Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1979: The Eight Gods

The general demon group is holding a high-level meeting. .

"Elder, do you have to send someone to catch Song Ye?"

At the meeting, a **** king looked at the old **** king sitting in front of him and asked.

This old **** king is called Wu Qi, the youngest disciple of the Emperor Guangming. He is in charge of the demon group for the Emperor Guangming. Now, his cultivation has reached the peak of the upper stage of the **** king, and he is only one step away from the emperor. .

This time the loss was too great. Twenty-five **** kings, that's all.

Gods and magic groups do not know how many years have not eaten such a big loss.

Although a senior executive was furious, it was more thrilling.

It ’s just an upper god, which actually caused the sixteen **** kings to fall directly, and the nine **** kings were shot down to the upper **** level, which is too horrifying.

Under the attention of a high-level executive, Wu Qi spoke slowly, his voice was old and hoarse.

"The teacher is traveling in chaos. He handed the demon group to the old man to take care of him. Old man can not live up to the teacher's trust. Any creature that provokes the majesty of the demon group is not allowed to exist, let alone the other party is only an upper god. The gods ca n’t take it down. What is the majesty of my demon group, and what is the prestige of my demon group? "

This witch is as old as he wants to enter the coffin, but his character is extremely hot.

"But the elders, it is not easy to deal with that little thief!" An elder worried, "Although my demon group increased the karma, it could not afford to suffer such damage."

Wu Qi nodded: "This old man knows, so old man is ready to invite the eight **** kings!"

Hearing the words "The Eight Gods and Kings", the high-level officials present were all stunned, and his complexion became extremely dignified.

"The Eight Gods of the Kings" is one of the absolute cards of the demon group. The eight gods of the Kings join forces, and they can retreat even when they encounter the Emperor. Therefore, no one can block the eight gods Public.

In addition, those who can rank among the eight **** kings have the superior power of the **** king, and they practice the exercises very uniquely. When they practice this practice, the realm of ascension is extremely fast, but this practice has the biggest flaw. Even the life of the eight gods who lived the longest would not exceed two million years.

At the same time, the armor on their bodies is of the level of the Emperor, and the weapons they use are also of the level of the Emperor.

Therefore, the eight **** kings have been used by the devil group as a big killer.


Song Zhengzheng and the Star King continued to fly towards the Forbidden City of Mist.

"I don't know if the demon group will send someone to hunt me down?" Song Yan chuckled.

"definitely will!"

The King of the Stars was very determined: "The demon group can be said to be the largest force in the world of God. Even the other seven emperors are not enough. You killed so many **** kings, but you can say that you are fierce on the face of the demon group. A slap, you said, would they let you go? "

"makes sense!"

Song Zheng nodded: "Yes, what's going on with the Holy Emperor?"

The Star God said: "The eight emperors are the eight highest gods in the Divine Realm. Although they are also emperors, they can kill the emperor and have the supreme right in the divine realm. The eight emperors respectively create the gods of light. Emperor, Emperor of the South, Emperor of the North, Emperor of the East, Emperor of the West, Emperor of the Central, Emperor of Darkness, and Emperor of Chaos! "

"Then there is a parallel existence with the Holy Emperor?" Song Yan asked again.

"Yes!" The star **** Wang looked suddenly: "The kings of the top ten races have the strength comparable to that of Emperor Shenghuang, but the top ten races are all confined to a corner of the **** world, which is hardly seen in the **** world!"

The King of Stars is an old antique that has lived for millions of years. He is very knowledgeable and knows a lot. After chatting with him, Song Yan learned many secrets in the realm of God.

Unconsciously, a few days passed.

These days. Song Kun tried to absorb the origin of this world.

But it all ended in failure, which made him very discouraged.

After some thought, he knew faintly what was going on?

The origin of the world is formed by the transformation of the power of heaven to absorb the chaos. It is under the control of heaven, and it should only reach the level of the **** emperor that it will be recognized by heaven and qualified to absorb the power of the origin.

He can absorb the power of the origin in that world, because the heavenly way of that world is gone.

The heavens in this world are so good, how could it let him steal the power of the source.

However, he also absorbed a lot of original power in that universe. Even if he was not able to practice the level of God Emperor, he would not hesitate to give him dozens of drops directly.

Therefore, in just a few days, the strength of the Star God has been greatly improved, almost breaking through to the upper level of the God King.

"Well, there are eight other **** kings coming to death!"

Song Yan said, but immediately, his face became dignified. The eight **** kings felt very strong to him, each of them was stronger than the green demon and overhang he killed, and more than powerful.


Song Xuan landed directly on the ground and threw out the mountain to make it appear as it was.

Even the eleven **** kings were unable to deal with him, but the demon group still sent only eight **** kings, indicating that they were very confident in the eight **** kings.

After a few breaths, eight more figures appeared in the sky not far away.

These eight people, although maintaining their human form, have other biological characteristics, for example, one has a pair of blood-colored wings, the other is a dragon head, and the other has a slender tail.

These eight people feel very fierce, with a very strong spirit.

"Did you send me to kill me?"

Song Yan looked at the eight **** kings and asked.

"I am the eight **** kings, little thieves, I will catch you without holding my hands!" The **** king of the dragon head said coldly.

"Hehe, people don't want to be ghosts, they want me to catch them!"

Song Yan said very disdainfully.

"Boss, why not talk nonsense with him and kill him!"

A **** who has a human body in the upper body and a snake tail in the lower body.

"Go ahead!"

The God King of Dragon Head nodded.

Then, a black spear appeared in his hand. The spear shook, the space shook, and an outrageous breath burst out, captivating.

"God King!"

Song Yan whispered.

At the next moment, the other seven **** kings showed their weapons one by one, and the breath from above was judged to be the **** king weapon.

"I'm going, this demon group is so rich!"

Sorrow Song sighed, and then started the formation directly, hiding in the formation of Shenshan. The array he arranged may not be able to block the bombardment of these top **** kings by the emperor, so he still hid in the formation of Shenshan array Most secure.

next moment.

The eight kings of the gods launched an attack on the formation on the mountain.

"Rumble! Rumble!"

Eight successive attacks bombarded the formation, but immediately following, without the manipulation of Song Kun, the formation launched an automatic counterattack.

The powerful black light beam directly radiated out, locked the eight **** kings and blasted away.

"Bang bang bang!"

All eight **** kings were hit, but they wore armors of the imperial weapon class, so they were not injured.

[Author off topic]: One more

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