Magic Love Ring

Chapter 881: Is He the kind of person who doesn't believe

With the immersion of that phantom, Song Yan's face changed dramatically, and then, he became embarrassed and distorted. Please search for the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

Seeing this scene, the God of War could not help but tighten the long sword in his hands, and hesitation flashed in her eyes. She wanted to remind him when he went to grab the godhead, but he was hesitant in his heart. Song Yan has already grasped the godhead and let the spirit of the Wuwu Valkyrie enter his body.

After the warrior reaches the **** of war, he will condense the spirit in his body. Once the body is destroyed, the spirit can seize a new body and continue his life.

However, after winning the house, it is basically impossible to reach the Valkyrie again.

However, Song Yan's situation is different. Although his true cultivation is not to reach Valkyrie, only in the middle of the great master, but he has a lot of luck in his body. With these strengths of luck, he can also exert his combat power. .

Therefore, at the moment when the body was destroyed, the Wushen Valkyrie hid his soul into the godhead, waiting to take away Song Song.

The only thing he taboos is that Tongtian Wushen will remind Song Ye, but fortunately, Tongtian Wushen has not been snoring, so that his soul has successfully entered Song Ye's body.

Seeing Song Ye's face constantly changing, Tongtian Wushen slowly raised the long sword in her hand, because she knew that at this moment Song Ye must have two souls fighting in the body, and Wushen Wushen won, then Song Ye would cease to exist. If Song Yisheng, the Wushen Valkyrie will completely die.

But at this moment, it is an excellent opportunity. As long as he starts, the opponent has absolutely no resistance.

But she fell into hesitation again, in case the Emperor Wu Wu finally won?


In the end, she put down her sword, and even if the Mighty Warrior finally won, and she had just taken control of her body, she would definitely not be able to show her true strength, she should be able to kill it!

After a long while, Song Zheng's expression returned to calm.

But Tongtian Wushen raised the sword with vigilance and stared at him.


Song Yan smiled.

"Go to death!"

The Sky God of War suddenly rises into the sky, the sword in his hand turns into a thunder, and it flies.


The sky and the earth shook. The sword light directly cut the ground into a ditch of hundreds of meters, but it did not break the song, because he had moved to the side when the sword light fell.

"Senior, I'm just joking with you, why are you so excited!" Song Yan said with a bit of ridicule.

"Who the **** are you?" The Sky God of War still didn't relax his vigilance.

"I am naturally Emperor Dawu!"

"What's the proof?" The Sky God of War continued to press.

"The skin made by the senior's wrists is very smooth, like a girl!" Song Yan said with a smile.

Tongtian Wushen looked cold, and glared at Song Yong, but he didn't take any action.

But Song Xun's face sank suddenly: "Senior, why didn't you remind Xun before Xun grabbed that godhead? Almost let the misty warrior take the Xun's body!"

"You start too fast, I can't remind you too much." Tongtian Wushen said with guilt.

"I don't care about my predecessor this time. If there is another time, I won't talk so well!"

There was a little more threat in Song Yan's tone. In fact, he was quite satisfied with the Sky God of War. Although she did n’t remind him, the spirit of the God of Mist broke into his sea of ​​knowledge. Opportunity, but chose not to shoot.

Therefore, it is still trustworthy.

Of course, the chance of that shot was only believed by the God of War, but if she did, she might not have killed Song Ye.

Although Song Xi ’s cultivation is not as good as the Wushen Valkyrie, but he has the energy protection body, and the attribute of this strength is Zhiyang Zhigang, and the spirit and soul attributes are negative. Therefore, the Wushen Valkyrie ’s spirit entered his The body, like throwing ice cubes into the fire, directly dissipated most of it.

As for the scene of fighting for control of the body, only Song Yan performed the show to the Celestial God of War. If she really thought that the opportunity had come, he would kill her without hesitation.

Of course, it was because Tongtian Wushen did not remind Song Ye that he was blessed by misfortune. The soul of Wu God is a very pure soul power. After refining, Song Ye ’s spiritual lake directly expanded by one tenth, and his spiritual power increased by more than 300 point.

I have to say that Wushen Valkyrie is a good person, so he gave him spiritual points with such enthusiasm.

As for the goddess, it contains the Jiucheng essence of the Wushen Valkyrie. If he is refined, he can directly achieve the Wushen. However, it is difficult to surpass the Wushen Wushu in this life, unless he can be refined by more gods.

"Let's go, let's go and kill Valkyrie!"

Throwing the goddess into the storage ring, Song Yong waved it with ease, and he appeared on the sea with Tongtian Wushen.

At this moment, the Zanwu Valkyrie is constantly flying to bombard the space barriers, looking for the weakness of the matrix space barriers.

However, he was considered in vain, the whole array was completely integrated, and all the barriers had no distinction between strength and weakness. It was futile to find the weak points.

Seeing Song Xun appearing with Tongtian Valkyrie, sitting and forgetting Valkyrie stopped attacking and escaping without learning the misty Valkyrie, instead he looked at Song Xu with a worried face:

"Huang Liang, why are you walking with that bitch, don't you be fooled by this man's bitch, come to Tai Shizu, we will kill her together, and then she will return You, as long as you refine the godhead, you can directly promote Valkyrie! "

I heard that the look of the Sky God of War was very ugly.

"Really?" Song Yan looked at him with a smile.

"Why, don't you believe in Tai Shizu?" Zawang Wushen's face sank. "Don't forget, your parents are still sitting on Wangfeng."

"So what?" Song Yan said lightly.

Zuowu Valkyrie showed a faint smile: "The old couple planted the seeds of the soul in them. The old couple only needs a thought, they will collapse and die. Of course, if the old couple died, they will die, , If you want to save your parents, you can only choose to cooperate with your husband. At that time, our grandparents will be able to share the human fortune! "

Hearing that, Song Kun frowned, silent, lost in thought.

"Do you still have a choice now? Cooperating with the old man is the best way!" Seeing this, sitting and forgetting Valkyrie could not help showing his pride.

After a short while, Song Yi said, "I need to consider."

"Okay, my husband will give you an hour!" The Zanwu Valkyrie waved his hand generously.

As soon as Song Yan's eyes were cold, he disappeared with Tongtian Wushen.

"Why don't you promise him directly?" Tongtian Wushen looked at Song Yan and asked.

"Do you think He is the kind of person who doesn't believe in words?" Song Yan looked at Tongtian Wushen coldly, and seemed righteous.

"Don't you be afraid that he will kill your parents!" The Sky God asked again.

"Isn't there another hour? I'll think of a way!" Song Kun said, in fact, he didn't promise to sit and forget the Valkyrie, but he didn't believe him, but he accepted the spirit of the Wushu Valkyrie and naturally merged some of his memories.

Therefore, knowing that the internal chaos of the human race and the two battlefields of the two demons attacking the human race are all planned by this old thing, if he really promised him, he would be restrained everywhere.

"Let's go with me to forget the peak!"

During the exploration, Song Yan caught the wrist of Tongtian Wushen, his body flashed and moved thousands of miles away, and the Tongtian Wushen who was caught by his wrists turned slightly red, but soon disappeared.

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