Magic Love Ring

Chapter 862: Haotianmeng and Santianmen fall

The fire and fire have all passed, leaving only thunder.

Therefore, at the next moment, a thick black cloud appeared over the rehearsal exercise room he closed, almost covering the entire Qingwei Gate.

Jieyun got thicker and thicker, and in the end, there was more thunder.

For a moment, the Qingwei Gate was not attracted by the robbery over the sky.

"not good!"

Song Yan screamed in secret, watching the posture of Jie Yun, if he continued to stay at Qingweimen to cross the robbery, it would likely affect other people.

and so……

Big move.

When the figure flashed, Song Kun disappeared into the practice room and appeared on a barren mountain thousands of miles away.

As he disappeared, Tian Jie lost his goal, and the Jie Yun shrouded over the Qingwei Gate quickly dissipated.

On the barren hills thousands of miles away, Jieyun began to condense again.

Looking at the robbery clouds that reappeared above his head, Song Yan could not help but think, his figure flickered, once again disappeared on the barren mountain, and came to a plain thousands of miles away.

Tianjie lost his goal again.

Can only helplessly dispersed.

Looking at Jieyun who had reunited after two minutes, Song Kun felt a sense of bantering Tianjie. If he continued to perform large movements, wouldn't this thunderstorm never hit him.

But if he did that, he would not be able to gather the real Jindan.

After all, Jin Dan in his body is still a semi-finished product.


Jie Yun overhead burst out of "roaring", seeming to be dissatisfied with Song Xi's teasing.

The next moment, a fist-sized black thunderbolt fell from the sky.


The figure flashed, Song Kun disappeared in place.


The thunder broke directly on the ground, and a hole the size of a basketball, tens of meters deep, was cut straight on the ground.

With the fall of this thunder, Song Kun felt a thunder force pouring out of the void to wrap up his semi-finished Jin Dan. After tempering, he became more rounded.

But the power of this Thunder was limited and it was quickly exhausted.

Then, a second thunderbolt bombarded.

The figure flickered, Song Kun disappeared again, making the thief thunder again. Suddenly, the power of thunder surged in the void to train Jin Dan for him.

Finally, after the tempering of the power of nine thunders, Song Jin's Jin Dan has become extremely round and full of aura.

Looking at Dan Tianzhong's Jin Dan, the size of a little finger, Song Ye could not help showing a smile of satisfaction.

As soon as his mind moved, his body floated out of the air, suspended in midair.

Once you break through the Jindan period, you can fly out of thin air. Of course, its speed is faster than that of the Royal Sword.

In addition, you can increase your life by 500 years when you reach the Jindan period.

Coupled with his own life, Song Yan can easily live for seven or eight hundred years.

As soon as he thought, Song Yan appeared in the house of Qing Weimen.

"Brother Huang, have you broken through?" Ning Ling asked with concern.


Song Yan smiled and nodded.

"Congratulations to Brother Huang." Ning Lingqiao's face appeared happy.

"Don't get some practical action?" Song Yun said ridiculously.

"Hate, Brother Huang came to bully people again." Ning Lingjiao shouted.

Although Ning Ling has been married to a woman, she still retains the innocence of the girl, which is what Song Yan likes her the most.

Holy city.

Old meeting room of the military aircraft barracks.

The nine cabinet veterans gathered together. Yes, it is the nine cabinet veterans. Two years ago, the eight cabinet veterans jointly passed the tenth year as the ninth.

One door and two cabinets are old, which makes Nianjia's strength even higher.

In addition, the current military aircraft battalion can still be maintained, and it also relies on the identity of the disciple of Wushen Valkyrie. Therefore, most of the current military aircraft battalion is controlled by the grandfather and grandson of the Nian family.

The old man first spoke: "Three years have passed, and our military aircraft battalion has restored a lot of vitality. It is time to start dealing with the two southeast regions!"

As soon as this word came out, Chu Ge's old face could not help flashing excitement.

Years of Wuji look as usual, no change in the slightest, the other six old courts look a bit complicated.

After the careful training of the seniors, the young Wuji has completely transformed, and there is no longer a sense of arrogance on his body, and he is extremely peaceful.

"You think, where do we start?" Asked the old man again.

"This seat feels that we should pull out all the forces in the holy city of Haotianmeng and Santianmen to kill chickens and tamarins!" Said Chu Gelao.


It is said that the old look of Yigange is a little hesitant. Haotianmeng is the first gate of the human race and there are many masters of Wusheng. The three heavenly gates are not weaker than Haotianmeng. If you want to do something to them, you must pay a lot cost.

So, for a long while silent, the old man raised this concern.

"This task can be left to me. I promise to be uprooted with the four factions within three days!" Nian Wuji said vocally, his eyes looming a bit of viciousness.

I heard that everyone was shocked. The four schools were combined, and the number of martial arts was nearly a hundred. How dare you say that they were uprooted within three days this year?

"Since Wuji has confidence, let this matter be left to you!" Niange said, it seems that there is no doubt that Nian Wuji can't do it in general.

"This seat is willing to fully support the young son!" Chuge said.

"No!" Nian Wuji waved his hand: "I'm enough to deal with them!"

Chu Ge's old complexion was slightly stagnant, and the secret way was too arrogant and he did not know where he came from!

However, even the old pavilion supported him, so the old man said nothing.

After the meeting, Nian's grandfather and grandson returned to Nianfu and came to the study.

"Wujiu, are you ready?" Niange asked.

"Grandpa rest assured, grandchildren have already set up, this time, Haotianmeng and Santianmen can not escape the annihilation!" Nian Wuji said.

"Okay, you go, don't let grandpa down!"


After Nian Wuji left the study, his two maids came in a hurry: "My son, all of us are in place. As soon as you order, they will release the soul-stealing smoke. Even Wu Sheng will lose 90% of his combat power! "

"Okay, let them do it!"

He waved his hand without fear, this soul-stealing smoke is a very special poison. Ordinary warriors will faint when they smell it, and will cause great damage to the soul. Wu Sheng smelled it, although it will not faint, but Will cause the soul to be dull, greatly reduced strength.

That night, Nian Wuji personally led ten Wusheng and brigade soldiers into the Haotian League headquarters, and captured all the senior members of Haotian League without spending much effort.

At the same time, three other people rushed into the three schools of Tianlong, Tianhu, and Tianxiang, and captured all their seniors.

The next day, the news spread, and it caused a sensation throughout the holy city.

As the initiator of this incident, Nian Wuji also became famous.

Saint Martial College.

A Wu Sheng came hurriedly. This Wu Sheng came from Haotian League. He was not inside Haotian Gate when he acted recklessly last night, so he escaped.

It was learned that the high-level members of Haotianmeng and Santianmen fell into the hands of the young and impervious, and he quickly left the holy city and went to Shengwu College to report to Xuanyuan Wuwu.

[Author off topic]: One more

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