Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1956: Crow mouth

When the crowd appeared again, it was still on an altar, which was almost the same as the one in the abyss, but the altar was in a large canyon.

"Roar roar!"

A large number of dead spirits rushed towards the crowd on the altar.


A **** king gave a light drink, and all of these dead spirits were shattered, but more dead spirits were coming towards them immediately.

Although these undead are not strong, there are too many of them, which can be calculated in billions.

"Don't fight in love, follow me!"

The King Xueyang reminded him that he took the lead and flew out of the canyon. I did n’t know how many dead spirits were killed by them along the way. Unfortunately, these dead spirits did not have the wisdom. Even if they were killed as much as possible, they still went forward. Send to death.

Song Kun, who is in the middle of a **** king, does not need to take a shot, and seems relatively leisurely. He sensed that the power of the gods in this broken universe is quite thin, the power of the rules is also quite chaotic, and they all carry a kind of madness Factor, and the surrounding environment is also a dead silence, feeling no vitality.

In this case, ordinary gods and gods cannot cultivate at all.

And also need to guard against that violent and crazy factor into the body.

After half an hour.

The crowd finally flew out of the canyon, and then a broken building appeared in the sight of the crowd.

"Here is my temporary stop!"

Xueyang Shenwang led the crowd to the run-down building, and played a series of tricks. The run-up to protect the run-down building opened, and a group of people followed.

The formation method isolated the undead, and made everyone feel better.

Xueyang Shenwang waved a hand, a large map condensed by divine power appeared in the sky, he pointed to a certain place and said: "We are now in this place, wherever the map is shown in red, there are cities, each There are a large number of dead spirits in the city. When I came last time, I only explored one city. When I explored the second city, I encountered the siege of two god-level necropolises, and they worked for many years. I Only escaped, so let ’s discuss now, whether to investigate separately or to dispatch together! "

"Such a big place, let's act separately. That way the gains will be bigger!" Tu Yu suggested: "It happens that we have twelve people, so there are three **** kings in one group!"

Regarding the proposal of the **** king of Tu Yu, there is naturally no objection from the demon group. There is only three people on the side of Xueyang **** king, plus the silver wing **** king and the red moon **** king, and even the opposition is invalid.

As for Song Yong and Si Kongmingyue, they were naturally ignored, and no one would seek their advice.

Xueyang Shenwang replied: "Well then, let's talk about the direction of the search. Then every three months, everyone will come here to reconcile. If any group has an accident, we should rescue it in time!"

There is no objection to this proposal.

After half an hour.

Everyone flew out of the formation, then divided into four teams and flew in different directions.

Song Kun and his five people flew towards the East, and there was a city separated more than ten thousand miles away.

Because the rules here are chaotic, even the God King cannot use space to shuttle freely. Once the dimension is broken, he may be injured, and the universe is dead, and a lot of chaotic air flows into the outside world. Worried about life.

The flight speed is not faster.

After all, there are too many dead spirits. Fortunately, although there are many dead spirits, they are not powerful. They do not appear as a group of dead spirits in the upper part of the Nether Forbidden City. Swallowing each other makes the necromancy in that place so arrogant.

I have a full day.

Song Ye and his party successfully reached the city.

The area of ​​this city is no less than Yushan House, but more than 90% of the buildings in the city have collapsed. Looking at the past, there is a ruined wall, and at the same time, a lot of dead spirits are in the city.

"Everyone be careful, there should be god-level dead spirits in this city!"

Shen Yang Shen Wang said.


Another lady came out of the body of the King of the Red Moon and told Song Yi: "Brother, the city is too dangerous. You might as well stay with the girl Skong outside the city. I will send a **** to protect you!"

"No need!" Song Zheng waved his hand: "I can set up the formation, as long as a god-dead appears, I can't break my formation, as long as the god's clone does not need to be left!"

While talking, Song Yan began to form an array. Soon, a large protective array was formed.

The King of the Red Moon tested the defensive ability of this formation, and nodded in agreement: "Yes, this formation cannot be broken without the god!"

next moment.

The three entered the city cautiously, while Song Kun and Si Kongmingyue waited in the formation.

Time passed slowly.

It's been three hours, but Xueyang God King they haven't come out yet.

Song Kun was rather calm, because he quietly stuffed the dagger of the Emperor's weapon to the King of the Red Moon, and even if he was in danger, he could get out of trouble. Although the dagger of the Emperor's tool was sealed with true power , But in situations where you want to hurt it, you will still fight back.

"Hey! Why do you say they haven't come out yet?"

Si Kongmingyue could not help asking Song Yang.

"how could I know?"

Song Yan said badly.

Si Kong Mingyue was so angry that she no longer cared about Song Yan, but after two hours, she said, "Are they in danger?"

"Possibly! Maybe your father is besieged by several god-level necropolises!"

Song Song said.

"Nonsense, where are so many god-level dead souls!"

Sikong Mingyue retorted.

Song Ji swaggered: "Since you know what else to ask, the three of them joined forces, and even if there are five or six god-level dead spirits, there is no danger, what are you worried about!"


Suddenly, Si Kongmingyue shouted in horror outside the array.

Song Kun looked up and found three dead spirits like mountains, flying towards the city.

"I go!"

Song Yan whispered.

At this moment, the three god-level dead spirits suddenly looked at them in this direction. For a while, the expressions of Song Kun and Si Kongmingyue fell into a stasis, and they tried their best to converge their breath.

Because they all know that the formation method can't stop the three god-level necropolises. Once the formation is broken, the two of them will be killed by the necrosis.


At this moment, two different roars were suddenly heard in the city, with strong anger in the sound. If there were no accidents, these two sounds came from the two god-level dead spirits.

Hearing the roar, the three god-level dead souls withdrew red eyes and flew towards the city quickly.

"Crow's mouth!"

Si Kongmingyue looked at Song Yan hatefully. Just now he said the five god-level dead spirits, and immediately appeared the five god-level dead spirits.

[Author off topic]: One more

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