Magic Love Ring

Chapter 870: Three Great Valkyrie

On the altar. . .

Even the Wushen projection was defeated, and Qingya, Nianyi, and Zhang Jiangkun did not make fearless resistance any longer, and were obediently captured.

Although this sacrifice to heaven was interrupted in the middle, it did not lower the prestige of Song Wu, the great emperor of the emperor, but made his prestige even higher.

After detaining Nian Yi and others, the ceremony continued.

Both the sacrifice to heaven and the ascension ceremony have ended. Now, the third link is carried out, after the closure, the concubine, and the hundred officials.

Song Xuan was sitting on a dragon chair, with a magnificent manner, and said loudly: "Pass on the will of Xun Hua, Feng Gu Xie Huayu is the Emperor of the Great Wu Empire, Feng Ningling is the Ling Fei, Feng Xue is the Snow Princess, Feng Yi, Jiang Taifeng, Duan Mu Chong, Gu Xie Youjie, Gao Meixiang, Chen Yizhou are internal ministers, and Feng Lei Jiuming is a general! "

Feng Fei, Feng Guan finished.

Song Xuan's eyes fell on six people, including Xuanyuan Wuwu, who was also on the altar: "Pass on the will, starting today, the Shengwu Academy will be the Empire's First Academy!"

"Thank Your Majesty!"

Xuanyuan without me, all six of them fell to the ground excitedly.

After an hour.

Song Kun returned to the palace. Instead of dealing with the memorial, he went to a secret room.

As soon as he thought, his mind fell into the sea of ​​knowledge.

Before that, Jinyun Qi Yun integrated into his body, and his strength was promoted to an extremely horrible level in an instant. He even suspected that his strength was no less than that of Valkyrie.

But after all, he hasn't seen Valkyrie and hasn't played against Valkyrie, so he's not sure what level of strength he is.

But after fighting with Wushen Projection, he was at ease.

He did not even use 10% of his strength to defeat the projection of the Mist Valkyrie. If the projection of the Mist Valkyrie has 10% strength of the body, then his cultivation is better than that of the Mist Valkyrie.

However, this strength made him feel uneasy, because although the golden pillar of luck was integrated into his body, it was not a true fusion. In more appropriate terms, the power of luck is He lived in him.

Moreover, Tianzi can only use the force of luck to urge him from Longquan. He is very doubtful that if he is no longer the emperor, the force of luck will leave him. He thinks this possibility is very high.

As for why the power of luck came to him, he speculated that this should be related to his founding.

Thinking of this, he could not help but analyze. Since the power of luck is closely related to the empire, the stronger the power of the empire, the stronger the power of luck in my body. Conversely, if the power of the empire declines, the power of luck in my body The power will also weaken.

Of course, this is just a guess. As to whether the power of air transport is related to national strength, it remains to be verified.

Within ten days, the emperor's defeat of the Valkyrie's projection quickly spread to the world. Ordinary people heard the news and were proud of such a powerful emperor. The main gates heard that, but added a taboo to Song Zheng.

One of the Terran Forbidden Sites sits and forgets the peak.

At the same time, it is also the retreat of the three great Valkyries.

"Brother Huang, you have a good son. Come with me, the ancestor wants to see you!" An old man smiled at Huangshan Road with a little envy in his eyes.

"Ah! Shizu wants to see me?"

Hearing that, Huang Shan could not help but be very surprised: "Yes, Brother, what do you mean I have a good son?"

Since returning to Zanwang Peak, Huangshan has been practicing hard and rarely asked other things. Therefore, in just over three years, his practice has been promoted to the peak of the Grand Master, and he can step into Wushu in one step. Holy state.

As for his wife Liu Wushuang, he also worked hard to practice, and has now reached the beginning of the great master.

"You, you only know cultivation, you don't know that you care about your son at all!"

"What happened to the boy? Wouldn't it be trouble?" Huangshan could not help showing his worry.

"It's really a trouble, and it's very big!" Brother Zhu cried.

"Ah, Brother, what kind of trouble did the boy have, can you tell me?" Huang Shan said anxiously.

"Oh, he defeated the projection of the Mighty Valkyrie. It was offended to death!" Brother Zhu sighed, but there was a shock in the depths of his eyes.

Valkyrie projection has 10% of the strength of Valkyrie, can defeat the Valkyrie projection, does not it mean that his strength has surpassed Wu Sheng!

Hearing that his son actually defeated the warrior projection, Huang Shan did not believe it anyway and shouted: "No way, three years ago, the kid was a master. Even if he was so talented, now he is just a master. Beat the Valkyrie projection, I wish you brother, are you kidding me! "

"Brother Huang, to be honest, when I heard this news, I didn't believe it, but it is indeed a fact. Well, follow me quickly, don't let Shizu wait too long!"

"Yes Yes!"

Huang Shan nodded again and again, and followed his heart to Brother Zhu and came to a stone forest.

These stone forests are diverse, some like humans and some like animals, but in the middle of this stone forest sits a hoar-headed old man with white hair and slightly fat body.

He is one of the three great warriors of the human race.

"The disciple Huangshan met with the ancestor."

Huang Shan fell on his knees and gave a big gift.

"Get up."

An old voice sounded directly in the heart of Huangshan.

"Xie Shizu!" Huang Shan thanked.

"The old man called you this time, and there is a task for you to do!" The voice of Zhan Wangwu continued to sound in his heart.

"Please ask the patriarch."

"Your son Huang Liang has now unified the whole nation and formed an empire, but this is against the sky. The old man hopes you can persuade him and dissolve the empire!"


Hearing this news, Huang Shan couldn't help but startled, and recalled his son's ideals, unified the world of the human race, and led the human race to defeat the two demons.

Unexpectedly, it took only a few years for him to unify the human race. At first, it seemed that he had scolded him unrealistically.

"If he is willing to dissolve the empire, the old man can take him as a disciple!" The voice of the sitting **** of war continued to sound.

"Shizu, disciple has a question that shouldn't be asked, is there any reason why Shizu wants children to dissolve the empire?" Huang Shan is not a fool, but he doesn't believe that it is against the law to form an empire.

"You don't need to know the reason, you go!" Zanwu Valkyrie began to rush people.


Huang Shan fell to the ground again, and his expression was terrified: "Master, please forgive the disciples for their boldness and cannot accept this life, because the disciple has heard the children talk about his wishes. The purpose of unifying the people is not to pursue rights, but Want to lead the human race to defeat the two demons! "

Zuowu Wushen sneered: "It's arrogant, how can the demons and two demons be so easy to destroy! Don't say to destroy them, it is considered a fluke that our tribe can survive in this world, you know, the reason why the demons and the tribe did not use their full strength Attacking the human race is because they know that our human race is a loose sand. Now that your son has formed an empire, integrating the human race power, it seems to enhance the human race's strength. In fact, this is the way to take death, it is to push the human race to extinction. the road!"

Hearing the explanation of the Zanwuwu God, Huang Shan's face suddenly became extremely pale, tangled for a long time, and finally struck three heads towards the body of the Zanwuwu God: "The disciples take the lead!"

When Huangshan left, two figures appeared in the stone forest.

One is a middle-aged man in green robes. If Song Yi is here, he must recognize that this is the Valkyrie, and the other is a beautiful girl who looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, but her eyes are full of richness. In the vicissitudes of life, she is one of the three great martial arts gods.

[Author off topic]: Three changes, the update is complete

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