Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1936: Pangu axe

After a move to kill Jiang Ming.

Song Yue knew that he had underestimated his strength.

After taking away Jiang Ming's godhead and stored ring, he moved directly to Jiang Rong's place.

"Song Ye, we can talk!"

When he saw Song Kun, there was a taboo in Jiang Rong's eyes. He had been in the line for a day, and he had used various methods to break the line.

As for his own security, he is not worried. After all, Song Yan's formation is even more powerful, and he himself has only the lower level of the gods.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Song Yan asked.

Jiang Rongdao: "Jiang Huan and Tian Yao will definitely die this time. Once they die, the Tian family and the Jiang family will definitely not let you go. How did you get into Jiang's house? "


Song Yan asked again.

"I have no need to coax you!"

Song Yan smiled miserably: "But I killed Jiang Ming, can the Jiang family let me go?"


Jiang Rong exclaimed: "You are the only **** below, even if you have the help of the formation, you cannot kill him!"

"Will you try it?"

Song Yan suggested.

"Are you kidding me?"

Jiang Rong immediately came to his senses, his face gloomy.

"What do you say!"

"court death!"

When drinking lightly, a dark red spear appeared in Jiang Rong's hands.


I saw Jiang Rong step out step by step. Suddenly, there were dozens of Taoist figures around Song Yan, and it was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"Break me!"

The black excalibur appeared in Song Yan's hands, and then the sword light burst and waved out.


With a series of collisions, Song Kun actually blocked all Jiang Rong's attacks.

However, he did not entangle with Jiang Rong.

The black axe appeared in the hands.

"The Pangu axe is in the first style!"

There are six types of martial arts in "Pan Gu Axe", but none of them have a name. Kaitian is the name taken by Song Yi for the first type.

With an axe falling, heaven and earth seemed to be split, and chaos and light flowed.

Looking at the axe, Jiang Rong developed an inexplicable fear in his heart, thinking that he couldn't stop the axe at all.

But the fact is the same.


Blood splattered, Jiang Rong followed in the footsteps of Jiang Ming and was split in half by Pangu axe to bring people to the soul.

"Although this trick is great, the consumption is also a bit too large!"

Song Zheng put away Jiang Rong's godhead and storage ring, and he practiced in situ. Just urging the first form consumed 10% of his strength, and at the same time, even his soul power .

After taking a few drops of gray liquid, it didn't take long for Song Kun to return to his peak state.

As soon as his heart moved, he grabbed Jiang Ming's body and threw it out.

The upper god, who was outside the courtyard, was greatly surprised when he saw Jiang Ming's body.

The reason why he did not throw out Jiang Rong's body together was to create an illusion for the other party. Jiang Rong had not died so that the other party could send someone to rescue him.

Sure enough, the upper **** took away Jiang Ming's body and hurried away towards the fog forbidden area, it should be to move the soldiers!

Full flight.

The upper **** rushed out of the mist forbidden quarter.


Seeing Jiang Ming's body, all the upper gods felt unbelievable. This is a top upper god, and he died in the hands of a lower god.

"Jiang Rong is still in the line, we must get over as soon as possible, otherwise he is in danger!"

The upper **** reminded.

In the end, the upper heaven **** and four upper heaven gods quickly rushed back to Xuliang Mansion.

"Let's go!"


An upper **** suggested: "I think we should meet inside and outside, go in to three people to help Jiang Rong, and leave two to attack the formation outside!"

"it is good!"

So there are three upper gods directly into the battle.

"Good job!"

Song Yan flashed cold eyes in his eyes, and attacked them directly with the Pangu axe. With only a few breaths, he cut off the three upper gods.

The two upper gods staying outside are attacking in a frenzy.

He looked at them, his eyes narrowed.

Then waved the artifact axe and split at the same time.

Pangu axe second type of demon!

When this trick was launched, the heavens and the earth were black, and the two upper gods were horrified to find that they seemed to be caught in chaos, and their heads became unconscious. At this moment, they suddenly felt Unspeakable danger, subconsciously, they exerted their utmost efforts to break free from chaos.

But just then.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Two beeps, the two upper gods were split.

After performing this trick, Song Zheng felt weak for a while, because his strength was consumed by 80%, and the power of the soul was also consumed by about 10%.

Packing up their corpses, he quickly returned to the battlefield, and then took the gray liquid to step up his recovery and strength.

After a few hours.

Entrance to the forbidden area of ​​the mist.

A bit of doubt appeared on the upper part of the heavenly face of Tianjia and Jiangjia.

"Why don't they return?"

"Yeah, the six gods from the upper part of the world join forces, even if that Song Yan's formation is even more powerful, it should be broken!"

Some discussion.

They decided to send three people to investigate the situation.

After a quarter of an hour.

"right here!"

An upper celestial **** points to the array.

"Hey, three more deaths!"

Song Yan sneered, but his heart moved, but the tumbling unceasingly in the array, the array of masks kept expanding and shrinking, it seemed like it was about to collapse.

"It seems that they are still breaking in battle, go, let's go in and help them!"

The three flew directly into the battle.


For this group of upper gods, Song Yan directly killed without any action.

Suddenly, three more upper gods died under his axe.

In less than a day, ten upper gods died in his hands. He should be proud of this, but Song Kun was not satisfied. You must know that the total number of the upper gods exceeded one hundred.

Killing ten deities doesn't help.

"But the top ten gods died. People over there should be vigilant! I don't know if they will send someone over!"

Waited for three hours.

Sure enough, there was the arrival of the upper god, but this time there were ten people.

As a result, he once again created the illusion that the formation is about to collapse.

Seeing this scene, one of the upper heaven gods exclaimed: "I can't think of the clever means of Song Song's formation, so long, they haven't really broken the battle!"

"Yeah, or else, let's go in and help them!"


As a result, three more upper gods flew into the battle.

In this regard, Song Yan naturally would not be polite, beheaded them one by one.

At the same time, to make the formation look like it is about to really collapse, so there are two more upper gods flying in.


He waved the axe, and the chaos light flickered. The two upper gods who had just entered the battlefield had not yet found out the situation, so he was beheaded and killed.


After a while, I saw that the formation was still not broken.

The remaining five upper gods finally found the anomaly.

One of them said: "Send one person to the Misty Forbidden Land to inform them to send more people over here. We stay here to prevent the other party from escaping!"

[Author off topic]: Two more, thanks for the reward

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