Magic Love Ring

Chapter 898: Assault

[.], To provide you with exciting novel reading. The death of the Blackhawk ancestors has caused the overall strength of the monsters to drop by another level. Even if the monsters and the gods of the monsters join forces in the future, Song Yan will no longer be taboo.

However, the beasts have annexed the flying birds, and the strength of the beasts will rise to a level.

In this regard, Song Zheng has nothing to worry about. He has his own weapons against the flying birds. This time the attack on the demons always hid the plane, which was used as a killer, and the flying race was caught off guard.

In the blink of an eye, it was thirty years of Tianyuan.

Over the years, the empire has successfully digested the territories ceded from the demons, making the empire's national strength even stronger.

Since the twenty-seventh day of the Yuan Dynasty, Song Zheng hasn't talked much about state affairs, and has been supervised by the prince.

Fortunately, Huang Wu did not let him down.

After seven or eight years of hard work, nowadays, when dealing with national affairs, he is fully capable of becoming a qualified emperor.

After leaving the country, in addition to cultivation, Song Yong spent most of his time with his four wives, and occasionally went to the fox tribe and fox little seven tryst.

He has decided that no one will be taken away this time because he has collected enough phantoms and can rely on the shuttle function of the temple to travel between the real world and the world hundreds of times.

In addition, thanks to Huayu, absolutely no snow, and even Ning Ling are all people born and raised in this world, not necessarily used to the real world.

As for Tongtian Wushen, Xiuwei has been greatly improved in the past 30 years. Last night, he spent the night with Tongtian Wushen. The other party mentioned that her sense of the higher world is becoming clearer, and even the higher world sent her Summoned.

According to her estimates, she can take off to the higher world in up to ten years.

For the world such as the Ascension of the Heavenly God, Fei Song did not oppose it, after all, that was her pursuit from small to large.

As for whether he can meet in the future, Song Yong is not worried. He has a hunch that one day, he will be able to travel freely through the heavens and the world.

Another thing is that his three daughters are already married, the eldest daughter Huang Xue married Lei Jiuming's son, not a political marriage, but free love. Lei Jiuming's son Lei Yue is excellent, but he He did not choose to develop in the army, but joined the official department, and now he has been to Wupin County.

In the twenty-ninth year of Tianyuan, Huang Xue gave birth to a son, and Song Kun became a glorious grandfather.

The second daughter, Huang Ling, was married to Jiang Geming's grandson, Jiang Tianming, and was also free to love.

Huang Xing, the youngest daughter, married a disciple of Qingweimen.

Qing Weimen is the only ancestral gate in the world that has not been cut, however, Song Ye still serves as the head of Qing Weimen.

It is precisely because he is the head of Qingweimen that he takes care of his disciples. At least one third of the people in the Royal Forest are from Qingweimen.

Huang Ling's character escaped, because she was too bored in the palace, so she secretly escaped the palace and planned to go to the world with a sword.

But where did she know that her every move was under the surveillance of Song Ye? In response, Song Ye did not stop, but sent two Yu Linjun to protect them secretly.

Because Huang Ling grew up in the imperial palace from a young age, he had a simple mind and ran outside. Naturally, it was inevitable that he would be in distress. Naturally, the imperial army who accompanied him secretly helped.

After getting along for a long time, Huang Ling and one of the Imperial Forest soldiers fell in love with each other.

Song Zheng didn't have a portal opinion, and the boy was really good enough, so he didn't stop them, let them develop, and in the end, he personally married.

Finally talk about Huang Mo.

This boy and Huang Wu failed to compete for the prince, and he entered the army. After seven or eight years of experience, he has now achieved the position of general, and he has not yet married, but his cultivation has reached Wu Shengjing.

Huang Wu, a prince, married his prince in the second year of becoming a prince, and subsequently married four concubines in the following years, one more than his wife, but he was not addicted to it. Female, in addition to handling state affairs, she can continue to improve her cultivation. In the spring of this year, she has also entered the martial arts realm.

In Song Yi's view, Huang Wu will be able to inherit his luck as he becomes emperor in the future.

Finally, talk about Song Xi ’s self-cultivation. His martial arts cultivation has been promoted to the summit of Wu Sheng for some years, but he still has not touched the realm of Valkyrie. He has a vague feeling. Unless he abdicates and repairs, it will be difficult to achieve in his life. Valkyrie.

As for Xiandao, Yuanying is only half a step away. It may be possible to achieve Yuanying tomorrow, or it may take ten years.

Thirty years later, the Tiangong Institute has developed to an extremely large scale. Nowadays, the research and development direction is not only on science and technology, but also on runes and matrix formations. Therefore, many new weapons have been made in recent years.

The next day, early.

Huang Wu, who is a prince, is accepting worship of hundred officials.

Since the twenty-seventh day of Tianyuan, Song Xun has continued to decentralize his power. To this day, he has not been in the early dynasty for several months, and each time he is presided over by the prince.

"The emperor is here!"

Suddenly, the voice of a female officer sounded.

The prince Huang Wu, who was sitting on the second seat, quickly got up, stepped down, and followed closely, and saw Song Yan wearing a dragon robe walking to the hall.

Huang Wu immediately fell to his knees: "Children see Father Emperor!"

The ministers also hurriedly worshiped: "The minister has seen His Majesty!"

Although the Crown Prince is now in charge of the country, the prestige of the emperor Song Yuan has not weakened, but has become increasingly prosperous.

"Prince flat body, so do ministers!"

Song Kun raised his hand and walked to the dragon chair and sat down with a golden knife.

After the ministers got up, they couldn't help thinking about it. His Majesty hadn't gone up for many days, and there must be something big in the upside today.

Sure enough, as expected by the ministers, Song Yan then revealed his purpose of attacking: to attack the monster clan.

It has been seven years since the King of Tigers conquered the birds. It can be said that the birds have been integrated and their strength has expanded unprecedentedly. Now they are planning to conquer the sea.

If the King of Tigers were to subdue the sea clan, then the demon clan would become a whole, and it would definitely be more difficult to attack. Song Yan, who had wanted to stay in this world for a longer period of time, had to mention the attack on the demon clan schedule.

With Song Yong's order, the empire was running like a sophisticated giant machine, quickly and powerfully.

Because of the convenient transportation, less than ten days, there were tens of millions of troops gathered at the border between people and demons.

Such a big move naturally can't hide the eyes and eyes of the demon tribe, so the tiger king soon knew the news that the tribe would attack him, and he couldn't help being furious.

Although he had some taboos in his mind, over the years, that fear had weakened a lot, so he directly mobilized 12 million troops and came to the border.

After half a month.

The army of the two races of humans and monsters finally fought. Once fighting, the monsters were dozed off by the combined punches of the army of human races, first bombed by the Lingjing artillery, then by the Lingjing musket and finally by the Lingjing fire thunder.

When I touched the King of Tigers, I suffered a big loss. I was willing to send a million flying troops to attack the Terran Army. I thought that if the Flying Army did not approach the Terran Army, it would be tens of thousands. The anti-aircraft gun dropped more than half of the bomber, and then, the stealth fighter lifted off and launched a hunt for the remaining birds and monsters.

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