Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2018: Frame

The captain who did not leave the barracks and wanted to slay the opponent, although difficult, may not have no hope of success.

But left the barracks.

It is almost impossible. Assassination is even more impossible. In the siege of the army, you assassinate the captain of the thousand, it is simply a sheep into a tiger group, and it is not much different from sending death.

Therefore, those who leave the barracks are almost destined to be eliminated.

I have to say that the creators of the system are very cunning, and now they are not only tested for strength, but also for wisdom and analysis.

Not long after.

Those who left the host returned and asked to join the army, but Dan was ruthlessly rejected.

The five hosts who had been with Song Ye before also returned and sent a message to Song Ye, hoping that he could help them, and he would take the lead in the future.

"You guys, should I plead for them?"

Song Zheng summoned eleven people including Dream Zero and Cheng Xie to clarify the situation.

"I don't agree!" Dream Zero said.

"I don't agree!" Cheng Xie sneered: "They left before fearing death, indicating that they didn't regard us as true companions. In this case, why should we save them!"

Another host said, "Yes, everyone has to pay for their own choice. If they make the wrong choice, they should bear the price!"

Then, other hosts expressed their opinions and did not want Song Ye to help them.

Their reasons for opposing are very large, but Song Ye knows that the biggest reason is to eliminate competitors. It is undeniable that in the future, all hosts except themselves will become their own enemies. Now they can resolve potential opponents without any effort. Then why not?

Knowing this, Song Zheng rejected the five host's offer.

at this time.

A group of people galloped away and began to drive them.

"Song Ye, you wait for me, we won't let you go!"

After the other party complained, they left quickly.


Today's fighting has begun again, starting with the vanguard camp.

Then there was the confrontation of the army.

The military confrontation between the two countries is not as unruly as the vanguard camp, and can be freely wandered and killed, but the military confrontation will form 10,000-unit army formations to fight against and kill.

The ten thousand captains are the fronts, ten thousand captains are the hubs, and ten thousand soldiers are the fronts.

Therefore, everyone has their own fixed position.

Therefore, the plan to kill the other centurion on the battlefield was a failure.

For a moment, Song Yan's complexion was a little gloomy.

But at this moment, Dream Zero had a meaningful message: "The mission requires us to kill the captain of the creation, but does not specify the enemy camp!"

Get the reminder of Dream Zero, Song Yi light up.

It is true that the mission did not pay attention to the fact that the captain killed must be an enemy camp, that is, even the captain who killed Dongyu Country could complete the mission.

That night.

Song Kun is practicing in his camp.


A loud noise sounded.

He unconsciously released his consciousness, but found that the other thousand-man camp was completely chaotic.

Soon, he discovered the cause of the confusion, but their captain was assassinated in the camp.


Song Xun's mind was stunned, and God's consciousness quickly swept across the camp where Meng Ling and others were all in.

"Who killed that captain?"

Song Kun secretly guessed that although all eleven hosts under his control were present, this did not mean that people did not kill them.

"is it you?"

So Song Xun directly directed towards the dream zero. ,

"not me!"

Dream Zero responded.

Suddenly Fang Song frowned. At first, he was very suspicious of Dream Zero. After all, she reminded herself during the day, but the other party should not lie to him in this kind of thing. Since it was not Dream Zero, who would it be?

The death of a captain in his camp is no small matter.

and so.

The Governor-General also intervened in this matter, letting people check.

Unfortunately, the barracks are too large to be investigated at all, and they will not be left in the end.

In a blink of an eye.

Another two days have passed.


The Qianfu Battalion where Song Kun was located was attacked by the enemy, but Song Kun led his Centurion Battalion to block the opponent's onslaught and killed more than 300 enemies.

Therefore, after the war, Song Yan himself received a thousand Hongmeng spar awards, and each of his subordinates also received ten Hongmeng spar awards. At the end, Song Huan gave out more than five hundred to his subordinates. .

This has further enhanced his prestige.

The next day.

The war has begun again.

Today Song Ye ’s Qianfu Camp is not at the forefront, but in a soy sauce position.

Therefore, by the end of the battle, Song Yan had not encountered several enemies.

Four days have passed and six days remain!

Anxiety appeared on the faces of the host such as Meng Ling and Cheng Xie.

"You have to find a way to act independently!"

Song Yan made a decision.

So that night, Song Ye quietly went to meet the captain.

"What? You want to act alone?"

The captain looked surprised at Song Yan.

"Please also ask the Qianfu to complete!" In a conversation, Song Xuan handed over the remaining thousands of Hongmeng spar on him.

The captain of the thousand did not pick up his spar, but said: "Song Ye, you know, there is no child on the battlefield, and this is a convention battle with more than one million people. What can you do with more than a hundred people? , You act alone, mostly just to die! "

"Also invite the captain to complete!"

Song Yongqiang said.

Suddenly, the captain looked cold: "Since you are going to die, I will fulfill you, and tomorrow, you will act alone, and you also take out this spar!"

"Thank you Captain!"

Song Ye was overjoyed.

But at this moment, another clamor sounded, Song Ye and Captain Qian released their consciousness at the same time, and soon found out the truth. Another captain was stabbed to death in the camp.


The Qianfu grew angry, slap his hands on the table, and then said to Song Yi: "You go back to the camp first, let me check it out."

But shortly after Song Zheng returned to the camp, a large group of soldiers came to his camp.

"It's the captain he killed, take it!"

Shouted alone.

Then the soldiers rushed towards Song Ying's camp.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The formation was so brilliant that all the soldiers were ejected.

"What are you doing?"

The captain arrived and asked about the soldiers.

"Sir, the man in the camp is the murderer who killed us!"

A soldier shouted angrily.

"Men's Captain Ming Jian, not me!"

Song Xuan stepped out of the camp and gave a gift to the Qianfu, and then said, his heart was rather gloomy, and somebody framed him.

"I saw it with my own eyes, you're so devious!"

The soldier gritted his teeth.

"When your adults were assassinated, Song Kun talked about things in my camp, so the assassin was not him!" The captain said in a deep voice.

"But the name's looks and breath are exactly like him at the moment!"

The soldier was unwilling.

The captain of the millennium said angrily: "Stupid, breath and appearance can be imitated. Since the assassin can kill the captain, how can you be seen by a small soldier!"

[Author off topic]: One more

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