Magic Love Ring

Chapter 848: Bitch is arrogant

Eastfield battlefield.

The military camp and the Eastern Union Army's barracks are only a hundred miles apart, with only a not wide river in the middle.

The news that the Southern Territory also counter-introduced into the ears of the Eastern Territory Alliance. The Eastern Territory Alliance, which had lost four battles in a row, was very morale and shouted with excitement, because the Southern Territory not only reversed, but also sent three Millions of troops came to support the Eastern Union.

The situation on the military side is exactly the opposite. Seeing victory in sight, three million troops will be sent to the southern region. Originally, the number of Eastern Union troops was greater than that of the military. After the Fourth War, the gap was not large. With three million fresh troops, how can this fight be fought?

Therefore, the high morale of the army suddenly fell, and even the emotions of many soldiers became a little bit frightened and frightened.

Regarding the change in morale, Yan Wudi looked in his eyes and was anxious, but there was no way to resolve it.

In desperation, he can only convene a general to discuss.

Among the handsome accounts, Yan Wudi ranked first, glanced at the generals, and found that their faces were more or less worried and worried.

Even the generals behave this way, not to mention the soldiers?

For a moment, Yan Wudi's heart sank for a few minutes, and Shen said, "Look at you, what are you crying for? Are we defeated?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the generals were ashamed.

"The commander-in-chief, not the subordinates who said frustrated words, seeing victory in sight, but that southern region was involved, but that was three million people!" A general in his fifties sighed.

Yan Wudi sneered: "What about three million people, as long as we rob the Eastern Region Army before the arrival of the Southern Region Army, this victory may not be ours!"

Another general said: "Commander-in-chief, despite having lost four games in a row, the Eastern Alliance still has three million troops. Today, their morale has risen sharply, and the morale of our soldiers has fallen, and they must come to the Southern Army. How easy it was to defeat them before, unless they had a decisive battle with us! "

Hearing the general's last sentence, Yan Wudi's eyes suddenly flashed, and he slammed the table: "Yes, as long as they are forced to fight against us, whoever wins and who loses might not be sure!"

"But in this case, will the opponent fight against us?" A general asked.

"Not necessarily!" Yan Wudi showed a confident smile.

Hearing that there was a way for Yan Wudi, all the generals were mentally shocked. The old veteran asked eagerly, "I don't know what a good commander-in-chief!"

Yan Wudi sorted out his thoughts and said, "Have you found out that in these four battles, although the Eastern Union Alliance lost the next time, their military discipline and army formation have become more and more stringent!"

"indeed so!"

The generals nodded deeply.

Yan Wudi continued: "The Eastern Alliance is nothing but a coalition of people. It can train them to this level in a short period of time. Then, the other party must have a commander who is extremely good at platoon formation, but this commander is quite mysterious. Appearing, even so, let the coach see some clues! "

"Oh, do you know the other commander?" The veteran asked again.

"If the coach didn't guess wrong, the leader of the opponent should be Lei Jiuming!" Yan Wudi resolutely said.

"No, isn't he promoted to the director of the Ombudsman Division?" The veteran raised doubts, and the general nodded.

Yan Wudi smiled and smiled: "You only know one or the other. Lei Jiuming has indeed been promoted to Chief of the Warlords Division. However, the old Bu Ge he has resigned from has already retired from the military aircraft battalion. Therefore, his post as Chief of the Warlords Division has been removed recall!"

"No, he made so much credit on the Blood River battlefield that he was promoted to the Chief of the Supervisory Division. He would be dismissed if he was dismissed!" A general murmured in a tone of injustice for Lei Jiuming.

Hearing that, Yan Wudi was shocked, knowing that this topic could not continue, and quickly turned: "For the time being, we just need to send someone to the Holy City to see if there is anyone in Thunder House. Once we determine the commander-in-chief of the other party, It is Lei Jiuming, the coach has a way to force him to a decisive battle! "

A day later, Yan Wudi received news from the holy city that Leifu had gone empty.

Knowing this news, Yan Wudi's emotions were a bit complicated, and he murmured, "Lei Jiuming, Lei Jiuming, I didn't expect that the two of us would have a moment on the battlefield!"

After sighing, he ordered someone to prepare ink and ink, and wrote a letter to send him to the camp of the Eastern Alliance.

Soon, Lei Jiuming received a letter from Yan Wudi. Looking at the four vigorous characters "Brother Lei Qi" on the envelope, Lei Jiuming couldn't help but glance a little, secretly, he didn't expect that guy would guess so quickly It's me, but I'll see what's written in his letter.

After opening this letter, Lei Jiuming read it quickly, but a sneer appeared on his face: "Yan Wudi, Yan Wudi, you are trying to force me to fight you, but you really think I can't see you through thought?"

The figure flashed, and Song Ying's figure suddenly appeared in the handsome account.

"Xiao Huang, you came at the right time, look at this letter!"

Lei Jiuming threw the letter to Song Yan, and after reading it, Song Yan smiled and said, "Yan Wudi intends to force you to a decisive battle?"

"Good." Lei Jiuming nodded: "When your army in the southern region arrives, he will undoubtedly lose, and if he wants to win, he will only force me to a decisive battle!"

"Then what do you think?"

Song Yan asked.

Lei Jiu-Ming was silent for a while: "To be honest, I wanted to have a good deal with him, because when we were young, we played together under the tall commander's account, and he was pressing me everywhere, so I was very unconvinced. I always wanted to defeat him once, but unfortunately, I was transferred to the Blood River battlefield, and I never had the chance to defeat him again.

However, this time concerns the future of the Eastern and Southern Territories. Even if I want to defeat him again, I can't take it easy, so he wrote this letter in vain! "

After listening to Lei Jiuming's speech, Song Yan smiled, but he did not expect Lei Jiuming to have such a past: "Lao Lei, in fact, I think I can fight against him!"

"Why?" Lei Jiu-ming said a little unexpectedly, but he knew that Song Xuan was intelligent, and he certainly wouldn't be targeted, but with his plan.

"First, fulfill your wish!" Song Yan said, "Two, because it is because I have already played the banner of rebellion, so I don't have to hide again!"

"You mean, you want to set up a big team to deal with him?" Lei Jiuming asked tentatively.


Song Zheng nodded.

Lei Jiuming said: "If this is the case, it would not be difficult to defeat him, but I feel I am cheating!"

"A **** is arrogant!"

Song Yan said badly: "This is on the battlefield. As long as you can win, you can do everything. Besides, you don't have to play such a formation like me, you have to compete with each other's upright, and the other's soldiers The horses are all elite soldiers. What group do you lead? At this point, the other party has taken great advantage, so it is nothing if you use some other means! "

After being so scolded by Song Yan, Lei Jiuming suddenly realized: "Yes, it's because I've got a sharp horn, and I'll reply to that guy!"

[Author off topic]: three more

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