Magic Love Ring

Chapter 869: Fight Valkyrie

Guess that this is the projection of the Mist Valkyrie all faces became pale, although the Valkyrie did not come in person, but his projection appeared, there is not much difference from the presence, we must know that from the previous perspective, the Mist Valkyrie is not I hope that His Majesty will form the Dawu Empire. Then, can His Majesty survive this disaster?

Nianyi, Chu Huaixian, Zhang Jiangkun, and Qing Ya were inexplicably excited to see the emergence of the Valkyrie projection. . .

"Huang Liang, your death is here!" Chu Huaixian laughed.


Song Kun raised his hand. Suddenly, Chu Huaixian's body seemed to be bombarded by an invisible force. He screamed and flew upside down. He fell tens of meters away and lost his voice.

"Junior, you are very bold, but she is a servant of the deity, aren't you afraid that the devil will blame you?"

Wu Shen projected to speak, his tone was calm, and he couldn't hear the mood.

"Blaming it? Why are you blaming me? She offended me, shouldn't you die!" Facing the questioning of Wushen, Song Yan looked at Wushen's projection with no fear.

"Very good! For so many years, you are the first to fear Valkyrie! However, the deity's servants cannot die in vain, so the deity will shoot you three times. If you can survive, how will the deity spare you?" Wu Mi Valkyrie smiled.

"How can you decide your life?" Song Yan shook his head: "What's more, you are just a projection, and a projection dares to speak wildly in front of You. Really, I don't know how to live or die. Of course, You are not brutal. Unreasonable people, if you leave Nian Yi and Zhang Jiangkun to you, how can you not destroy your projection? "

Faced with Song Yan's offensive words, the Wushen Valkyrie was not angry: "You junior is also interesting. Although the deity is only a projection now, but also has the strength of the body, you can never understand the power of Valkyrie Even if there is only one level of strength, it is not something you can resist, so don't make yourself wrong! "

"How to know if you haven't tried it," Song Yong said indifferently, but there was a sense of firmness in his tone.

"It seems that you are so determined to oppose the deity, let alone this younger person to see the power of the deity!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wushen Wushu raised his hand and pointed out.


A light finger came out of his fingertips, and then slowly flew towards Song Yong.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

A Wu Sheng stepped forward, slashing his finger at the road.



The fingers shook the Wu Sheng with shock and vomited blood.


Two other Wu Shengs flew out and attacked at the same time.

Similarly, the end of the two martial arts was vomiting blood and flying.

Then, the five martial arts shot together, still unable to shake the slow-moving fingers flying towards Song Yun, but they spit blood one by one.

Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but give birth to a cool air, only the fingers of a martial arts projection are so powerful, and how far is the martial arts body powerful.

Seeing that more martial arts would step forward to stop the finger, Song Kun said: "You all give back to you!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yan raised his hand and punched.

"Angang Ang!"

Punches out, Long Yin bursts.

A golden boxing punch collided with that finger punch in the void, and then everyone widened their eyes and watched the punch swiping and the finger swallowing, and half a quarter of an hour, the punch punch and the finger punch Before annihilating each other.

"The way of the martial arts is just the same!" Song Xuan stood on the dragon chair with a disdainful expression.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

Song Kun actually blocked an attack by Wu Shen. Therefore, the Baiguan Yulin Army and even the sacred Wu Shengdu who were present were extremely excited. For a moment, they couldn't help shouting.

As for Qing Ya and Nian Yi Zhang Jiangkun, they were shocked. They never dreamed that Song Ye could resist the attack of Valkyrie.

As for the Valkyrie Valkyrie's complexion.

"It seems that the deity has downplayed your junior, since that is the case, then pick up the deity!"

Hum! !! !!

When I raised my hand, the Wu Shen of the mist pointed out a finger again, and the finger strength was still weak, but there was an unspeakable change.

Seeing this, Song Yan raised his hand and banged a punch, still lingering.


The boxing force and the finger force collided in the void, and the entire void suddenly turned into a black hole. At this moment, the light finger force suddenly split into three finger forces, slamming toward Song Yu like lightning.

"Angang Ang!"

Three dragons yelled one after another, and then Song Yong's fist split into a three-foot-long golden dragon, and the dragon's tail swung between them, blocking the three fingers to go!

This time, the two sides battled for only a quarter of an hour before it ended.

Seeing this scene, Wushen's brows could not help but frown slightly: "Follow another finger!"


The Wushen Valkyrie clicked a finger again, his fingers fluttered halfway, suddenly burst like a firework, and instantly turned into hundreds of fingers, attacking Song Yong from different trajectories, respectively.

"Haha, is this stop?"

Song Yan smiled slightly, but punched out again.


A dragon yin shaking the world sounded, and a long golden dragon spurted out from Song Yan's fist. Between the mouths, a huge suction appeared, and he swallowed all the fingers of the Mist God of War.

After a long while, Jinlong dissipated, and the fingers swallowed by it disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Wushen Wu Shen's eyes suddenly shrank, because he had an extra guess in his mind. He attacked three times, and Song Kun counterattacked three times. Each time Song Kun's counterattack just offset his attack, was it a coincidence? Or is it intentional?

If it is a coincidence, it means that the opponent's strength is not weaker than the Valkyrie projection, but intentionally, it means that the opponent has seen through the changes in his finger strength, and then played the same force.

If this is the case, the opponent's strength will far exceed his projection.

"It is so-called to come without going indecently. If you can catch your three punches, you will not care about your offense. If not, neither your disciples nor your servants want to live!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yan raised his hand and punched.

The emperor killed the first dragon from Longquan! !! !!

"Angang angang!"

Long Yin sounded into one piece, and in an instant, thousands of feet-long golden dragons spewed out of Song Yong's fist, and these golden dragons roared and projected to martial arts.

After a long while.

Hundreds of thousands of dragons are left, and the Valkyrie projection has completely disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone was extremely shocked, Song Yan actually defeated Valkyrie!

This is simply incredible.

At this moment, in the misty cliff, the face of the misty warrior almost dripped out of water. His divine projection of the warrior was actually defeated by a great master, and it was still in the public eye. These were shameful.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank you for your great reward

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