Magic Love Ring

Chapter 820: Borrowing Wine

The news of Blood River City's great victory, and the beheading of 1.3 million cattle demon warriors, and ten martial saints spread quickly among the people.

Although Song Yi deliberately let Lei Jiuming wipe out his credit, some people still reported that he had set up a team of more than 200,000 cattle demons and ten martial saints of cattle demons. Praise and praise among the human race.

Saint Martial College.

The six deans met again, with joy on each face. With the rumor of Huang Liang's famous name, Shengwu College's reputation also rose and the influence increased greatly. Who made Huang Liang a student of Shengwu College ?

Senior student area.

After Ji Lingqi read the newsletter sent through the secret channel, her face was extremely beautiful, but her expression was extremely complicated.

She had already highly regarded Huang Liang, and did not expect to underestimate him. She actually set up a lore in Blood River City, and even cut the ten martial arts of the Hercules, including nine Prince.

For a moment, she couldn't help but regret it. If he had succeeded in the restaurant that night, she would not let this person obey her by her charm.

It's a pity that he was too reserved and too proud that night, and lost this opportunity in vain, even if he wanted to commit to him, there was no chance for fear.

In addition to these two things, the military's rewards were also decentralized to the Blood River battlefield.

The first is the official position.

Although Lei Jiuming didn't give credit for himself, as the commander of the Blood River Army, he won the battle. This reward can not spare him, not to mention, this battle is the biggest victory for the human race in hundreds of years.

Therefore, after discussion, nine of the military aircraft battalions promoted Lei Jiuming as the director of the Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman Division is a direct department of the military aircraft battalion, and it also belongs to the type with a higher gold content. Today, the Ibu of the Ninth National Congress is promoted from the position of the Ombudsman.

The promotion of Lei Jiuming to the director of the Ombudsman Department indicates that the military aircraft battalion intends to cultivate him as the next one.

Knowing that he was about to be promoted to become the Chief of the Ombudsman Division, Lei Jiuming was also very happy. Of course, he also knew that he could have today, thanks to Huang Liang.

If it wasn't for him, this time the mighty Bull Demon struck, he may not be able to hold Blood River City, not to mention promotion, even if he did not ask for sin, it is already a fluke.

In addition, both Li Feng and Meng Li were promoted.

First of all, Li Feng was transferred to the position of commander of the Black Cliff Battlefield. Although the Black Cliff Battlefield is not as good as the Blood River Battlefield, there are also 600,000 troops stationed there.

As for Meng Li, he was transferred to the arms division of the military aircraft battalion as the first deputy director.

There are nine units directly under the military aircraft battalion, including the Division of Supervision, the Division of Weapons, the Division of Inspection, and the Division of Dark Dragon.

The Chief of the Ombudsman Division is Bu, and therefore has the highest gold content.

As for the Weapons Division, as long as it manufactures weapons, it includes ordinary weapons and spirits. It is a very heavy oil and water department, and Meng Li is also the first deputy director. Therefore, he was almost excited when he heard the news. Jump up.

In addition, other leading generals have also received considerable rewards and promotions.

Finally, Song Jiuhe, Han Gu, Tu Shixiong and Xiong Tianba were the four.

They had previously accompanied Song Kun to raid the royal cities of the 9th and 3rd princes, and cut off the six sacred martial arts saints. Therefore, each person obtained a special military achievement.

Coupled with the previous accumulation of credits, they already have two special military merits.

According to military battalion regulations, although they are guilty, they can exchange these two special military merits for free bodies.

Therefore, all four of them took special military merits for freedom, and even if the military gave them four extremely important positions, they all refused.

The generals were promoted and made a fortune, and the fighters below also gained a lot of benefits. All the living fighters were rewarded with five thousand silver, and the dead fighters were all paid three times as much.

It can be said that there is a jubilation in Blood River City today.

However, everyone with a good eye knows that the Blood River Army can get so many rewards, thanks to Huang Liang who took the initiative to erase his credit, so almost everyone is grateful to him, because he has not only saved Blood River City, The credit was also given to them. Such grandfathers are selfless, and even people with narrow minds cannot help admiring them.

There are also people with ulterior motives who say that he is buying people's hearts and has bad intentions.

But as soon as this is said, they will be attacked by the group and sneered: "If you have the ability, you will take so much credit to buy people's hearts, and we will all appreciate you!"

In this regard, those with ulterior motives can only die out.

Tonight, the commander's office is brightly lit, but the outgoing commander, Lei Jiuming, has set up a feast to entertain the **** city.

The banquet is divided inside and outside.

The outside was extremely lively, with hundreds of seats, large and small, and the people on the table were all generals in the army.

There are only two tables in it.

At the same table were the commander-in-chief Lei Jiuming and his wife. In addition, there were Song Kun, Jiu Xue, Nangong Wuliang, Li Feng, Meng Li, Song Jiuhe, Hangu, Xiong Tianba, Tu Shixiong.

Relying on the best spiritual practice, Han Gu, Xiong Tianba, and Tu Shixiong have all come closer to the level, reaching the late period of Wu Sheng, Song Jiuhe also has a lot of improvement.

The other is a general of the Blood River Army.

Because he was about to leave office, Lei Jiuming didn't put on the commander's stand, looked very easy-going, and took the initiative to toast to everyone.

In addition, many people come to toast Song Yong.

He also refused to come, making the toast very happy, but the snowless sitting next to him frowned from time to time, because from the opening of the seat to the present, Song Yan has been drinking no less than ten pounds of wine.

"Drinking too much is bad for your health, so take some order first." Wu Xue took the initiative to clip a dish for Song Yan and put it in his bowl.

Seeing this scene, Nangong couldn't help but sank across a place, and was very unhappy.

Under the personal proposal of his Master, Tianyinzong's Sovereign has promised him a marriage with No Snow, which can be said to be his fiancee.

But the fiancee sitting at the same table turned a blind eye to him, instead caring for another man. As a man, how could he not be angry or depressed.

But he just couldn't happen, because Song Ye ’s prestige in Blood River City is too high at this moment. If he dares to make trouble in front of everyone or treat Song Ye, I believe that without Song Ye's counterattack, someone will fight back for him I didn't see him just send someone to say a few bad words about this guy, but those people were beaten to death.

So, in a depressed mood, he can only drink alone, the only thing that makes him feel better is that the commander Lei Jiuming finds him two drinks from time to time.

At last, after not knowing the first glass of wine, Nangong was drunk, so-called drunk and brave. He rushed to the scene and pointed at Song Yi: "You, a shameless villain, dare not fight me! "

The scene was extremely lively. With his cold drink, he suddenly became quiet.

[Author off topic]: three more

Thanks [the memories are gone] [Bookworm] Two big rewards

Updated today.

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