Magic Love Ring

Chapter 863: Persecution of Saint Martial Academy


Hearing that both Haotianmeng and Santianmen fell into the hands of the military aircraft camp, the four of Xuanyuan Wuyi and Nangong Tianbao were astonished.


Nangong Tianbao took a slap on the table, and suddenly, the wooden table under his palm turned into a puff of wood flour: "The military aircraft camp is really brave! How dare to do this!"

"How did they do it? How many more than a hundred people in Hao Tianmeng and Santianmen of me could have been arrested overnight?"

Zhuge Qingyang's brows frowned, and he was puzzled.

Wu Sheng, who reported the letter, thoughtfully: "The Lord of Zhuge, who had hid underneath to look around, found that our Haotianmeng and the three captured men were dull, and their eyes were dull. It was a poison that captured everyone! "

"What medicine can poison Wu Sheng?" Huang Puhuoming puzzled.

"There is a poison in the world that can erode the soul of the warrior. Even the strength of the poison in Wu Sheng will be imprisoned!" At this time, Xuanyuan sounded without my voice.

"What poison?" Everyone looked at Xuanyuan without me.

"Soul Eater."

Xuanyuan said without a deep voice: "It is recorded in my Hao Tianmeng's classics that this soul-stealing smoke is a strange poison, and this poison is a product of heaven and earth. The only place it exists is in the misty cliffs. .

Wuji was an apprentice of the Valkyrie that year, and it is not surprising that he can have soul-stealing smoke! "

"Then what should we do?" Nangong Tianbao was angry and worried. I knew it would be necessary to move the Tianlong Gate from the holy city.

Xuanyuan Wuwu continued: "Nian Wuji captured and seized the top of our four factions without killing. He definitely wanted to force us to lead the Shengwu Academy to betray the two areas in the southeast, so they will not be in danger for the time being!"

Hearing Xuanyuan ’s selfless analysis, Nangong Tianbao and others looked extremely ugly.

After a long while, Zhuge Qingyang said, "Xuanyuan Laoer, if you have no worries, you really threaten us with people under our door, how should we choose?"

"I don't know." Xuanyuan shook his head without embarrassment. Although he didn't want to betray Song Yong, the entire Haotian League fell into the hands of Nian Wuji, and he couldn't ignore Haotian League.

Just then, the guard came to report that Nian Wuji brought a group of people to Shengwu Academy.

Hearing Nian Wuji's name, Nangong Tianbao couldn't help but be furious: "This kid even dared to come to Shengwu Academy, I'll kill him!"

"Nangong don't be impulsive! Let's not say if you can kill him. If you really kill him, can our gatekeeper keep it?" Zhuge Qingyang held Nangong Tianbao and persuaded.

He could not help but think that his doormen were all in the hands of the young and impotent.

After a short while, Xuanyuan Wu and his group saw Nian Wuji in the lobby.

"The younger generation had no fear of meeting Xuanyuan seniors, Nangong seniors, Huangpu seniors and Zhuge seniors!" Nian Wuji calmly saluted with a smile.

"Nian Wujiao is pretending to be here, let's say, what are you doing here for?" Nangong Tianbao said coldly.

"Haha, naturally there is something to talk to the four seniors, but the junior prepared a gift for the four seniors, I hope you like it!" Nian Wuji waved his hands. Suddenly, each of them held a jade box. Come in and take them to Xuanyuan Wume.

"The four seniors may wish to open it?"

Hearing that Nangong Tianbao first opened his jade box, and the jade box was a finger stained with blood.

Then Xuanyuan Wuyou and others opened the jade box one after another.

In Xuanyuan Wuyi's box is an ear, Zhuge Qingyang's is a nose, and Huang Pu's fire is an eyeball.

Seeing the box, Xuanyuan and I were all furious.

However, without waiting for him to speak, Nianjiu's voice continued to sound: "The gift to Nangong seniors was taken from a man named Nangong Ji; the gift to senior Zhuge was taken from a Zhuge Yunfeng As for the gift of senior Huang Pu, it was dug out from the eyes of a kid called Huang Punan, and the gift of senior Xuanyuan was taken from Xuanyuan Wuyi.

Are the four seniors satisfied with the gifts of the younger ones? "

Provocation, this is simply naked provocation.

The four names reported by Nian Wuji are relatives of Xuanyuan Wuwu.

For a moment, they were anxious to unload the abominable boy in front of them!

But they couldn't do it because their relatives and doormen were still in each other's hands.

"Nian Wuji, what exactly do you want to do? Why not just say it directly?" Xuanyuan Wudao pressed my inner anger.

Nian Wuji chuckled and said, "Can't the four seniors guess what I came for?"

Hearing that all four were silent.

"Why?" Nian Wuji looked suddenly cold. "Doesn't the four seniors think the lives of your loved ones and doormen are not important? If you let them know, how sad you are!"

"Who said the four seniors didn't value the lives of loved ones and doormen!"

An abrupt voice sounded, and then, I saw a young man in a white robe, with long hair flying, and a gigantic instrument, with a slender figure, with his hands calmly stepping into the hall.

"Xiao Huang, why are you here?"

At the sight of this young man, a touch of surprise appeared on the faces of Xuanyuan Wumei.

"If I didn't come, wouldn't the four seniors be deceived by this mean man!" Song Yan smiled.

On hearing that, Zhuge Qingyang could not help but brighten his eyes: "Xiao Huang, what do you mean by that?"

"Four seniors, please rest assured, your relatives and doormen, I have rescued them all!" Speaking of this, Song Yan looked at Nian Wuji, a flash of drama was flashing in his mouth: "So, you don't have to be treated by this anymore Threatening villain! "

"That's what it is!"

Xuanyuan is happy without me.

"When did the kid cheat four seniors!" Song Kun said.

"You bullshit!" Nian Wuji shouted, "They are all held by me in a secret place, and the place is even more seriously guarded, how could you rescue them!"

Song Yan smiled dismissively: "That's not easy. I just need to put a large array there. In my large array, your heavy soldiers can't play any role at all!"

Hearing that Nian Wuji's face became extremely ugly, but immediately he smiled again: "What can you do to save them, they weighed my soul eater, without my antidote, they only spent their whole life. Can be a waste! "

"Is soul killer so powerful? I don't believe it!" Song Yan sneered.

"Huh!" Nian Wuji proudly said, "The soul-stealing smoke comes from the misty smoke of my master's seclusion, the lightest smoke in the world. Ordinary martial arts soldiers will be stunned if they are poisoned by this smoke. This poison will damage the soul, and at most, it will show 10% of its strength! "

"Really? Your soul-stealing smoke is so powerful. How did the ten poisonous smokers get rid of it!" A hint of fun emerged from the corner of Song Yan's mouth, and then he said to the door: "Ten seniors, you May wish to come in and show Nian Gongzi and let him see if the poison on your body has been completely removed! "

As soon as the words fell, ten martial saints stepped in. It was exactly ten of the martial arts men who were captured by Nian Wuji.

With the arrival of ten people, Nian Wuji's eyes fell on them unconsciously, and I saw that these ten people were full of energy and grandeur, and there was no sign of poisoning.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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