Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1957: Mutant necromancy

Within the city.

Xueyang God, Red Moon God, and Silver Wing God just broke through the forbidden outside of a well-preserved ancient building and entered it, and were attacked by two god-king-level dead spirits.

These two king-level necropolises seem to have a certain amount of wisdom. When they broke the prohibition, they actually held back and did not show up until they entered before launching a sneak attack.

Fortunately, all three were cautious people. After a short period of busy hands, they worked together to fight the two **** king-level necropsies without any fighting power.

Just when they were about to kill two **** king-level dead spirits, three **** king-level dead spirits suddenly broke into the city.

The five god-kings of the dead joined forces, all three of them felt the pressure, and they were also proficient in some sort of combined attack. For a time, the three were actually suppressed.

In desperation, the King of the Red Moon had to release two **** avatars, and the King of the Silver Wings did not dare to keep it, and released his **** avatars.

Three more **** kings were added, barely blocking the attack of five **** king-level necropolises, but it was difficult to kill them.

In fact, if the Red Moon God King used the God Emperor Song Song lent to her, it may not be possible to win, but this is to save her life, not to mention, the God Emperor has great temptation to the God King.

In case the group of **** kings of the demon group knew that once they became greedy, relying on her and the king of silver wings could not resist at all.

"Retreat first!"

Xueyang Shenwangdao, in the past few hours, they also found a lot of good things in the city.

The universe also didn't know what was happening. The heavens disappeared, and all the living beings died, becoming undead. However, after their death, they still had the storage ring and various magical remnants.

However, after all, time has passed too long, and artifacts have been decayed by time, a large number of stored **** rings have also been broken, and various items in it have also fallen into different dimensions.

There are also some stored deities rings or mysteries, or because the host has deliberately placed a strong prohibition, or it has not been damaged under the protection of formation laws and prohibitions.

Previously, the storage ring that the God of Snow Yang had let Song Kun unlock was obtained from this universe.

Several hours into the city.

Each of the three rings had hundreds of stored artifacts. In addition, there were some precious artifacts.

Fighting and retreating, the three exited the city.

The five god-level dead souls may also know why they didn't want them. After seeing them fled outside the city, they did not continue to hunt them down.

The matrix method is turned on.

Song Yue brought them in.

"Brother, these storage **** rings have restrictions in them, and I leave it to you. After breaking, you can get half of the contents inside!" The Red Moon God King threw nearly a hundred storage **** rings to Song Zheng.

"Hey, what is the lifting of the ban, let alone helping my sister, so there is no need to pay!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"Don't refuse!"

The Red Moon God King was overbearing, and then glanced at the Silver Wing God King and the Xue Yang God King again: "You take care of them!"

"If Brother Jiang and Adult Xueyang need help, I'll charge 10%!"

Song Yan looked at the two.

"it is good!"

Neither the King of the Silver Wings nor the King of the Snow Suns hesitated, and threw the forbidden storage ring directly to him.

For them, the general resources are not attractive to them at all. What they need most is to improve their strength.

After a short break.

The group proceeded to the other city.

After walking for almost two days, Song Ye and others came to another city again.

"Strange, why are there so few dead spirits in this city?"

Song Kun looked at the city in front of him in doubt, after the city that they had arrived in, they could see the dead spirit flying over the city, but in the sky, there was no dead soul, only outside the city. There are sparse dead spirits wandering.

However, when they saw Song Kun and others, the group of dead spirits rushed up quickly and were annihilated.

"Nothing! This city feels very depressed for me!"

The Road of the Red Moon King with a solemn expression.

"I feel the same way!" Xueyang God King nodded: "Dead spirits can swallow each other, but the violent and crazy forces will restrict them and cannot be swallowed indefinitely, so God King level There may not be too many dead spirits in this city, but there are so few dead spirits in this city, or there are a lot of god-level dead spirits in this city, and other dead spirits are swallowed up by them, or there may be a mutant death here. The spirit can be swallowed indefinitely. In any case, it is not good news for us, so we still leave the city as soon as possible! "

Anyway, there are too many cities in this world, there is no need to die because of a city. Just as everyone planned to leave.

The figure flickered, and suddenly a blood-red humanoid creature was added in the air. His eyes were black, but filled with boundless violent murderous anger. Just looking at him, you could feel the blood and corpse of the corpse. The mountain's bones were so oppressive that they couldn't breathe.

The next moment, the Scarlet figure said: "My king has forgotten how many years I haven't seen a living being. After eating enough of the dead, I can finally change his taste!"

"Brother, Girl Skong, you're leaving!"

The King of the Red Moon God said solemnly, because this blood-colored figure not only evolved wisdom, but also made them feel great pressure. If she did not guess wrong, this mutant necromancer is no less powerful than God. The king is on the peak.

"Be careful!"

Song Yan didn't vaguely, and he said to the three of them, pulling Si Kongmingyue and flying towards the distance, maybe he was deterred by the mutant necromancer. After he appeared, the necromancers fled madly, so, The departure of Song Kun and Si Kongmingyue was not blocked in any way.

After seeing Song Yan they went away.

The three kings of the red moon could not bear anymore, and at the same time they acted on the mutant undead.

The three great kings, the gods and kings, joined forces. Even if the gods are superior, they may not dare to resist, but this mutant necromancy flashes disdain in the black eyes, raises his hands, and easily resolves the three of them.

For a time, the three's faces changed greatly. The King of the Silver Wings and the King of the Red Moon did not dare to reserve anything, and released their **** avatars separately. The King of the Sun Yang took out a silver spear. A top-level artifact.


The six **** kings join forces to kill the mutant necromancer again.

Suddenly, a terrible war began, and they were horrified that even in the face of mutant necromancy, they could not have any upper hand.

After an hour.

Mutant Necromancer said again: "Very well, after playing with you for so long, it's time to end!"

As soon as the voice fell, two black beams suddenly burst into his black eyes.

This black light beam is about to reach the extreme, and is directed at the King of the Silver Wings and the King of the Snow Yangs.

When the Red Moon King was horrified, they were hit by black light at the same time. Then, they felt that the whole body began to petrify, and in the breath, they turned into two stone statues.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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