Magic Love Ring

Chapter 899: return?

With the pursuit of tens of thousands of stealth fighters, the remaining hundreds of thousands of flying bird army did not exist. In the end, less than 100,000 of the million assault troops could successfully escape.

As for the ground, the Terran Army began its offensive.

Regent Artillery, Regent Fire Gun plus Regent Fire Thunder.

The three-pronged fight defeated the monster army, and within two hours, the battle ended with the retreat of the Tiger King.

After the war, the Tiger King counted 12 million troops and 8 million left, of which 1 million were wounded.

In other words, just after the war began, his army lost nearly a third.

How can we fight this battle?

Still playing?

Suddenly, the fear of Song Yan in his heart reappeared.

On the human side, the damage was almost zero.

The next day, the two sides fought again.

In this battle, the damage of the demons was more serious, reaching more than 5 million.

In just two days, the 12 million troops killed and injured more than 8 million people, and this battle could no longer be fought.

In desperation, the Tiger King had to lead the remaining soldiers to retreat quickly. At the same time, he sent someone to contact Hu Xiaoqi and asked her to ask the emperor for peace.

Knowing that the tiger king sent Fox Xiaoqi to make peace, Song Xuan faintly regrets. If the tiger king can persist for a longer time, he can also stay in the world for a longer time.

Two days later, Hu Xiaoqi came to the holy capital and asked for noodles.

Emperor Zhun.

For the peace, the Emperor proposed three conditions. First, the Tigers surrendered the dominance of the Demons to the Foxes; second, the Demons were subject to the Terrans; and third, the Demons had to pay tribute to the Terrans every year.

When Fox Xiaoqi passed the news back to the Demon Clan, the Tiger King was furious and convened the army again to prepare for a fight with the human race. At the same time, he was also full of resentment against the Fox clan.

But at this critical moment.

An important thing happened to the human race. The emperor Huang Liang announced that he would abdicate ten days later and Huang Wu would take over as emperor.

The news came out that the human race was shaking. Well, why did the emperor abdicate?

As for the ministers, there are not many accidents, because the emperor no longer deals with state affairs in these years, and can be seen by the Crown Prince.

Not surprisingly, of course, but still a bit shocked.

After announcing the abdication, Song Zheng put the attack on the monsters under the control of Huang Wu.

After years of mentoring, Huang Wu grew up long ago, and after taking over the attack on the demons, he quickly convened the Minister of the Military to discuss the attack plan.

Three days later.

The eight million troops broke into the demon territory in three ways, adopting a plan of steady fight and gradual engulfment.

Every time a city is occupied, the army's logistics will quickly lay railways, build forts, and promulgate policies. Any demons who are willing to surrender to the human race can become second-class citizens of the empire. Ten years later, if there is no bad record, it can become an empire. Full citizen.

As soon as this policy came out, the resistance of the demon tribe really was greatly reduced. Even if the tiger king recruited another tens of millions of troops, it was still unable to resist the human front.

Ten days later, Song Zheng officially abdicated.

Huang Wu Jitian was named emperor, and the year was changed to Kaiyuan.

At the end of Huang Wu's sacrifice, he took over the emperor's crown from Song Yan, and he felt that more than half of the power of his body flowed into Huang Wu's body.

Makes Huang Wu's strength instantly elevated to the level that can be shoulder to shoulder with the warrior.

As for the remaining luck, I am afraid that Huang Wu will control the empire before he can flow into him.

Luck has been lost for more than half, but the strength that Song Yan can play is still very scary. Although he can no longer kill the master of the Valkyrie level, the suppression of the Valkyrie is no longer a word.

After the transfer of the emperor, then things in this world should officially end.

In a blink of an eye, in the past six months, more than half of the territories have been occupied. In the end, the two demon gods couldn't sit still and wrote a letter in person, expressing their willingness to support the fox tribe.

In this regard, Huang Wu agreed to the conditions of the two demon gods after consulting Song Ye.

Ten days later, the demon clan power was replaced, the fox clan came to power, the tiger clan stepped down, and the fox small seven became the new king of the demon clan.

And on the third day when she became the king of the monster clan, she submitted the surrender certificate to the clan, which was called the vassal certificate.

Inside the palace.

Song Xun, who had taken off the position of emperor, was speaking with his four wives. Suddenly, his expression fell into his ears, but a system prompt sounded in his ear. The fourth task was completed, but the system gave him ten days.

Ten days later, no matter what, he will be forcibly removed from the world by the system.

For a while, Song Ye looked a little bit surprised, but also a little bit surprised.

Unconsciously, he has lived in this world for more than thirty years, with a wife, children, and even grandchildren.

"Fu Jun, what's wrong with you?"

The most attentive aunt, Xie Huayu, discovered the change in Song Yong.

After hesitating for a long time, Song Yan decided to tell the four daughters that he was about to leave.

"Woohoo, husband, do you want me?"

When he heard that he was about to leave, Ning Ling immediately burst into his arms and wept. For decades, Ning Ling's appearance did not change much, but he became more mature.

"Linger, the husband just left temporarily, and he can come back later!" Song Kun said.

After finally soothing Linger, Song Ye found that Gu Xie Huayu and no snow all looked at him in fog, except that Tianwu Shen was calmer.

Song Yong was softened in his heart: "Well, my husband assures you that I will come back to see you every 50 years!"

"Fu Jun, can you walk with Linger?"

Ning Ling begged.

"This ...?" Song Yan was hesitant: "Linger, the place where my husband is going is completely different from here. I am afraid you are not used to it."

"As long as my husband is present, I will get used to it." Ning Ling said firmly.


Song Yan sighed softly, this Nizi was still so attached to him, but he did not immediately promise her.

The next day, Song Yan held a family banquet in the palace. Huang Wu, Huang Mo, Huang Xue, Huang Ling, and Huang Xing all brought their family to the scene.

After dinner, Song Yan called Huang Wu alone and ordered something, and told him that he was about to leave this world.

In this regard, Huang Wu was shocked, and his expression was full of perseverance: "Father, you have gone, but will you return?"

"I'll be back once in a few decades." Song Yan said unsurely.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for Song Ye to leave this world.

Gu Xiehuayu, No Snow, Wutian Wushen, and Huang Wu came to visit.

Even if he has abdicated, it is also a shock to the demons and two clans, so the news of his departure has not been heard except for a few people present.

"Wu Er, after leaving for his father, the empire will give it to you!" Song Yan smiled at Huang Wudao with a smile.

"Father rest assured that your child will not let you down!"

Song Zheng nodded, then went to the three women of Gu Xiehuayu and talked to them one by one.

"time up!"

The icy system reminded the sound, a white light shrouded Song Kun, and then disappeared in front of the four.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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