Magic Love Ring

Chapter 846: Earthquake

The fighting in the Eastern Regions caught the attention of most people in the world, so few people turned their attention to the Southern Regions.

Therefore, I don't know. In just a few days, the Southern Martial Arts Alliance has integrated the split sky sword faction and Dingyangmen.

Song Yan stayed at Dingyangmen for a day, mainly pointing at the newly admitted apprentice Elder Chen.

When he left, he wrote three more Danfangs to give to Elder Chen.

After getting three pieces of Dan Fang, Elder Chen was almost a treasure. After sending Song Ye, he couldn't wait to study the three pieces of Dan Fang.

As for the Nanyu Budo Alliance, with the cooperation of Dingyangmen, they quickly received the site of Dingyangmen.

Just after walking out of Dingyang Gate, the figure flickered, and the emperor appeared.

"My dear, according to your request, the gates of Feitianzong and Tianjiandao have been laid out by me, and I can urge them at any time!"

Song Zheng nodded: "Okay, then we will split the army in two ways. You go to Tianjiandao, I go to Feitianzong!"

With absolute force suppression, Feitianzong and Tianjiandao finally chose to surrender.

This time, the four largest sects in the Southern Region all fell into Song Ye's hands.

Clear Weimen.

Song Yan was sitting in the top position with majestic power. Below him stood the high-ranking martial arts alliance and Qingweimen, as well as the heads and high-rankings from the four schools of the split-day sword, Dingyangmen, Tianjiandao, and Feitianzong.

"See the lord!"

Everyone bent and saluted.

"You don't have to be polite, please!"

Song Yan raised his hand, and after everyone got up, he directly announced: "Now, under the names of the five factions: Qingwei Gate, Split Sky Sect, Dingyangmen, Feitianzong, and Tianjian Road, we head southward. All ancestors sent invitations to let them come to Qingweimen to participate in the Nanyu Budo meeting within ten days! "

Now, all the major gates of the Southern Region belong to him, so it is time to complete the unification of the Southern Region.

East domain.

The Eastern Region Allied Forces had a second collision with the army.

This time, it was still the East Side failure, but compared to the First World War, the East Union coalition suffered a lot of damage, and at the same time, it also brought a lot of casualties to the army.

Eastern Army Alliance Army Barracks, handsome account.

The figure flickered, Song Xun's figure appeared directly in the handsome account, and at this moment Lei Jiuming was staring at a map in a daze.

These days he is almost going crazy, he has to integrate the army, and he has to deal with the war. There is almost no rest time every day. If he had n’t cultivated to a high level, he would have been stuck for another person.

"You here?" Lei Jiuming raised his head and looked at Song Yongdao, but exposed his two dark circles.

"Tough work for you!"

Song Zheng thanked.

Lei Jiuming shook his head, and said with a gloomy look: "Xiao Huang, this battle is not easy to fight. If you lose, don't blame me!"

"What? I'm so confident soon!" Song Yan said.

"Do you know who is leading the other side?" Lei Jiuming said angrily.


Lei Jiuming said in a deep voice: "It's Yan Wudi! This guy is the commander of the Longshan battlefield. He uses soldiers like gods. In addition, the three million he leads are elite soldiers, and we are basically all in the army. A general without a united soldier, once full-scale war, I have no confidence to support January! "

Song Yue smiled suddenly: "Lao Lei, I don't want you to support January, you only need to hold each other's army for half a month, and I can break the current situation!"

"Then I can only do my best!" Lei Jiuming sighed.

Next, Song Zheng discussed some war situations with Lei Jiuming and left again.

In fact, there are at least two ways Song Yong can defeat the army.

First, put down a large array, absolutely let the other party come and go.

Secondly, beheading was carried out to kill all the commanders and senior generals of the opponent.

However, doing so will expose his affairs in the Southern Region. Therefore, for the time being, Lei Jiuming can only be dragged by the army. As long as the Southern Region agrees, he will lead the army to support Lei Jiuming.

With the call of the five majors, the heads and high-level leaders of the majors in the southern region have converged on Qingweimen.

Finally, on the tenth day, all the representatives of the martial arts in the southern region came to the Qingwei gate, and the martial arts conference officially opened.

In the Eastern Region, the Eastern Region Allied Forces fought two more battles with the army. For the first time, the military dispatched 800,000 troops, and the Eastern Region dispatched a million.

As a result, 300,000 people were injured and wounded in the Eastern Union and less than 100,000 were killed or injured by the military.

In the second battle, the military dispatched 1 million troops and 1.5 million troops from the Eastern Region. As a result, the Eastern Region Alliance was defeated and the casualties reached 500,000.

After the two wars, Lei Jiuming led the army back and forth.

The military was pressing harder.

After four wars, the military has grown louder, and everyone in the world is sighing for the Eastern Regions, for fear that the Eastern Regions will lose.

Clear Weimen.

The heroes gathered in the outer gate square. Then Song Yong brought the heads of Litian, Dingyang, Tianjiandao, Feitianzong and Wusheng masters to the scene. In addition, there were 36 masked Wusheng masters. .

Therefore, there were as many as fifty people in the field of fifty, and none of these martial arts concealed their breath.

The breath of more than fifty martial saints soared into the sky, scattered the clouds, and kept rolling, making the leaders of the various martial arts attending the scene trembled. For a moment, the entire outer gate square became silent.

Subsequently, Song Kun appeared, and announced the nine counts of the military aircraft battalion.

Hearing the various counts of guilt from Song Kun, sensitive people faintly foreshadow what will happen next, and for a moment, their faces showed embarrassment, surprise, shock, and horror.

After declaring the nine guilts of the military, Song Kun announced another news, that is, the split sky sword faction, Dingyangmen, Feitianzong and Tianjiandao have joined the Southern Budo Alliance, he hopes that everyone present can also Join the Budo Alliance.

The picture shows the dagger!

A group of head suzerains finally understood the true purpose of this martial arts assembly.

Now, even the four major factions in Split Sky have joined the Southern Martial Arts Alliance. How can these small factions dare not follow.

But there are still jumping out of fear.

For this kind of person, there is only one end, die!

After beheading a few dissatisfied people, no one would dare to oppose it. In fact, Song Xun was really reluctant to do so, only to blame the situation on the East side for being too tense, and he had no time to talk to these gangsters.

Three days passed, and after three days of negotiation, the martial arts alliance finally set the tone.

Song Kun served as the leader of the Nanyu Martial Arts Alliance, with the split-day sword faction, Dingyangmen, Feitianzong, Tianjiandao, Guiyuanzong five factions in charge, and Qingweimen elder Duanmu Chong as the vice-owner.

Under the Vice-League, there are nine elders. There are ninety elders. Among them, Qingweimen occupies 20, Guiyuanzong eight, Dingyangmen eight, Split Sky Sword School and Feitianzong Tianjian Road. The rest are divided up by those small pie.

In addition, the Alliance Army and Alliance Chamber of Commerce have been expanded.

The alliance army was expanded from the original one million to at least three million, and the personnel of the alliance chamber of commerce increased tenfold.

After the formation of the Southern Region Budo Alliance, the first alliance leader Huang Liang issued a statement to the world Kyushu: There is no military battalion, and the three million South Region coalition will go to the Eastern Region battlefield today to support the Eastern Region Budo Alliance!

As soon as this news came out, the world was shaken!

[Author off topic]: One more

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