Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1978: King of Slaughter

"The thief is arrogant, okay, my king promises you!" The king of heavens sneered, with contempt and disdain in his eyes, and he was very confident in his own way.

"Hey, then you're in the battle!"

Song Xuan threw out the mountain, showed his original shape, and then opened the channel of formation, allowing the king of the gods to enter.

Seeing this, all the gods of the heavens faintly felt a little ominous.

Song Yan sneered: "Why, dare, are you afraid of dying?"

"Stop the thief and see how King breaks your formation!"

As soon as the voice fell, the King of Heaven rushed directly into the formation. The moment he rushed into the formation, a jade plate rose from the top of his head, and the jade plate exuded a milky divine glory. Song Zhen could sense that this divine glory had Isolate the power of the front.

However, the formation method on the Shenshan Mountain was arranged by many masters of the mixed Yangzong sect. Even the God Emperor did not dare to break through. Therefore, he did not think that the jade plate of the King of Heaven could truly isolate the power of the formation.

The large array had been closed, and the other nine **** kings widened their eyes and looked at the array.

With the power of Yupan to cut off the battlefield, the King of Gods has already played out the tricks to test the situation in the battlefield.

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan smiled and moved.

Hundreds of black light beams are radiated simultaneously.


The creamy white masterpiece on the jade plate attempts to resist the black beam.

However, when the black light beam really hit, the jade plate was instantly broken, and hundreds of black light beams hit the King of the God of Heaven. He was shattered before he could make a scream.

"Oh, want to break my formation even at this point?"

Song Yan smiled disdainfully, then looked at the nine **** kings.

By his glance, the nine **** kings were all cold in their hearts, but that one **** king died like that.

"Well, the game is over, it's time to send you on the road!"

The next moment, a magic axe appeared in Song Yan's hands.

I saw him stepping out, approaching a **** king instantly, the axe in his hand bursting.

The light of chaos shone, and the other party only felt stiff, not even the King of God's Avenue could be summoned.

"Do not……!"

He shouted, but couldn't stop the speed at which the axe fell.

"Quick, stop him!"

In addition, the eight **** kings shot arrogantly, summoning the **** king avenues and launching the strongest attack.

However, Song Xuan's body is protected by the Eternal God Array, and as soon as all of their attacks fall into the array, they are directly stalled.


The blood splattered three feet, and the **** king was split in half by an axe by Song Yong, and the spirit was eliminated under the light of chaos.

After accepting his divine king's deity and storage ring, Song Kun turned around and killed another **** king.


The **** king exclaimed, and turned away.

But just then.

A **** king suddenly appeared in front of him, cut off his way, and then slashed at him with a sword.

"King Duanmu, what are you doing?"

The **** king had been able to avoid it, but was furious, but immediately, he was stagnant, and an extremely frightened expression appeared on his face.


The light of chaos shone, and the **** king was split in half.

Seeing this scene, the remaining six **** kings were frightened.

But just then.

The sword light flickered, the female **** king standing next to the suspended **** king suddenly turned against the water, and a sword split against the suspended **** king's head. Fortunately, he was the upper stage of the **** king.

"Are you crazy, Zhu Yuniang?"

Hanging God King's eyes were red, and yelled angrily.



At this moment, there are two other **** kings against the water, while sneaking attacks on the **** king around them.

However, the events of King Duanmu and Zhu Yuniang happened, and they were alert to the people around them, so they barely avoided.

"what is the problem?"

Seeing his own man actually entered into a scuffle, the God of the Air was shocked and terrified.

These **** kings suddenly turned against the water. It was naturally that Song Xuan launched the soul magic "magic" and completely deceived them. After fourteen transformations, his soul has become extremely perverted and exerted soul magic. Can easily confuse God.


Song Yan flew out.

The priest then resolutely killed another **** king directly, while the jade goddesses and Duanmu **** king directly launched the **** king road to kill the suspended **** king who lost an arm.


Blood splattered, and another **** king died.

Now all that remains is the **** of dangling gods and several gods controlled by Song Kun.

The two **** kings who came from the air directly joined the siege of the suspended **** king. Although the suspended **** king was very strong, he broke his arm after all. Under the siege of the four **** kings, he soon revealed his support. .

The four **** kings are a desperate posture. As long as they can hurt him, they will be spared even if they are killed. It is this kind of play that makes the suspended **** king bound.

Within half a quarter of an hour, he was chopped off and turned into a stick.

"Ah, leave me alone!"

Suddenly, the suspended **** king broke out, directly burning his **** king avenue, and his strength soared. He instantly repelled the four **** kings, and then the sound of rushing rushed to Song Kun, intending to kill him.


Song Yan looked at him with scorn, his thoughts moved, and the destruction of God in front of him surged, directly wrapping the suspended God King.

However, this guy is really powerful, and he desperately desperately burned the road to destroy God.


Break through one layer and another.

Therefore, the suspended **** king who fell into the second layer of destruction gods completely lost his spirit: "Song Ye, you must not die, the demon group will not let you go!"

"Get on your way!"

Song Xun played a trick to let the Destroy Array speed up. In just one minute, the Destroy Array completely wiped out the suspended God King.

But left a storage ring and a **** king personality.

"You four commit suicide!"

Song Zheng looked at the other four **** kings and said that the four did not hesitate and beheaded their heads.

After accepting their godhead and storage ring, Song Yong summoned the little yellow chicken.

"Want to eat?"

Song Xuan passed a goddess of the lower **** to him. This guy is only now in the middle **** level, too weak to qualify as his pet.

"Thank you, master!"

The little yellow chicken grabbed the **** directly and swallowed it. Then, its breath grew at a very fast speed, and it quickly reached the upper god.

"Let's go!"

Song Xuan picked up the little yellow chicken and threw it into the temple, and gave it a few gods, and then continued on the road with the star god.

"Finally locked!"

Under the sea and the sea floor, the King of the Mighty Mountain laughed, and then, soared into the sky, flying in a certain direction.

Shortly after.

The senior leaders of the demon group learned the news of the fall of eleven **** kings together with the suspended **** king tian **** king.

For a moment, the entire high-rise lost his voice.

Together with the nine people in Tu Yu, and the five **** kings sent to Yushan Mansion to capture Song Kun, they lost a total of twenty-five **** kings. Even if the gods and demon lords had great achievements, they could not bear it.

[Author off topic]: The third update is complete, thank you everyone

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