Magic Love Ring

Chapter 2019: Third task

The soldier was very unwilling, but the captain of the thousand testified to Song Yi, and he had to shut his mouth unwillingly.


The captain appeared again.

The death of two thousand captains made him very angry.

Even with the captain of the thousand as a guarantee, the captain of the millionaire still looked at Song Kun with a scrutiny. The strength of the captain has reached the peak of the creation, and even if Song Kun has no control over it.

Moreover, he must not do anything.

Because this is in the army, at the same time, there are still many masters in the army beyond the realm of creation.

The suspected taste is uncomfortable, and the framed taste is even more uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the captain of the millennium defended, and the captain of the millennium did not embarrass him.

After the captain left.

Song Zheng summoned the dream and other people.

"Everyone talk about their views on this?"

Song Xuan looked around. He wanted to use the magical power "Illusion" to test them, but he couldn't try it. Who knows if these hosts have special magic powers or items that can resist the "Fantasy".

"Will Jiang Fan?"

Evil thoughtful way.

"It's possible!"

Song Zheng nodded.

However, in the end, there was still no good strategy to discuss and could only disappoint.


Song Yan secretly squeezed his fists. Fortunately, tonight, a captain of the thousand testified to testify for him. Otherwise, he would be arrested and questioned.

Although his spirit is powerful, if there is a strong person beyond the realm of creation to question him, he may not reveal his secrets.


He thought of a possibility.

The black hand seemed to know his situation well.

Just talk about it.

The opponent is likely to have eyeliners next to him.

Suspects of dreams of zero and harmony can be ruled out, so what about the other nine hosts?

Would you like to try them out?

The next day.

The war has begun again.

Pioneer battalions from both sides intervened on the battlefield.

Song Kun led the crowd out of Qianfu Camp and came to the front of the battlefield.


Song Yong drank softly. Suddenly, he formed a thick army formation with his hundreds of people.

"set off!"

With an order, Song Yan directly led people into the battlefield.

"Who ordered them to fight?"

Marshal Chun Yutong frowned and sank.

at this time.

This pair of men and women rushed towards the enemy, and soon they made contact with the enemy's vanguard.


This military formation is like a sharp sword, cut directly into each other, and like a meat grinder, it is madly harvesting lives.

Less than half an hour.

The Pioneer Battalion led by Song Kun actually killed nearly 2,000 soldiers in the Pioneer Battalion, including several imperial realms.

The frowning commander suddenly opened his brows and smiled, "This is good for men!"

Because of Song Yue's involvement in the army, the momentum of the pioneer camp increased greatly.

After half an hour.

The enemy's vanguard camp was defeated by them. Only 2,000 people retreated, and on the side of Dongyu Country, the vanguard camp lost less than a thousand.

Absolute victory.

It stands to reason that one side ran away, and the other side should retreat, but Song Yun did not have this centurion camp, but he hid behind the deserter.


Seeing this scene, the commander of Xiyue Kingdom, Xian Yuwei, was very angry, and shouted, "Go to a Qianfu camp and hang this centurion camp on the spot!"


Suddenly, a thousand men's battalion was formed from the army of Xiyue State and killed.



Soon, the military formations of the two sides collided together. From the perspective of the Qianfu Battalion of Xiyue Kingdom, with their military formations, it was possible to completely smash the Song Lin's military camp of the centurion camp.

They never thought of it.

The army formation was indeed broken, but it was not Song Yan's who broke it, but theirs.


As soon as the military formation of the opposing Qianfu camp was broken, Song Xuan exploded and led the crowd into it.

"Puff puff!"

Blood splattered, his head flying.

Immediately, a large number of Xiyue Kingdom soldiers were hanged by them.

"court death!"

As a thousand captain, Miluo was furious, waved the long knife in his hand, and chopped down towards Song Jun's army!


Looking at the enemy captain who rushed up, Song Yong narrowed his eyes and used the spirit as a knife to severely chop on the opponent's spirit.


The opponent vomited blood on the spot.

Then, a long sword flew out.

Actually split the thousand captain directly in half.

As soon as the enemy's captain died, the morale of his men was dissipated, and Song Kun and his party began a frenzied kill.

For a time, the commander-in-chief of Xiyue Kingdom was less furious than a mighty one, and a thousand-fu camp could not even deal with a hundred-fu camp.

So he sent another Qianfu camp.

But the result was the same, another Qianfu camp fell, and the captain died.

"Okay, good job!"

On the other side, when seeing this scene, Dong Yuguo's commander was overjoyed with a smile on his face, and Song Qian's captain also sighed with relief.

"Go to three Qianfu camps!",

Xin Yuwei shouted with a somber face.

Suddenly, the 3,000 troops killed Song Ye.

The first two captains were killed by him and Meng Ling respectively. Now three of them are present, and the hosts present are quite excited.


In the following battles, Chengxie cast an inexplicable magical power to kill a creature to complete the task, and the other two hosts also used mysterious methods to chop the two thousand captains under their respective weapons.

After a few hours.

Three Qianfu camps were also killed by Song Yan.

"Go to a Wanfu camp!"

Xin Yuwei's face was almost gloomy dripping water.

the other side.

"Master, do you need to send someone to support them? The old guy who is less than Shenwei is already so angry that he has sent Wanfu Camp!" A general said worriedly.

"No rush, look first!"

Chun Yutong waved his hand.

"Seven of you remember to seize the opportunity!"

Song Kun sent a message to seven hosts who had not completed their mission.

All seven nodded secretly.


On the siege of the centurion battalion by Song Wan, the army of ten thousand troops launched a siege. In this regard, he successively played tactics and blessed on the formation.


Song Yan burst into drink, leading everyone to kill towards a certain captain.

This time it was very difficult.

There are too many enemies.

Moreover, the captain seemed to be vigilant, and was actually shrinking back.

"Hey, courageous rats!" Song Yan yelled and pointed at the captain.

He was so angry that his eyes were filled with deep anger, but he still did not move forward.


The army formation turned into a meat grinder, frantically slaying the enemy, and even in the Wanfu camp, they rushed forward. In just half a quarter of an hour, they actually killed more than 500 people.

"Ten of you kill!"

The voice of the captain sounded in the minds of the ten captains.

Although the ten captains were helpless, the military order was irresistible, so they killed them towards Song Yuan.

"Haha, God assists!"

Song Ye was overjoyed and reminded another seven people to seize the opportunity.

At the time of the ten thousand captains killed, the seven hosts broke out of the military formation directly and launched a ban on killing seven of them. Song Kun, Mengling and Chengxie also exerted magical powers to hold the other three.

Fighting came fast and ended quickly.

In less than ten breaths, the seven hosts killed a thousand captains, and Song Yun secretly sighed that none of these hosts was vegetarian.

But two people suffered serious injuries.


When they returned to the army formation, Song Yong controlled the formation to kill outside Wanfu Camp.

"Where to go!"

The captain under the hand actually died of seven, and the captain was particularly angry.

Actually chased alone.

Holding a large stick, he smashed towards the army where Song Kun was.


With a loud noise, the stick was bounced back, but Song Yan's army formation also became much bleak.

"Come on!"

Song Yan urged, while playing tricks to maintain the army.

At the same time, Dong Yuguo finally sent troops.


There was another loud bang, and the 10,000-man's giant stick again bombarded the army formation, causing the entire army formation to almost break apart.

However, the other party has no chance to make a third shot, because Dong Yuguo's army has already covered up.

That night.

The commander-in-chief Chun Yutong personally summoned Song Kun and gave him the position of captain of a thousand, allowing him to control the Qianjun.

After the position has been promoted.

The commander also ordered him to give him a million Red League spar, and then handed it to him for a month alone.

But seeing these soldiers, Song Ye suddenly understood why his original thousand captain did not accept his bribe, because he took out more than a thousand Red League crystals, which was too shabby.

The captain of a thousand captains had 80,000 Red Alliance spar in January.

Centurion is five thousand.

However, how many Red League spar Song Song received before becoming a centurion was obviously corrupted by the captain.

However, he did not mean to find trouble for the other party, after all, the other party testified for him last night, eliminating some trouble for him.

"Congratulations, Brother Song!"

As soon as Song Zheng returned to the camp, the captain of the thousand welcomed him with a smile on his face.

In this regard, Song Yan welcomed with a smile.

Then, eight thousand captains came to congratulate Song Kun, all with gifts.

At the same time, Song Ye also knew the name of his original thousand captain, Chun Yujian. He was the descendant of the commander-in-chief Chun Yutong. No wonder the captain did not interrogate him when he testified last night.

After one night.

Song Kun summoned his men to practice military formations.

Everyone is a **** emperor, and learning things naturally is fast, so in just half an hour, the army formation of thousands of people can run smoothly.


In the war of the day, Song Qian led this Qianfu camp to shine, killing more than 10,000 enemies.

The commander was greatly rejoiced and gave a lot of rewards to the entire Qianfu camp. Song Qian, as the captain of the thousand, also received a separate reward, a void exercise.

The next few days.

Song Kun has performed quite well, with more than 50,000 enemies killed in his hands.

This made Chun Yutong greatly appreciate him. If it wasn't for his cultivation, I'm afraid he would be promoted directly to the captain.

That night.

That grand voice sounded again in the minds of Song Yong and others.

The second task.

Not many people completed, only twenty-seven.

In other words, fifty-one people were eliminated.

Will there be a third task?

He had just thought of it, and the magnificent voice actually sounded again, but it was the third mission that was released. After hearing the content of the third mission, Song Yong could not help but sigh.

[Author off topic]: Second more complete

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