Magic Love Ring

Chapter 847: Blood Fiend

Southland also reversed?

Why is there no sign in advance!

Many people were shocked by this news. At the same time, some ambitionists were secretly happy. Seeing that the Eastern Union was defeated by the army's army, but it turned out to be in the southern region and would send troops to help. East domain.

Well, the general situation that the military finally managed to create was instantly torn out of a huge mouth.

And when I heard that the Southern Territory was also anti, the eight pavilions were shocked, especially the boss of Chuge, who was furious, because she never dreamed that the person who brought the Southern Territory was Song Yan!

Suddenly she was anxious and angry, gritted her teeth and yelled, "I already knew that the kid was a scourge! If I had been able to kill him desperately before, it would not be the case today. Unfortunately, it is too late to regret It's up! "

Immediately, Niange opened the old meeting of the military aircraft battalion again.

During this time, the eight pavilions held meetings again and again, which is unimaginable in the past.

Old conference room.

The eight pavilions were gathered together, and everyone's faces were not very good-looking. At first sight, the flames of the Eastern Regions were about to be wiped out. I did not expect to have another Southern Region Budo Alliance.

"Everyone, what do you think and suggest about the rebellion in Nanyu?" Niange looked around, his face somber.

The seven pavilions dare not speak rashly.

Sending troops to attack is obviously unrealistic. Although there are tens of millions of soldiers under the military aircraft battalion, more than 5 million troops are stationed in the seven border battlefields.

Three hundred elite soldiers have been deployed to attack the Eastern Region.

Even if it is necessary to transfer troops, it is good to be able to draw one million, not to mention, the Southern Region has already sent troops to the Eastern Region, even if the military aircraft battalion wants to transfer troops, it is too late.

Because of knowing this, everyone is afraid to speak casually.

"Chu Ge, do you have any good suggestions?" Nian Ge's eyes fell on Chu Ge's face.

Knowing her name, Chu Ge knew how to quit but was worried about how to answer. Suddenly, her heart moved: "It's better to use the blood evil guard to assassinate Huang Liang!"

Hearing the words "Blood Sha Wei", all the seniors, including the seniors, could not help but change color.

"Inappropriate, the Blood Shawei is difficult to control, and the killing is too heavy. Once they are released, it is a disaster!" Said the old man Jiang Taifeng, who did not speak very often, and said with a taboo in his eyes.

Chu Gelao's voice followed, with a little tacit aiming and sarcasm: "It's a big thing, it's informal, and the bleeding guard is endless, but Jiang Gelao have you ever thought about it, once the southern area supports the eastern area, There were no ambitious people in the other Seven Realms to rise up, but at that time, our military aircraft battalion will definitely become a real name. Compared to the survival and death of military aircraft battalion, what kind of damage is caused by the blood evil guard! "

"Anyway, this seat does not agree to use the blood evil guard!" Jiang Taifeng said firmly.

Chu Ge Lao sneered: "Jang Ge Lao did not agree to use the blood to defend the guard, there must be a better way to deal with the Southern Region, may wish to speak out and let the little girl have a long experience!"

Facing the cynicism and sarcasm of Chu Ge's old man, Jiang Ge's complexion flushed: "I have no good way."

Chu Ge Lao continued: "Since there is no way, then we have to use blood Shawei! What do you think?"

The crowd did not speak, and looked subconsciously at the old man, waiting for his expression.

Blood Shawei are a group of killing machines that only know about killing and no human feelings. They are cruel, cold, and belligerent!

According to historical records of the military aircraft battalion, five hundred years ago, the military aircraft battalion sent three blood warriors to perform the task. Eventually, they all completed the task, but in the process of performing the task, they slaughtered more than 300,000 innocent people. people.

Two hundred and seventy-six years ago, the military aircraft battalion also sent Blood Shawei to perform the task. This time, five were dispatched. As a result, this time, the five Blood Shaguards burned out a small town of one million people, which led to the The small city turned into a ghost, and so far it has become a ruin, and anyone who set foot in it can hear the grieving souls roaring.

The last time the blood sha guard was used more than 80 years ago, because there is a lesson from the front car, so this time only two blood sha guards were sent. As a result, these two blood sha guards were locked for too long, and they became large as soon as they came out. The killing ring was almost a case of killing a village.

A total of more than two million people became their dead souls. Later, it seemed that this was not the way to go. The military did not wait for the two blood evil guards to complete the task and destroyed them.

Today, there are fewer than thirty remaining blood shamans, most of whom have died in detention.

Niange didn't speak right away. He was thinking. After a short while, there was a hint of venom in his eyes: "This block agreed to use the blood defender!"

Seeing Niange old promised, Chu Ge old couldn't help but get excited: "This seat agrees too!" When she spoke, she deliberately glanced at Zhang Jiangkun.

After thinking about it, Zhang Jiangkun nodded and said, "I agree!"

Although the dispatch of the Blood Shawei will cause a large number of deaths, compared with the dominance of the military aircraft battalion, those who are irrelevant to the dead point are nothing. After all, he has become a habit of prestige in the old position. Once the military aircraft battalion How did he dissolve when he was dissolved?

"Everyone, the Blood Sha Guards must be out to kill, and once the world knows, our military battalion will definitely lose its prestige!" Jiang Taifeng grieved.

"Well, the Blood Shawei is the highest secret of our military battalion. As long as we don't disclose it, who knows!" Chu Ge Lao Leng hummed.

In the end, five people agreed to use the Blood Guard, Huang Puge and Li Ge abstained, and Jiang Taifeng and Jiang Ge were opposed.

"Okay, the proposal to send the blood evil guard passed, now, how much blood evil guard should we consider?" Niange said again.

Chuge's old eyes flashed with resentment: "This proposal proposes to release all the blood evil guards and divide them into two sets. One is best to cut off Lei Jiuming to the east and one is to go to the south. Little beast! "

"Chu Ge, are you crazy? All thirty blood defenders are dispatched, which will cause the death of at least 10 million ordinary people!" Jiang Taifeng shouted in a voice.

"Eastern and Southern Territories are anti-thieves. It doesn't matter how many people die!" Said Chu Ge Laoyin.

"Even though the Eastern and Southern Territories have reversed, but ordinary people are not guilty, I don't agree to use all blood evil guards!" Jiang Taifengge argued reasonably.

"Chu Ge Lao is a little overdone, it's really impossible to send all the blood Sha Wei!" Huang Pu Ge Lao also objected.

"Well, let's dispatch twenty Blood Shaguards first. Ten people will go to the Eastern Region and the other ten will go to the Southern Region!" Niange began to settle the matter, and then he looked at Chuge again. Lao said, "Chu Ge is old, let you do the work of releasing the blood evil guard!"

"Well, please rest assured that you are old!"

After the Ge Lao meeting was over, Chu Ge Lao hurried out of the holy city with two martial arts guards and came to a deep mountain through a secret teleportation array in the sub-city.

This deep mountain is silent, no sound can be heard, dark and terrifying.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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