Magic Love Ring

Chapter 819: Give up work

The retreat of the powerful ox demons is not a temporary retreat, but a complete retreat. On the afternoon of the same day, news came from the spies. Under the leadership of the lord and three princes of the ox demons, all the ox demons retreated across the river. Return to the magic soil.

After learning the news, Lei Jiuming was overjoyed and ordered others to spread the news. For a moment, the city of Blood River celebrated.

This time, the Great Bull Demon came with 2.2 million troops, and the defenders of Blood River City were less than two million. In the end, the human race achieved a big victory, and it killed the first level of the Bull Demon 130. Multi-million can be said to be the biggest victory in the centuries of confrontation between the human race and the demons.

But the key to this victory is one person, and that is Huang Liang.

That night, Lei Jiuming sent someone to invite Song Yan to the commander's office.

Immediately after meeting, Lei Jiuming handed Song Zheng a report of the merit of the military battalion to be passed to the military aircraft battalion for his inspection.

Song Ye roughly read the report of the merit battle. Among them, the eight successful labors of this battle were attributed to him personally, and the remaining two successful labors were attributed to the soldiers on the Blood River battlefield.

After reading the battle report, Song Zheng returned to Lei Jiuming.

The other party quickly asked: "How is it?"

"Not right." Song Yan shook his head.

Lei Jiuming's face suddenly changed slightly, and Shen said, "Xiao Huang, I know that your actual credit is greater than that in the battle report, but you must also be considerate of me. After all, this time my soldier in Blood River City can be considered to be desperate Resist, if all the credit goes to you, it will be difficult for me to get the right pension for those dead soldiers. "

In this war, more than 1.3 million beheaded the Demon Clan, but the human race also lost nearly 500,000 people.

The deceased must pay pensions, but according to the general process, the military does not send much pensions, but if the blood river city defender's credit is relatively large, Lei Jiuming's fight for pensions from the military is relatively easy It will be easier said.

When Song Yan heard it, he immediately knew that Lei Jiuming had misunderstood what he meant, so he laughed and said, "You misunderstood what I meant. I don't mean to give up less credit. I think there is too much credit. In fact, I think that I should take my The credit is erased, and the credit is given to the soldiers in Blood River City! "

"This?" Lei Jiuming couldn't help feeling guilty when he heard Song Ye's words, and he actually misunderstood Song Ye.

"That's not right!"

"Nothing wrong!"

Song Zheng replied: "You must understand my relationship with the military. It ’s very bad. No matter how great my credit is, the military may not reward me too much. Maybe it will be empty in the end. If you give these credits to everyone, you will gain everyone's favor! "

Lei Jiuming nodded in deep thought: "This is indeed the truth, but your kid is too refined, let alone, just do what you say! However, I will explain this to everyone and let them remember you A love! "

"This is not necessary!" Song Zheng waved again: "Everyone is not stupid, when the credit comes down, they must all understand in their hearts, if it is clear that it is not beautiful!"

"All right, I listen to you!" Lei Jiuming laughed.

After sitting for a while, Song Zheng left and Lei Jiuming did not stay because he had to write a new battle report.

Song Yigang just returned to his own small courtyard and found that there was actually one more person in the courtyard.

Nangong Wuliang is also a witness to this war. After seeing Song Yan ’s extremely powerful formation methods, he was deeply shocked. Originally, he was dismissive of Song Yan, but now he is facing Song I felt a kind of pressure.

"What are you doing here?"

Song Yan glanced at Nangong Wuliang slightly and asked.

That faint skit made Nangong Wuliang very annoyed and said coldly: "No snow is my fiancee, but she is very close to you."

"So what?" Song Yan casually responded.

"I will fight with you. The loser can never be near the snowless!" Nangong suddenly rose up and stared at Song Kun with a boiling war in his eyes. He saw Song Quan's method of formation His confidence has been greatly affected.

In order to eliminate this influence, he must be completely defeated in some way, otherwise, he will all live in the influence in the future. Therefore, he deliberately challenged Song Yan by using nothing that is snow-free.

As for whether or not he will never lose snow, he didn't take his mind at all, and in his capacity as a martial art practitioner, what kind of woman could not get it.

"Please come back!"

Song Yan waved his hand.

"Are you scared?" Nangong stepped forward immeasurably, and his warfare was more vigorous.

Song Yan shook his head with a smile: "No, you are not worthy. I only cut ten martial sacrifices during the day. I have no interest in such an opponent as you!"


Hearing Song Yan's words, Nangong Wuliang's boiling warfare extinguished more than half of his face, and his face became even more ironed.

"Not yet, do you want me to stay with you for dinner?" Song Yan urged impatiently.

Hearing this sentence, Nangong's immeasurable chest swelled sharply, angrily: "You can kill the martial arts of the Taurus by relying only on the formation method, without the formation method, you are nothing!"

"What about the formation method? Isn't that my skill?" Song Yan smiled, and then a slight scorn flashed in his eyes: "It's just like you. If you fall into my formation method, you can't live three breaths!"


Nangong's heart was extremely angry, but he was dumb.

"How? If you're not convinced, go to my array if you have the courage. If you can hold on to three breaths, I will give in automatically!" Song Yan played with the taste.

Hearing this sentence, Nangong almost vomited blood with anger, shook his hands heavily, and walked away. He was really worried that if he stayed here for a long while, he would really vomit blood.

"Brother Huang, this guy hates it!"

Just then, Ning Ling came over: "Hehe, but this guy is so angry with you, you see his face is almost green!"

Nangong, who had just walked to the door, heard Ning Ling's make-up knife, and his body was pulled for a while, and he almost fell.

Song Yan glanced at Ning Ling with anger: "Little girl doesn't understand and don't talk nonsense. Where is the nangong son's anger? That is because he has cultivated a special method to turn his face into that color.

"I practice your uncle! A pair of dogs and men!"

Hearing Song Yan ’s words, Nangong uttered a curse in his heart, and his steps followed and accelerated.


Looking at Nangong Wuliang who fled into the desert, Ning Ling issued a string of laughter like silver bells, and then a pair of eyes appeared in her eyes of worship: "Brother Huang, now all the people in Blood River City are spreading, It is true that you have defeated the Hercules with your own power. Is this true? "

"What do you say?" Song Yan smiled.

"It must be true!" Ning Ling nodded heavily: "In my mind, Brother Huang is the best!"

"Your little girl, you're getting more and more flattering!" Song Yan said ruelessly, but he was quite happy to see Ning Ling stepping out of the influence of Ning Mo's death.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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