Magic Love Ring

Chapter 873: Three great martial arts disciples arrive together

A few days later, Song Ye sent Huangshan himself back to the palace, but Song Ye's face was a little gloomy.

In the past few days, he has been thinking about why the Valkyrie had to let him dissolve the empire, and after thinking about it, he doubted the luck.

When the nation did not establish a nation, then the luck cannot be condensed, and the three warriors should have a way to share or devour it.

However, after the people's nation was founded, luck was blessed on his emperor. With the strength of the empire, the luck that blessed him will be more and more.

On the contrary, if he gets more luck, then the three lucks will naturally decrease.

The three martial arts gods want to regain their luck, and the best way is to let him dissolve the empire, so that the luck will leave his body and return to heaven and earth.

With such scrutiny, Song Yan thinks it is very likely.

If this is the case, he hasn't faced the two demons yet. The first thing he has to face is the counterattack of the three martial arts gods.

If he has some confidence in the last Valkyrie, but he has no confidence in facing three Valkyrie at the same time.

Sitting at Wangfeng, a stone room with only a bowl-sized hole left, Liu Wushuang's face was ruined.

After Huangshan left Zanwangfeng, she wanted to follow up secretly, but did not expect that she was discovered by Brother Zhu as soon as she left, and then she was detained in this stone room.

At first, she also yelled and scolded, but no one paid attention to it, and no one gave her food. In the next few days, she was hungry and had little energy, which made her very disturbed. It is very likely to become the enemy of the Forgotten Valkyrie.

The figure flashed, and the figure of Huangshan appeared on the top of sitting and forgetting.

"Brother Huang is back, the ancestor is waiting for you, come with me!" Brother Zhu's figure followed, his tone indifferent.


Under Brother Zhu's leadership, Huangshan came to the stone forest again.


Huang Shan fell to the ground with a shame on his face and said, "Master, disciples are insulting teachers, failing to persuade Huang Liang to dissolve the empire, please punish him!"

"Anyway, you go down!" The voice of Zanwu Valkyrie sounded in his ear.

Out of the stone forest, Huangshan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Returning to his home, he found that Liu Wushuang was sitting there angrily, and his face looked rather dazed.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?" Huang Shan asked with concern.

"What else, I was hungry for a few days!" Liu Wushuang said angrily.

"Who cares about you, why do you do that!" Huangshan could not help but appear angry.

"Wish you brother, would you dare to cheer for me?" Liu Wushuang sneered.

"Jack, I fight with him!"

Huangshan was so angry that he turned to find Brother Zhushou desperately, but was held by Liu Wushuang's arm: "Okay, I just casually talked about it, you can't even beat someone with one hand!"

"You can't beat it!" Huang Shan's face rose red.

"Don't pretend, just be a little careful with you and feel sorry for me!" Liu Wushuang glared at him.

Suddenly, Huang Shan couldn't help showing his embarrassment: "I'm telling the truth!"

Liu Wushuang did not continue to investigate this problem, but said with anxiety: "How are you going to persuade our son? Is he willing to dissolve the empire?"

Huang Shan shook his head, his face was full of worry.

Seeing Huang Shan shaking his head, Liu Wushuang was more worried: "You said, our son disobeys the ancestor's meaning, will the ancestors take action against him?"

"Shouldn't it? Shizu's morality is high, and he shouldn't take action against a junior!" Huangshan said, but his tone seemed not very confident.

"High moral prestige? Huh, insidious and cunning is almost the same." Liu Wushuang snorted coldly.

"Ma'am, don't bullshit." Huang Shan whispered.

"Why? Don't you think I'm wronging him? Think about it, why did he just send you alone to persuade our son, but didn't let me go?"

Hearing the words, Huang Shan showed his thoughts.

Before waiting for him to speak, Liu Wushuang continued: "He was worried that you wouldn't go back before he left me here as a hostage. After you left, I wanted to follow you quietly. I didn't expect that they would have prevented it before. Cut it off and hung me up for a few days. You said, if they do n’t have that mind, why do n’t they let me go! ”

Listening to his wife's analysis, Huang Shan's complexion was a little pale, but still felt impossible: "Should not!"

"No!" Liu Wushuang sneered: "Then you try it, and say that our husband and wife are going down the hill to travel, and see if they will let us go! If they are willing to let us go, it means that they don't mean that If I am jealous of the gentleman's belly with caution, if they don't want to let us go, it means that they want to keep us on the mountain peak to beat our son! "

"Okay, then I'll try it!" Huangshan gritted his teeth, then got up and walked out.

After a quarter of an hour, Huangshan returned with a sullen face. Seeing this, Liu Wushuang sneered: "How, I didn't guess wrong!"

Huang Shan didn't speak, but at this moment, he felt that the image of the ancestor was plummeting in his heart.

In an instant, half a month passed.

The large state machine of the Dawu Empire is operating methodically.

On this day, during the Korean congress, all of them suddenly fell out of the hall from the sky and flew into the sand.

Then the three figures turned into a phoenix, a blue bird, and a black raptor.

Then, six people shot down from three psychic birds, but there were four men and two women.

Suddenly, the Royal Forest Army outside the palace moved by the wind and quickly surrounded the six men and three birds.

To these Yulin Army, all six of them were arrogant and turned a blind eye to them. It seemed that they did not take hundreds of Yulin Army to heart.

One of them stepped forward, with a slight disdain, and fell on Song Kun through the palace: "I was sitting on the cloud under the seat of the Forgotten Wushen, and came to meet the Emperor Wu with the brother Lianlong!"

The second voice followed: "Wunai Wushen sat down on Qingfeng, and brought his younger brother Qinglong to meet Emperor Dawu!"

The third voice sounded, this was a woman's voice: "Wunai Tongtian Wushen sat down with the spiritual smoke, and came to meet the Emperor Wu with the master sister Lingshuang!"

The three great martial arts disciples drove in together, making all the officials in the temple look very different, but a bit of playfulness emerged from the corner of Song Yan's mouth sitting on the dragon chair: "Can't you sit still so fast? Impatience! "

"Xuan!" Song Yan spit words like gold.

Suddenly, a female officer next to him yelled, "Xuan sit and forget the disciples of Wushen, the disciples of Wushen, and the disciples of Heavenly Wushen enter the temple!"

The Royal Army was dispersed, and the six men hurried to the center of the hall.

"Meet Emperor Dawu!"

The six held their fists in unison, saluting with perfunctory expression.

Song Yan didn't care, looked at the six, and asked with a smile: "I don't know what the six Wushen disciples have arrived, what's the matter?"

Lian Yun, who was the first to speak under the gate of Zanwu Valkyrie, sneered scornfully: "Lianyun came to preach the will of Zhanwuwu God and hoped that the Emperor Wuwu would dissolve the Wuwu Empire!"

"Qingfeng conveys the will of the Wu Wu Gods, and hopes that the Emperor Da Wu will dissolve the Da Wu Empire!"

"Lingyan conveyed the will of the God of War and hoped that the Emperor Dawu disbanded the Dawu Empire!"

The three voices sounded one after another, and suddenly, the faces of the palace's ministers became extremely ugly, and many people's eyes were deeply worried.

[Author off topic]: Three more, updated today

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