Magic Love Ring

Chapter 928: Thorn

"Stop it."

Suddenly, Yamaguchi Sakura made an unexpected move, kneeling on the ground, and begging with a look on his face: "Mr. Lu, Sakura knows wrong, I wonder if you can give Sakura a chance, as long as you can forgive Sakura, I am willing to be your Faithful slavery. "

While speaking, Yamaguchi Sakura came to her knees slowly before kneeling down, and looked at him pitifully with a pair of watery eyes.

"Sakura, how can you do this, you are losing the face of our Yamaguchi family!"

Keiko Yamaguchi on the side was shocked to see the scene and said angrily.

"Shut up, you stupid woman!"

Yamaguchi's cherry blossoms turned back suddenly, looking coldly towards Keiko Yamaguchi.

"Do you dare scold me?"

Shouted Keiko Yamaguchi unbelievably.

Yamaguchi Sakura had a bit of mockery on her face and sneered: "Keko, if you weren't married to Yang Zhendong, how could you be qualified to give pointers in front of me, you are worse than me in terms of beauty, and you are even worse than me in terms of ability." If it weren't for me, how could the Red Sun have such a large scale, and you, a woman who was so useless, would have been a blessing on my head, I've had enough! "

When I heard Yamaguchi Sakura, Keiko Yamaguchi couldn't help but stunned and pointed at her: "You cherry blossom you are so disappointed!"

Yamaguchi scorned a smile, and then turned his head to look at Song Yan again. The expression on his face had become extremely docile: "Master, slavery has shut up that stupid woman. As long as you can forgive slavery, slavery is willing to do everything for you. . "

Song Yan looked at her with a smile, "Can you really do everything?"

"Of course." Yamaguchi Sakura's eyes lightened, then she slowly got up and unbuttoned her kimono in front of Song Yan.

What surprised Song Kun was that Yamaguchi's cherry blossom clothes were all right. Looking at the perfect, white and delicate body like the peerless beauty of jade, there was no change in Song Kun's face.

Keiko Yamaguchi on the side was trembling with anger, shouting, "Sakura, you have lost the glory of our Yamaguchi family."

There was a flash of anger in Sakura Yamaguchi's eyes, and a sudden thought came to her mind: "Master, although this woman is a bit older, he is the wife of Yang Zhendong, the first deputy mayor. How about serving you together? "

After hearing her suggestion, Keiko Yamaguchi was completely stunned, and she couldn't imagine that her sister would

Song Yan was extremely sighed. I did not expect that Yamaguchi Sakura would be so shameless in order to survive, so there is no bottom line!

But it also proves one thing, regardless of the world, the islanders are the same.

"Keiko, can't come to serve the host with me!"

Seeing that Song Yan didn't speak, Yamaguchi Sakura thought that Song Yan had acquiesced in her proposal, so she turned back and yelled at Keiko Yamaguchi.

"Don't think about it!"

Keiko Yamaguchi shook his head desperately, then ran to the door.

Seeing this, Yamaguchi cherry blossomed, and chased after him.

"The game is over!"

Song Yi flicked her fingers, and a cluster of flames fell on the cherry blossoms of Yamaguchi. In an instant, her body was burned so that no ashes remained.

As for Yamaguchi Keiko, Song Ye did not kill her, but she was enslaved by Ji Shentong, and from her mouth, she learned some of Yang Zhendong ’s secrets. This woman killed Yang Zhendong ’s wife, kept her, and killed her. More value.

After explaining some things about Keiko Yamaguchi, Song Yi returned to his apartment as soon as he appeared.

Then released Ning Ling from the temple.

"Linger, you can only hide in the temple every day, you are really wronged." Song Yan said with shame.

"Fu Jun, as long as I can be with you, Linger is not wronged at all." Ning Ling leaned his head on Song Yan's chest, saying very tenderly.

"You, what a silly girl!"

Looking down, Song Yan captured Ning Ling's lips and kissed tenderly. Although he killed Yamaguchi Sakura, the flame in his heart was caught.

Early the next morning.

As soon as she woke up, she felt a tender body in her arms.

Quietly got out of bed, washed and went to the special police base.

After solving the trouble of Sakura Yamaguchi, no one should sneak into his apartment. As long as Ning Ling does not step out of the apartment, he will not be found by Skynet.

However, he has ordered Keiko Yamaguchi to help deal with Ning Ling's identity. A first mayor's wife, it is easier to deal with an identity.

Ten minutes later, Song Zheng appeared at the special police base.

Then reported the three places of the Mech Squad to Zhou Yunlong.

After reporting the incident, Song Yong was about to leave, but Zhou Yunlong stopped him and handed him a paper bag.

"This is your reward for becoming a spiritual teacher. Open it."

After Song Yan's paper bag, he found three things inside.

One is the property certificate of a villa, the other is the key of a speeding car, and the other is the bank card.

Everyone gets a house car and bonus after becoming a spiritual teacher.

But the house should be an ordinary apartment, and the car should be an ordinary car, but now, I have obtained a villa and a flying car.

"Captain, is this?"

Zhou Yunlong laughed: "I knew you would ask that you had great achievements in catching the one-eyed thief before, but because you are just a special police officer, all the rewards are not much, but now you are a spiritual teacher, and it was decided to do something for you Compensation, so these are what you deserve! "

"Thank you Captain," Song Zheng thanked.

"It has nothing to do with me, you deserve it!" Zhou Yunlong waved. In fact, Song Ye was able to get a villa and a speeding car, and even a half-million yuan bonus was indeed to compensate him. Secondly, it was relying on his fight .

In the afternoon of the same day, all ten members of the Mech squad gathered in a small training base.

In addition to the three Xu Dahai, the other seven had a seventh-level fighter, three sixth-level fighters, and three fifth-level fighters.

The seventh-level soldier was called Tian Yang, and looked at Song Yan with disdain.

Song Ye had seen his information. Tian Yang was a thorn. He entered the city special police less than a year ago and changed four teams. Each team stayed on average for less than three months.

However, this person has a very good qualification in physical skills, only 22 years old, and has reached the level 7 fighter.

If it wasn't for his talent, he would have been fired by the city's special police because of his disgusting temper. Of course, this is a superficial situation. According to Zhou Yunlong, this Tian Yang has a deep relationship with high-level officials.

Zhou Yunlong left after a brief training. He did this, but also showed Song Yang a kind of attitude. In the future, the mech squad will be yours, and I will not interfere too much.

"Deputy Captain Lu, I heard that you are also a seventh-level soldier. I wonder if you have the guts to try it with me."

As soon as Zhou Yunlong left, Tian Yang, a thorny head, provoked Song Yong.

[Author off topic]: One more

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