Magic Love Ring

Chapter 872: Life is hard to break

The next day, the ministers worshiped.

"Zhong Qing is flat!" Song Yonggao, wearing a black dragon robe, sat on a dragon chair and raised his hand to help him.

"Xie Xie," the ministers thanked in unison.

The empire was in its infancy and was alive and well, so there were so many things. Therefore, this dynasty opened for more than three hours.

However, a few more important things were also passed at today's North Korea meeting.

First, to establish a household registration, in the words of the real world, it is to establish a household registration file for the people of the empire and issue an identity card. With the family registration and identity card, the empire can better manage the people of the world.

Second, to build a school, the so-called education must start with the baby, and only by infusing them with the idea of ​​loyalty and patriotism can the empire last long.

Song Kun has a hunch that if these two things are done well, the national power and dominance of the Dawu Empire will be improved and stabilized. Naturally, the power of luck in his body will also expand.

Although the power of luck is the power blessed by this heaven and earth, it is undeniable that the power of luck is really strong, and it is already comparable to Valkyrie.

If he is allowed to practice with peace of mind, I am afraid that if he cultivates for another 100 years, he may not reach the realm of Wu Shen.

In order to destroy the two demons, force is indispensable, so Song Yan can only choose to strengthen the power of luck.

In addition to establishing a household registration and building a school, Song Yong also proposed to vigorously develop agricultural commerce, and formed a new department-Tiangong Institute.

In terms of strength, the human race is inferior to the demons and demons, so it is not enough to use force alone to defeat them. So Song Min thought of developing science and found a batch of high-tech weapons.

At present, the Tiangong Institute was initially built, and the number was not large, that is, there were more than ten people. Song Kun directly wrote the formula of the black powder and the method of making grenades, and left them to study.

A few days passed in a flash, the registration of household registration and the construction of the school under the aegis of the cabinet were proceeding in an orderly manner. Within a few days, the registration of household registration in Shengjing and nine sub-cities had been completed.

Today, there are more than 110 million people in the city of Shengjing, and the total number of people in the nine sub-cities is 100 million.

I have to say that this is a very scary number.

Building a school is slower. Currently, only ten elementary schools are built in the city of Shengjing, and all children between the ages of five and twelve can enter school for free.

The registration of household registration and the construction of schools have achieved initial results. Correspondingly, Song Yan feels that the power of air transport in his body has increased. In other words, the guess that strengthening national strength is to increase air transport is correct.

"Your Majesty, there is a man outside the palace who claims to be your father!"

A female officer came to report.

Yes, it is because the female officer is not an eunuch. Song Ye does not want to create such a profession as an **** in the world. Therefore, all the palace officials are in charge of office work.

Hearing that, Song Xun couldn't help but be surprised, seeing through the magical powers, looking out of the palace door, she really saw the dusty Huangshan.

As soon as he was in shape, Song Yan directly performed a large movement and came outside the palace gate.

"See Your Majesty!"

A group of guards bowed down to salute.

"No need to be polite, get up!"

As soon as the words came down, Song Yan walked to Huangshan with a smile and bowed down and said, "The child Huang Liang has seen his father!"

Looking at Song Yan wearing a dragon robe and dignified manner, Huang Shan was inexplicable.

A quarter of an hour later, the inner court of the Royal Palace.

"Dad, why didn't your mother come with you?" Song Yan asked.


Huangshan sighed heavily: "Your mother wants to come with her father, but you are too forbidden!"

"Taishi is not allowed?"

Song Yan's eyes were slightly narrowed, but an inexplicable crisis rose in his heart.

He said calmly: "Yes, Dad, now your son is already an emperor of a country, you do n’t have to sit on the peak again, you might as well stay here and enjoy the blessing. As for the mother, I will send someone to Pick it up! "

"I'm afraid I can't." Huang Shan shook his head.

"Why?" Song Yan asked.

Huangshan looked embarrassed and said, "I came here to serve your father's ancestor for my father, and persuaded you to dissolve the empire!"

"What? Dissolve the empire?" After hearing the words, Song Yong could not help but startled, and then sneered and asked, "Why did Tai Shizu do this?"

Speaking of which, when Song Yi thought of the sacrifice to heaven, the projection of the misty **** of war also made him ask to dissolve the empire.

One Valkyrie does this, and two Valkyries do the same?

What is it for?

Is it not good to have a strong human race?

Huang Shan's expression was even more embarrassing: "Your ancestor said that the establishment of the empire will attract the taboos of the two demons and bring disaster to our people!"

"Ha ha!"

When he heard such remarks, Song Yan could not help laughing. If he did not care about Huang Shan's face, he would directly scold some **** words. The previous peoples were full of clans. Although there were military camps, they were still scattered.

At present, Song Yong formed an empire to integrate the human power step by step. Only when he is strong, he is not afraid of foreign enemies.

And the meaning of the myth of sitting and forgetting is translated: you ca n’t be too strong, otherwise the enemy will taboo you and then come to attack you, so in order not to be attacked by the enemy, then you must break your own hands and feet, Let the enemy feel at ease!

If Wu Sheng dare to say so in front of him, Song Yan would definitely dare spray his face.

The next moment, Song Ye looked at Huangshan: "Father, what do you think?"

For a while, Huang Shan was in a tangled state, and he said after a while: "Actually, he does n’t agree with the ancestor, but he is the ancestor, and his life is inviolable, so I can only follow his orders to persuade you. The ancestor promised that if you are willing to dissolve the empire, he can take you as a disciple! "

"Ha ha!"

Song Ye smiled again, and his feelings on the seated Valkyrie were a bit worse. Nima, you asked my father to persuade me to dissolve the empire. Isn't it the intention of turning our father and son on their faces, and taking me as a disciple ?

Is he rare?

Song Yan took a deep breath and said to Huangshan: "Dad, I'll tell you the truth! To form an empire, I am not pursuing rights and enjoyment, but I want to lead the human race to completely eradicate the two demons. So, The empire cannot be dissolved, but I want to make her stronger and stronger! "

Huang Song didn't seem to be surprised by Song Yan's answer, but there were some losses: "Son, you can be very pleased with your father, but after all, you are a man sitting under the gate of Wushen, so you cannot be here for your father. I will support you on the bright side. When I return to sit and forget the peak, I will ask your ancestor to see if he can change his mind! "

"Father, I think you'd better stay here!" Song Yan said thoughtfully.

"No, I must go back to life!" Huang Shan shook his head.

Song Zheng nodded: "Well, now that you insist, you won't be forced to be a son, but even if you want to leave, you will have to stay for a few days, not to mention, your three daughters-in-law are still waiting to see you. You father-in-law! "

[Author off topic]: Two more

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