredible and incredible.

A median **** in the early stage actually beat a median **** back and forth.


Seeing this scene, Talon looked a little more interested in Song Yan's eyes.

"Old slave defeated him for me, don't keep it!"

Xia Yang Gaiyu panicked and shouted angrily.

But the old slave had some hardships to say. Although the other party ’s divine power was not as good as his, but this guy ’s physical body was not so strong.

After being bombarded for a few more steps, the old slave finally took out his weapon, a red gun.


Assassination like lightning, with a sharp breath.

Seeing this, Song Yan also had a long sword in his hands.

Sword light is like electricity, flying out of spears.


The successive collisions made the old slave tiger's mouth numb.

"It's over!"

Suddenly, Song Yong gave a light drink and split a sword with all his strength. Suddenly, a crimson swordman burst out from the sword.

When he saw this, the old slave's eyes flashed with horror, because he felt the threat of death from this swordmang. For a moment, he tried to wave the spear in his hand, although it weakened a lot of sword energy, but he was finally defeated Boom.


The old slave's body slammed a hundred meters away and climbed from the ground, and could not help spitting blood.

"Waste! You are simply a waste. The late median **** has been defeated by the early median god!"

Seeing this scene, Xia Yang Gaiyu screamed with anger.

Song Yan smiled and walked forward to put away the ten thousand gods, and laughed: "Haha, Master Xia Yang, I am a smile for your pantheon, you are really a good person. At that time, they sent us so many **** crystals! "

Hearing that Xia Yang's face was so overcast that it seemed to be dripping water.

Song Zheng divided the ten thousand **** crystals into three, and then handed the storage **** ring containing the four thousand **** crystals to Xiao Yuer: "Girl Yuer, is this business a good deal?"

Xiao Yuer said with a smile: "It's a bargain, it's a bargain!"

"Then you should not thank Master Xia Yang, but he gave us the opportunity to earn a **** crystal!" Song Yan said again.

"Extremely speaking!"

Xiao Yu'er nodded in deep sympathy and thanked Xia Yang Gaiyu. The other person's face became very angry.

Immediately afterwards, Song Zheng handed another storage ring containing four thousand **** crystals to Talon, and said, "Thank you Talon, thank you for trusting me!"

"Good job, we haven't lost our demon face!"

Talon patted Song Yan's shoulder.

As for the other gods, their intestines are regretful. If they lent the **** crystal to Song Ye at that time, wouldn't they be able to double back.

[Author off topic]: Three more, thank you [more than one year after year] [Bao Yuyang] [small one one] [Sanye 5566] four reward.

There is one more, after the early morning, everyone can watch tomorrow

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