Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1937: Five words floating in the sky

The situation was grim and beyond imagination.

An upper **** turned hurriedly and left the fog forbidden ground. The remaining four gods stayed in place, their faces were gloomy. They all gave birth to a doubt, and all the people who entered the battlefield were dead!

That's the fifteen upper gods.

Even if they guessed the result, they couldn't believe it.

Inside the matrix.

Seeing the departing upper god, Song Yan smiled strangely, stepped into a small array, the light flickered, disappeared directly, and reappeared, he was already outside the imaginary city.

His strength is not enough to arrange a long-range teleportation array, but he can still do it for dozens of miles. If he wants to arrange a long-range teleportation array, he needs to train the **** of space.

As soon as Song Ye appeared outside the city's teleportation array, he took a few breaths and saw an upper **** from the city.

Without hesitation, his shape rose to the sky.

"You are Song Yan? Why are you here!"

The upper heaven **** saw Song Ye, and he couldn't help but stun it, because Jiang Rong showed Song Ye's image before, so this upper **** knew it.

Immediately, the upper **** couldn't help but feel a joy in his heart, and a big handprint was struck between the detectives, and he grabbed Song Song.


Divine axe appeared in Song Yan's hands.

Pangu axe open the first style!

The chaos radiated, the rumbling fell, and the sound of slap, the opponent was directly split into two halves.

Detective grabbed.

Put the opponent's body into the storage ring, Song Yan fell into the teleportation array below.

At the next moment, four streams of light emerged from the city.

It is the four upper gods.

"No, Tian Xun has been killed!"

An upper heaven looks ugly.

"Who's the one who can kill him so quickly!"

The other **** named Shen Shen asked in a deep voice.

"It seems that the Song Yan little thief still has an ambush outside the city!"

"Damn, what shall we do next?"

"Let's go back to the Forbidden Land together!"

"What if he runs away?"

"You can't control so much. If we separate, we are likely to be divided and killed!"

Soon, the four upper gods disappeared here, turning into a stream of light towards the Forbidden Land of the Mist.


Song Yan sighed, teleported directly to the city array, quickly withdrew the array, and left Xuliangfu.

the other side.

The four people who heard the return talked about the situation, and the rest of the upper gods were discolored. While their hearts were angry, they were more afraid.

After consultation.

The eighteen upper gods went to Xuliang Mansion again.

When they came to the former courtyard, Song Yong hadn't known where he had gone.

This made them very dull.

After a search of the gods in the city, they could only return to the misty forbidden area when they did not find the trace of Song Yang.

The remaining upper gods discussed again.

Did not think of a way to deal with Song Yan.

"Look! There is a stele there!"

Suddenly, an upper **** shouted, pointing several kilometers away, and flew directly.

As he looked at the handwriting on the stone tablet, an axe light and snoring suddenly appeared in the void, and the upper **** was split into two halves. He reached out with one hand and pulled the two halves into the void to disappear. .


Someone rushed to drink and started a search of consciousness, where were the attackers.


An upper heaven **** suddenly smashed the stone monument, because it wrote a god's text on it: the upper god? Weak chicken, kill you like a dog slaughter-Song Yanliu!

So humiliated by a lower god, ask how these upper gods can stand it.

"Everyone chased after each other!"

As a result, the upper gods flocked in groups of three or five, and began to search for God Song in different directions.

But apart from finding a few of the stone tablets that Song Kun deliberately left behind, not even Song Mao's hair was found, and all of them were written insulting them.

For example, a stone tablet wrote: God in the upper part of shit, there is a kind of one-on-one with the little master-Song Yan.

Another example is another stone tablet: a group of timid guys who come to Xuliang Mansion alone, and the little one promises to kill you **** and piss-Song Yan.

The third stone tablet: Weak chickens, are you angry, are you angry? You better not to order, otherwise the young man sees one and kills another-Song Ye.

Facing the provocation and humiliation of Song Yan, the upper gods were so angry that even the grumpy ones were roaring. Unfortunately, they had no choice whatsoever to take the lower god.

"Is there any way to deal with Song Yan?"

After a quarter of an hour.

The remaining upper gods gathered together to discuss the countermeasures.

"I heard that Song Ye had relatives in Yushan House, so it's better to grab them to force him to show up!" Someone suggested.

"This thing is not right! He is only a lower god, if we do, I am afraid that the Tian family and the Jiang family will be reduced to a joke!" The other upper **** immediately objected.

Another suggested: "It's better that we send one person to be a bait, and the other person hides in the storage ring. As long as he dares to show up, everyone goes together to guarantee that he can be killed!"

"This is a good plan!"

"Just use this strategy!"

Everyone agreed.

Soon, an upper heaven **** put the twelve companions into the storage ring, and then he flew towards Xuanliangfu.


He traveled back and forth from Xuanliangfu several times, but Song Xun did not show up.

In desperation, they had to cancel this strategy.

In the end, one was discouraged and said, "Stop it! Don't bother him, our current task is to trap Jiang Huan and Tian Yao in the misty forbidden area!"

Just when they weren't planning to compete with Song Yong anymore, a huge white cloth suddenly floated in the sky, with red fonts written on it: silly birds afraid?

"Too deceiving! That little thief is too deceiving!"

The upper **** shouted angrily.

"Don't be impulsive, this is the opponent's radical method!"

Someone reminded.

But a quarter of an hour later, another piece of white cloth floated, with the same words on it: a group of shrinking turtles!

An upper **** couldn't bear it anymore, and he stood up to the sky, wielding his sword at the white cloth.

But just then, a giant axe flashed in the void.


The upper **** and the soul were split in half directly.


A group of upper gods rose into the sky and attacked the void insanely, but Song Yong fled for a long time, and they were just in vain.

After a quarter of an hour.

Another piece of white cloth floated and wrote: Grandchildren, are you afraid?

A group of upper gods rose into the sky again, madly attacking the void.

The void was broken and collapsed, but no figure of Song Yan was found. Apparently, Song Yuan did not come.

Over the next few hours, every quarter of an hour, a white cloth with the words written on it floated from the sky, but the upper gods were clever and just ignored them.

But just then.

A horrible breath came from within the Forbidden City of Mist, and then I saw a large number of looting clouds suddenly appearing over the Forbidden City of Mist. Even though far away, the breath radiating from the looming Cloud was even more amazing.

"No, it should be that some of the two traitors are crossing the river!"

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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