Magic Love Ring

Chapter 864: Active attack

Seeing the ten martial saints, Nian Wuji couldn't help but have a staggered face, shouting unbelievably: "How is this possible! How could they not be poisoned?"

"Are your eyes blind? Can't you see if they are poisoned?"

Song Yan smiled. . .

"You!" Nian Wuji was speechless for a moment.

Song Xuan didn't bother about Nian Wuji any more, but said four things to Xuanyuan Wu me: "Four seniors, how do you plan to make this kid?"

After hearing that, Nangong Tianbao's eyes were bright, and he stared coldly at Nian Wuji, gritted his teeth and said, "Naturally, this guy will be frustrated!"

Just now, the young people were jealous, but they were full of anger in their stomachs, but they just couldn't catch it. Now that they have a chance, how can they let it go.

"Hum! Why don't you just want to be my son!"

Nian Wuji sneered and spoke.

"Really? The lambs to be slaughtered are so daunting! I admire you a little!"

As soon as the voice fell, Song Yan stepped on the ground with his right foot. Suddenly, a large array rose, and everyone was included in the array space.

Suddenly, Nian Wuji was panicking. In recent years, he didn't know much about Song Xun's ability to form, so he took precautions after he appeared. However, he didn't expect to be in his way, but thought he had Master Ling's bodyguards donated in her heart.

"Boy, take my punch!"

Nangong Tianbao sighed softly, stepped out, raised his right hand, and uttered a punch with impunity.

In just a few years after Song Zheng healed his internal injuries and taught him the Yuanjing Sutra, Nangong Tianbao's strength has been promoted to the peak of Wu Sheng, coupled with his accumulated combat experience over the years and the secret martial arts skills of Tianlongmen His strength is extremely horrible. Even if five or six martial saints besieged him in the later period, he didn't want him.


In the face of Nangong Tianbao's punch, Nian Wuji raised his hand and punched.

The two punches collided in the void, and as a result, the two were shaken back dozens of meters.

have equal shares.

"It is worthy of Valkyrie, interesting, come again!"

After trying out his years of strength, Nangong Tianbao's war intentions skyrocketed, and his body rushed out again.

"Try my Sky Thunder Nine!"


There seemed to be a thunderous thunder in the sky. Nangong Tianbao was shrouded in thunder. The speed was extremely fast, and it was close to Nian Wuji, and a huge fist burst out.


Nian Wuji greeted him with a wave of palms, blocking the Nangong Tianbao's three punches, but was shaken by the thunder power contained in his fist, and even the vitality in his body had a tendency to collapse.

Eventually, he couldn't stop the fourth punch, and was blown away a hundred meters away.

Nangong Tianbao stood proud and looked at Nianwuji with disdain: "How wonderful I am to be a disciple of martial arts! It turned out to be so vulnerable!"

"You fart!"

Nianjiu was furious. Suddenly, a snow-white light glowed over him, covering him all at the same time, and a golden long sword appeared on his hand.


The white shadow flashed, and the Niangong Tianbao was killed without any fear. The sword in his hand seemed to be a virtual shadow, constantly appearing around the Nangong Tianbao.


Nian Wuji was hit again, but a small sword injury appeared on the left arm of Nangong Tianbao.

Nian Wuji, who was struck by the fly, was not injured, because the force falling on him was counteracted by the light mask outside his body.

"Nangong Tianbao, we come again!"

Nian Wuji rushed again with his sword and continued to cast his unpredictable sword skills.

Nangong Tianbao is full of thunder, and his punches are getting fiercer.


Nian Wuji was hit again, but he was still not injured.

There was an additional sword injury on the Nangong Tianbao.

"Xuanyuan senior, what was that layer of white light on Wuji that year?" Song Yan asked with a frown.

"It should be Lingbao. It is said that Lingbao can be refined only by the Valkyrie! The strength of E Nangong is that he cannot break the defense of Lingbao!"

Next, it turned out that Xuanyuan had no expectation. Nangong Tianbao repeatedly hit Nianjiuji, but he was still unable to break the layer of light on his body. Instead, Nianjiuji left many sword injuries on him. Although these sword wounds did not cause much damage to him, they annoyed him abnormally.

"I'll try it too!"

The figure shook, and Huang Puhuo Ming also joined the battle group.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Nian Wuji is not as good as Nangong Tianbao, but he has a Lingbao bodyguard. As long as Lingbao is not broken, he will be invincible.

However, after Huang Pu Huo Ming joined the battle, he fell into a state of passive beatings.


He was hit again and again throughout the year, but he was hit at most and remained intact.

"Haha, even if you go up together, you won't hurt me a bit, and if you are interested, let go of this broken line and let the son leave!" Seeing that the two of them could not cause a little damage to his spirit treasure for a long time, he was not afraid Laughing proudly.

At this moment, Song Yan's eyes were cold, his hands quickly printed.

Soul control printed!

A mysterious symbol flew out, and passed directly through the light of Nianjiu's Lingbao, sinking into his body.

"Throw me all the soul treasures on you!" Song Yan ordered.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Nian Wuji removed the Lingbao shield on his body, and then threw it to Song Yan with two other things.

"Nangong senior, Huangpu senior, let's do it!"

Putting away three Lingbaos, Song Kun reminded.

"it is good!"

The two did not hesitate at all and shot at the same time.

Then, Wuji's head and heart were shattered at the same time.

As for the four martial saints who followed Nian Wuji, they have long been held up by Song Zhen with the formation method, sealing their cultivation.

Withdrawing from the formation, the figures of the crowd appeared again in the lobby.

"Xiao Huang, thanks to you this time, if it wasn't for your timely arrival, we're afraid of being killed by Nian Wuji's small beast!" Xuanyuan said without emotion.

"Seniors have won prizes, and this is all I should do." Song Yan modestly said.

"By the way, Xiao Huang, you are far away in the Southern Region, why did you know that our gatekeepers had an accident so quickly, and rescued them in such a short time?" Zhuge Qingyang asked curiously.

Song Yi said: "Thanks a lot to Bu Yi! Three years ago, I had a secret relationship with Bu Yi. This time, as soon as your doorman had an accident, he sent someone to tell me the news, even where he was detained. He told me! "

"So it is!"

Xuanyuan nodded without waiting.

Song Zheng replied: "If the rebellion is dead this year, the rule of the military aircraft battalion must not continue, but I plan to conceal his death for the time being, and then go directly to the military aircraft battalion to try to unify the peoples within the shortest time!"

"Okay, we all support you!"

The next day, the two Southeastern domains jointly announced that the military plane battalion had no way, hoping to be disbanded automatically, otherwise, the army of the two Southeastern domains would surely come in the near future.

[Author off topic]: Three more, updated today

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