Magic Love Ring

Chapter 880: We are allies

Even though Tongtian Wushen was healing, when Song Yong appeared, she sensed it, opened her eyes and looked at him slowly, and said slowly, "I never thought that your formation has reached this point, and the **** of formation is not. Too. "

"Tiantian Wushen has won the prize!" Song Yan said lightly, and then his face appeared interested: "Why are your two brothers chasing you?"

Speaking, Song Yan carefully looked at the Celestial God of War. He was already several hundred years old, but he looked almost the same as a young woman in her twenties. Especially, her skin was almost whiter than a baby.

"Limited luck in the world, kill us, they will be able to share the luck in this world, not to mention, kill me, they can devour my godhead and make it a step closer!" Explained.

"So it is." Song Xun nodded calmly, not surprised by the explanation given by Tongtian Valkyrie: "In this world, Valkyrie is already extreme, is there a realm after Valkyrie?"

After reading the original book, Song Xun knew that Ning Mo eventually broke away from the realm of Valkyrie and ascended to another world.

However, after he killed the protagonist, the story of this world was messed up. As to whether the setting has changed, I don't know.

Tongtian Wushen Tao: "Valkyrie is indeed the ultimate in this world. To get a longer life and more powerful power, only the higher-level world can be sensed and fly to that world!"

"So have you sensed a more advanced world? Or has anyone succeeded?" Song Kun continued to ask.

"None of us have sensed it, so it takes a longer life to sense it. As for anyone who succeeds, our master has successfully ascended to a new world, but when he soared, he was already 1,560 years old. . "

After hearing the words, Song Yong remembered the original book again. It seemed that the protagonist Ning Mo soared only for a hundred years. It is indeed the protagonist, who was born with luck.

If I hadn't seized his chance and cut him off with my own hands, presumably he had cultivated to Wu Sheng at this moment.

"What are you going to do next?" Song Yan looked at Tongtian Wushen.

"Do I have a choice?" Tongtian Wushen sneered.

Song Xun laughed: "The predecessors are really smart. In this way, we cooperate to kill the Valkyrie and the Wushu Valkyrie. How do you promise your 100-year life?"

Hearing the words of a hundred-year life, Tongtian Wushen's eyes shrank slightly, and then a flash of doubt flashed in their eyes. The three of them lived in seclusion all year round, stealing gas and refining gas. The increased life is also limited. In the past 100 years, she needs to steal gas and refine gas. Instead, she can use this century to sense the high-level world, and the chance of sensing the new world will be much greater.

"To show sincerity, I can give you 50 years of life first!" As soon as the voice fell, Song Yi threw out a jade bottle, which contained five elixirs. Each elixir could increase the lifespan by ten years .

With confusion, the Celestial God of War revealed the elixir, and immediately felt the strong breath of life in the elixir. She was almost sure that if she took these five elixir, it could indeed increase her life span for decades.

And through the investigation of divine knowledge, there is no manipulation in this elixir.

Without hesitation, she put five elixir in her mouth, the elixir was melted and distributed to her limbs, and finally acted on her soul. At last, she gave birth to an enlightenment. She Has increased lifespan for more than fifty years.

"You elixir works very well!" She looked at Song Yan with a look of surprise.

"Yun's medicine is also good. Your injury is serious. Why don't you come and help you treat him?" Song Yan smiled.

"No need!" A warning flashed through the eyes of the God of War.

"Why? Worrying about your bad intentions?" Song Yan said with a smile: "I want to kill you, come on, you can't escape, why use some insidious means, besides, this array of methods can trap your brother For a while, you ca n’t trap them forever. Once you wait for them to escape, your injury has not recovered, and you will be hindered by that time! "

"Well then, come on!" Tongtian Wushen hesitated.

"That's right, we are allies now, and we should trust more." During the talk, Song Xuan walked in front of Tongtian Wushen and motioned for her to reach out.

During the exploration, Song Kun clasped the white arm of Tongtian Wushen and struck a light of life into her body.

And through the magical powers to see the injuries inside her.

After a few breaths, the effect of this light of life disappeared, but her injury was still not cured, so Song Xuan broke into a light of life again.

After the two gods of life were light, the severe wounds of the Heavenly God of War had been cured.

Feeling this, Tongtian Valkyrie couldn't help but look at Song Yan. If she was to heal herself, she wouldn't be able to recover without three or five months, but the other person cured her with only ten breaths. This method is really Too amazing.

"You said, who are we going to kill first?" Song Kun released the arm of the God of War.

"You take the shots!" The heavenly martial art faintly said.

"Just kill the Misty Valkyrie first, he seems to be weaker!" Song Xun thought for a while, and talked, Song Xie swept away, the scene changed, they were already in a wilderness, but hundreds of meters away Sitting on a cobblestone is the Valkyrie Valkyrie.


As soon as he saw Song Kun and the Heavenly Martial God, the appearance of the Fog Martial God changed greatly, and then he turned into a streamer and fled in the opposite direction.

"It's very smart! Unfortunately, this is in my ranks!"

Seeing this, Song Xun shook his head with amusement, and then drew a trick, and the Wu Wushen found in horror that he was running towards Song Xuan.

"Do it!"

With a light drink, Song Yan's double fists turned, and the power of luck in his body was like a flash flood, madly urging Tianzi from Longquan.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Hundreds of golden dragons roared and swept towards the Mist.

Subconsciously, he wanted to dodge, but found that no matter how he changed his direction, the hundreds of golden dragons were on his front.

In desperation, he can only point out hundreds of fingers in succession to welcome Jinlong.


The super-strong energy burst in the void, and the two of them retreated at the same time. At this moment, the Celestial God of War shot, and the long sword full of gaps bloomed with a bright light that quickly cut to the Mist of God of Mist.

At that moment, Song Yan started his tricks.

A black light straddled time and space and immersed itself directly into the body of the Valkyrie Mist. Suddenly, the other person's eyes became dull, and he did not dodge at all.

The soul-control mark worked, and Song Kun smiled.


The Wushen Wushen was split by a sword, because there was no resistance, and all suffered serious injuries. How could Song Yong miss this opportunity, and his stature vacated again to display the Emperor Dragon Fist.

The roaring golden dragon instantly engulfed the body of the misty warrior and turned it into slag. At last, there was only a black rhombus crystal in the middle of the sky. When he snatched it, the rhombus crystal fell into his hand.

But at this moment, a phantom figure suddenly radiated out of the rhombus crystal, and instantly fell into Song Yan's eyebrows.

[Author off topic]: Three changes, today there are four changes, around 12 o'clock

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