Magic Love Ring

Chapter 929: Lessons learned

[.], To provide you with exciting novel reading. As soon as the words came out, the three of them were angry, and the expressions of the other six were curious, playful, and gloating.

"Why don't you dare?"

Tian Yang continued. Suddenly, Lulu made a little mockery: "Yes, I forgot, you are a noble spiritual teacher and you are not good at physical training. I'm really sorry, sorry!"

Looking at Tian Yang's arrogance, Huang Zhong couldn't help but said: "Tian Yang, what do you mean, Lu Feng is our deputy captain, do you want to commit the following crimes?"

"Well, deputy captain, so majestic!"

Tian Yang's yin and yang's weird words said that the words "deputy captain" were bitten heavily: "I am a muscle and only convince those who have beaten me."

"Tian Yang."

Song Su suddenly spoke.

"Why, Captain Lu intends to accept my challenge, but you still have to think about it before you decide to avoid being hurt by me, I will not be responsible!"

"Are you confident?" Song Yan looked at him.

Tian Yang proudly said: "In the special police base, none of the seven fighters is my opponent."


Song Zheng nodded, and then said: "Tian Yang, now I will give you two choices. Now, apologize to me, and you will stay in the Mech squad. Second, I will test with you. If you win, I will quit Mech. Squad, if I also win, how do you feel when you withdraw from the Mech squad? "

After hearing that, Tian Yang's face flashed with joy, but then he thought that the boy looked quite confident. Does he want to use hypnosis? It seems that he heard that his hypnosis is very powerful.

So he said, "I have a request, you are not allowed to use hypnosis."

"Don't worry, you don't need hypnosis to deal with you." Song Yan said lightly.

"All right, I promise you!"

"Wait, Deputy Lu, can I say a few words to you?" Xu Dahai spoke anxiously.

Soon, the two came to the side.

"Xiao Lu, you must not be impulsive. You have just joined the post. Although Tian Yang has a bad reputation, the kung fu in his hands is very hard. There is no opponent in the seventh-level soldiers, and even the eighth-level soldiers can resist. You do n’t need hypnosis, I ’m afraid it ’s his opponent. If you have to compete with him, you must not give up your strengths, hypnotize him directly, and give him some lessons! ”

I have seen Song Kun's hypnosis, so Xu Dahai is very confident in his hypnosis.

"Lao Xu, thank you for your reminder, but I have already agreed to him, but you can rest assured that I am still sure of dealing with him!"

"Okay, then be careful!"

Seeing that Song Yan could not be persuaded, Xu Dahai couldn't say more.

A short while later, in an open field, Song Kun and Tian Yang stood opposite each other a few meters, with nine members standing around to watch the battle.

"Lu vice team, you can do it first, lest I get started, you have no chance." Tian Yang smiled and said that he did not take Song Yan to his heart at all, because he had inquired that this boy had just become a seventh-tier soldier soon.

"You are a team player and I am the captain. Even if I don't use my best hypnotism, I can't do it first, so let's do it first!"


A cold light flashed in Tian Yang's eyes and he bit his teeth: "Then you don't regret it!"

As soon as the words came down, Tian Yang flew out like a cheetah, and instantly crossed a distance of several meters, came to Song Yan in front of him, and punched him straight into his chest.

The force was heavy, and there was a faint sound of breaking air.

Song Yan took a step to the left.

Tian Yang's punch failed.

"It's a bit of a skill." Tian Yang's fist turned into a sweep, and Song Yong receded, and his fist swept across the tip of his nose.

Next, Tian Yang chased Song Yan for a while, forcing him to dodge again and again. For a moment, Huang Zhong, Xu Dahai, and Li Yuanbing's faces were worried.

Of course, this is just what other people think. In fact, from the time of the fight to the present, Tian Yang has not been able to touch Song Ye's half body and continuously attack dozens of moves. Tian Yang could not help but be agitated because he had planned to Beat the kid inside.

"Why, are you just that?"

Song Yan's voice sounded.

"You forced me!"

With a swift sip, Tian Yang's momentum rose sharply, and there was a touch of golden mang on his fist.

"Taste my Jin Yanquan!"


Tian Yang's speed increased sharply, and the fist wrapped with golden light came to Song Yong's chest in an instant.


The air blew and his fist fell again.

Because Song Yong's body was like someone dragging him behind, flying back for a while.

"How can it be?"

Seeing that he had already used Jin Yanquan, Song Yang had avoided it, and Tian Yang was a little calm.

No, I must defeat him!


A moment later, Tian Yang rushed to Song Yong again, and his speed increased by two points.


Next, Tian Yang launched a series of storm-like attacks, which made the air blast continuously, but what made him desperate was that he still couldn't contaminate a piece of clothing of Song Yan.

And Jin Yanquan is very physical exhausting. If he still can't win Song Yan after ten more moves, then his strength will be lost by more than 80%.

Thinking of this, he could not help yelling, "Lu Feng, if you have the ability, you can just hit me, just know what a man to dodge!"

"Oh, it's so funny, I can't even touch my corner of my clothes, and still blame me there, just let you see my strength, lest you will lose and say I am invincible!"

While talking, Song Yan stopped dodging and stood still.

Seeing this, Tian Yang couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Take the move, Jin Yanquan!"

While drinking low, Tian Yang gathered his strength and punched Song Yong with a punch. At one moment, the golden light on his fist brightened a bit.


Song Ye raised his hand to meet his fist, and then a dull bang came out, and then he saw Tian Yang's body flying back like a broken kite, falling to a few meters away.


"This is not true, is it!"

"Wow, Lu's vice team is so strong!"

Seeing this scene, the other nine people were amazed again and again, even Tian Yang's punch just now, even if the eighth-level soldiers should not dare to take it, but Song Yi not only took it, but also Tian Yang flies.

Tian Yang stood up from the ground, but his face turned blue.

"you lose!"

Song Yan looked at him, said lightly.

"Huh! Lu Feng, I remember you!"

With a cold hum, Tian Yang turned and walked towards the gate of the training ground.

Even Tian Yang's thorny head was cleaned up by Song Ye. The other six people dared to make trouble, and looked at Song Ye with a little more awe, and Xu Dahai and others were quite surprised.

Before going to work, Song Yang's physical defeat of Tian Yang spread in the special police base.

Everyone felt unbelievable. Wasn't Lu Feng a spiritual teacher? No matter how physical surgery is so powerful.

Is he going to become a war fighter in the future?

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