Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1958: Method

"Tian Yao, hurry up!"

The goddess of the Silver Wing King shouted as a double, reminding her to run away quickly, and then proactively rushed to the mutant necromancy.

Seeing this, the King of the Red Moon slightly hesitated, and directed the two gods to follow and kill them, while her deity was holding the short sword and then killing the mutant necromancy.


The mutant necromancer uttered a harsh laughter, and two black beams of light were shot again in the black eyes, one of the **** avatars directed at the King of the Silver Wings, and one of the main bodies of the Red Moon.

The black light beam was too fast, and the goddess of the Silver Wing God had no time to escape, and was turned into a stone statue suspended in the air, while the body of the Red Moon God subconsciously blocked the short sword in his chest.


The black beam is centered on the dagger, which instantly petrifies the dagger.


But a rage came from the short sword, and then, with a click, a layer of stone skin fell off the short sword, and a black phantom rushed out of the short sword.

The black ghost eyes swept over the Red Moon God and the mutant Necromancer, making the Red Moon God trembled, and the Mutated Necromancer also sensed a great threat. Two black beams were shot again in their eyes, and they shot in unison To black ghost.

"Oh it's you!"

The black sneer sneered into a giant black palm and fell down. He actually smashed the two black beams together, and then shot it on the mutated undead body.


Mutant Necrops were shot directly.

The mutated necroman who was photographed flying screamed and fled directly into the city.

The ghost image turned into a giant black palm did not go after the kill, and directly dropped into the short sword and disappeared.

"Brother, you saved me again!"

The Red Moon King grabbed three stone statues, and flew away in the direction of Song Yan.

After half an hour.

She caught up with Song Yan who was waiting for her in the formation.


Seeing the Xueyang **** king turned into a stone statue, Si Kongmingyue exclaimed and greeted him, his eyes full of worry.

"Don't worry, they are not turned into real stone statues. When I leave here, I will help them out of trouble!"

"Sister, are you okay?"

Song Yan asked with concern.

The Red Moon God said: "I'm fine. Fortunately, the dagger you lent to me is powerful. Otherwise, I can't escape the fate of being turned into a stone statue. Let's go!"

A group of people galloped for a day and settled in a valley. Song Kun laid out a large array, while the Red Moon God helped the King Xueyang and the King Silverwing to escape.

After a few hours.

With the help of the King of the Red Moon, they finally broke the surface of the stone skin and emerged from it, but they suffered a lot of damage, but fortunately they all carried various elixir.

Even so, it took them three days to recover as before.

Restore the original Xueyang God King Road: "The mutant Necromancer uses the Primal Supernatural Power! If he is not wrong, he will become so powerful after taking the power of the Primitive. If he can capture it, he will definitely be able to Refined a lot of power! "

Hearing the power of the origin, the eyes of the Red King and Silver Wing King light up.

"But with the three of us, he's not his opponent at all!"

King of the Silver Wings.

"Indeed!" The Red Moon God nodded in deep thought: "The power of the mutant Necromancer is very close to that of the Emperor, and it can be called a half-step Emperor. He is even more afraid of the terrifying source of magical power, even if it is too A few people, why not want it! "

"Everyone has a weakness. Although the mutant necromancer is strong, it may not have a way to deal with him!" Song Yan said from his own words that he had learned the whole thing from the mouth of the Red Moon God.

"If you cut it, you will blow it. Even my dad wouldn't want it. What can you think of!" Si Kong Mingyue on the side started to raise the bar again.

"Mingyue, don't make a fool!" Xueyang God King scolded.

"Let's make a bet then!"

Song Xuan watched Si Kongmingyue in a playful manner.

"I don't want to gamble with you!"

"Don't dare!" Song Yan said with a smirk.

Si Kongmingyue said angrily, "Who said no, how do you want to gamble?"

Song Yan looked at her and said, "So, bet on whether I can think of a way to deal with that mutant necromancy. If I think about it and successfully kill it, if I win, you will have to be a 100-year-old maid. If I lose, how about being a servant for a hundred years? "

Hearing that Si Kongmingyue became hesitant.

"So, dare not!" Song Yan smiled.

"What if I don't dare?"

Si Kongmingyue still didn't dare to agree. She and Song Zheng gambled twice, but lost both times, so this time, she will never be easily fooled.

"Ha ha! Actually I don't have much confidence!"

Song Yan smiled.


Si Kong Mingyue is full of gas.

"Okay brother, don't make a noise, and say that business matters, what can you do?" The King of the Red Moon asked.

"Trouble you to catch a few undead in the upper heaven level!" Song Kun said.

"it is good!"

Soon, the three **** kings arrested the nine gods of the upper **** level.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Zheng added fist-sized crimson power to his hand. He directly took out a small group like the little finger and broke it into one of the dead.

"Roar! Roar!"

The undead screamed in pain and exploded directly.

The crimson power of a large group like the thumb needs at least ten souls of the upper **** level of the dead to be refined.


Song Zheng took out a large group of thumbs and signaled that the Red Moon God would use the divine power to wrap it into one of the dead spirits.

The crimson energy was extremely destructive. It took only half an hour to break through the divine power of the Red Moon God King, and then merged into the body of the dead. Then, the dead spirit followed the explosion.

Song Yue said: "If we capture a large number of upper-level gods, and then plant this weird power in them, and then drive them into that city, if the mutant necrotic swallows them, we Let these forces explode inside it, even if it can't be killed, its strength will be damaged! "

Xueyang God King thoughtfully said: "I'm afraid this won't work. The mutant necromancer has given birth to wisdom. If we use that power to envelop that kind of energy, it will definitely be discovered by it!"

"Anyway, I have a way to let him swallow it!"

Song Yong is quite confident that his chaos power has great benefits to any soul. As long as he wraps that power with chaos power, there is no reason for the other party not to swallow it.

Xueyang God King nodded: "If this is the case, you can try this method!"

Song Kun said: "Okay, I will collect this energy first, and you will go and catch some more upper-level gods!"

Next, the three **** kings hunted around the upper **** level of the undead, while Song Kun madly absorbed that kind of red power from the air and refined it by the chaos vortex.

Ten days later, under the conditions of day and night refinement, he actually refined the red power of the house.

He still didn't believe that so many crimson forces could not kill the mutant necromancy.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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