Magic Love Ring

Chapter 845: I want to worship you as a teacher

I just stepped into Dan's room, followed by the two martial arts sages behind that middle-aged man, all covered for a while, exploded with sweat and hair, and said softly: "Be careful, all those wearing bronze masks are martial arts! "

Dan Yangzi heard that he couldn't help but glance at the thirty men wearing bronze masks subconsciously, and his eyes were a little taboo, but instead of showing confusion, he looked at Song Yi: Will this little brother compare with Elder Chen? "

"It's me." Song Zheng nodded.

"I don't know what the little brother is called?" Danyangzi asked politely.

"Huang Liang!"

"Huang Liang?" Dan Yangzi faintly felt that the name was somewhat familiar, but soon, he rang out what the name of Huang Liang meant, with a more solemn expression: "Brother Huang was trapped in the blood river battlefield for more than twenty Huang Liang?

"It's not worth mentioning the trivial name!" Song Xuan said modestly.

"Mr. Huang is too humble. How many sacrifice you can get from tying up the ox demons can reduce our sacrifice. This is a huge contribution."

"Rewarded," Song Yan said lightly.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Huang would not only be able to form an array, but also alchemy, and I would not bother you to compete with Elder Chen, but after the trial, the two of us must drink a few drinks!"

Hearing that, Song Ye smiled a little, and then smiled a little funny, secretly, if you know the true purpose of my trip to Dingyangzong, can you still drink with me?

"The Huanggong, if you have any more needs, please don't hesitate to speak!" Elder Chen spoke again. Although he was fascinated by alchemy, he also heard the name of Song Yong, so he was quite polite.

"no need!"

Slightly speaking, as soon as Detective Song Ye grabbed his hand, a potion of refined Xuanwu Dan flew into his palm. Then, a blue light poured out and wrapped those potions. Then, those The elixir melted very fast and a plume of black smoke erupted.

These black smoke are impurities and toxic ingredients in elixir.

"What a magic alchemy."

Looking at the scene of Song Xi's refining the elder, Elder Chen's eyes couldn't help glaring round, and he even gave out a hot glow.

Soon, all the elixir had melted. Then, these liquids began to fuse. Within a few breaths, a creamy white medicine with a seductive fragrance appeared.

"Take it, see if it's Xuanwu Dan!"

Song Xuan casually threw this refined Xuanwu Dan to Elder Chen.

Elder Chen has been fascinated with the guidance of alchemy for more than a hundred years. Therefore, his experience and eyesight are very rich and old. Even if he does n’t have to watch and smell the medicine, he knows that Xuanwu Dan has become.

However, he still carefully observed the elixir. During this period, he was amazed. After a short while, he began to say: "This is indeed Xuanwu Dan, and the quality of elixir is very high. Reached the best in the same class of elixir, the old man conceded! "

At this moment, Song Xun said: "This Xuanwu Dan can increase the longevity of three or five years, and take a maximum of three. After three, the user will develop resistance in the body, and it will lose its effectiveness after taking it. I have a type of Yanshou Dan that can increase my life span by ten years and it will not develop resistance until I take five! "

"That's what it is!"

Elder Chen exclaimed.

"Do I have to lie to you?" Song Yong took a pill bottle out of the storage ring, poured out an elixir and threw it to Elder Chen: "This is the Yanshou Dan, look at it."

When it comes to longevity, the cultivator is the best at it.

Not to mention that the true element of the immortal can nourish the body, as far as the elixir of the immortal is concerned, most of them have the effect of increasing longevity.

For example, Song Yan's Yanshou Dan is so common among immortalists that it can't be used in ordinary elixir. It is specially given to ordinary people.

Elder Chen has his own method to verify the efficacy of Yanshoudan. After some verification, he has reached an exciting result. This Yanshoudan can indeed increase his life for ten years.

"How is Elder Chen?" Dan Yangzi asked excitedly.

In Dingyangmen, there are many old antiques that are about to run out of Shouyuan. They are dragged by various elixirs. Each old antique is a huge wealth. Therefore, Dingyangmen has been studying to increase Shouyuan. Elixir.

"Head of charge, this Yanshou Dan can indeed increase its lifespan by ten years!" Elder Chen was very determined.

Obtaining the affirmation of Elder Chen, Dan Yangzi couldn't help but be overjoyed, and looked at Song Yan with a burning look: "Huang Gongzi, can you sell some Yanshou Dan to us, rest assured, you can raise the price!"

Song Yan shook his head: "I don't lack money."

"What about elixir? We can exchange xuandan and broken order elixir!" Danyangzi continued, both of these elixir are very precious and indispensable elixir in the minds of warriors.

"I am a master of alchemy and can make it!" Song Yan shook his head again.

After being rejected by Song Ye, Dan Yangzi couldn't help but be distressed. After thinking about the way to touch Song Ye, he had to say, "Huang Gongzi, what conditions do you have to mention, as long as I can do it, it is absolutely unambiguous! "

"I only have one condition. As long as you agree, I can provide you with one hundred Yanshoudan for free every year!"

"One hundred Yanshoudan!"

Both Dan Yangzi and Elder Chen's breathing became hastened. You must know that there are more than 30 old antiques dying in Dingyangmen. If Song Yuan provides 100 Yanshou Dans every year, at least the old antiques can be kept alive. Fifty years.

However, they also know that Song Ye can offer such a large price, and the conditions are definitely not simple. Therefore, Dan Yangzi asked solemnly: "I don't know what Huang Gongzi has, so let's come!"

"I want the Dingyangmen to belong to the Southern Martial Arts Alliance!" Song Yan slowly said.

Dan Yangzi's look suddenly changed, and he shook his head for a long while, silently: "The condition of Huang Gongzi is too strong for him, can he change it!"

Song Yidao: "I only have one condition, but I also know that Dingyangmen is not good at fighting. Once Dingyangmen joins the Southern Region Martial Arts Alliance, I can promise not to send you any combat missions, but only let you do your homework. And, of course, it does n’t matter if you do n’t agree, I will uproot the Dingyang Gate, the chickens and dogs wo n’t stay, after all, you will alchemy, I will, and my alchemy is much better than you! ”

As soon as Song Yan's words fell, the momentum of the thirty martial saints behind him suddenly burst into bloom, making the entire alchemy room sway along. For a moment, the faces of the two martial saints, Dan Yangzi and Elder Chen were all shaken The powerful momentum shook his face.

"It is not impossible for us to join Dingyangmen in the Southern Martial Arts Alliance!" Elder Chen said with some difficulty: "But I also have a condition!"


Song Kun waved his hand, and the thirty martial arts all took up the momentum.

"I want to worship you as a teacher and learn from you the technique of alchemy!" Elder Chen looked at Song Yi.

Song Yi smiled, and then laughed. Elder Chen actually proposed such a condition and thought: "I can't learn Alchemy, but in terms of pharmacology, I can give you pointers, and Can teach you some Danfang. "

Song Yi ’s ability to practice alchemy is the magical alchemy. When he obtained the alchemy, the system infused him with a lot of pharmacological knowledge and a lot of alchemy. Together, there is no Dan Fangduo in his possession.

"See you, Master!"

Although he could not learn the magic alchemy, Elder Chen was still very happy. For fear of Song Yi's remorse, he knelt down and scratched his head.

[Author off topic]: Three more, today's end.

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