Magic Or Forbidden Curse? This Thing Is Called A Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 249: Time Javelin Starts, Victory?


Why should Ye Ren risk his death to do this!

"I'm selfish, and Rumia knows it too. Can't you let someone else do such a dangerous thing?"

Her tone was different than usual.


So full of tenderness and...pleading.

That violent flame goddess showed such an expression that Ye Ren was in a daze~.

But he knew he couldn't stop, and he couldn't hesitate.

Ye Ren shook his head, showing a confident-smile:

"Only I can do this, only I can."


Baoli was silent, and finally she snapped and rushed into Ye Ren's arms.

This was the first time she had asked for a hug.

"Please, come back alive."


Probably crying.

Tears are hot.

She is indeed the Goddess of Fire.

Ye Ren patted her on the back, and his tone became firm:

"The good days are just beginning, I don't want to die, I will come back alive."

The words are not finished.

A sweet kiss was delivered.

Hot kisses.

Let Ye Ren a little trance.

sea ​​of ​​fate.

The holy light flashed, and Ye Ren and Toria appeared on the bottom of the sea.

"Are you ready?"

Toria looked at Ye Ren.

how to say.

She is very nervous now, and her tone is more urgent than usual.

After all what's coming next.

But shocking.

Either Ye Ren kills the Mother Goddess, allowing the magical civilization to break through its barriers and have free room to grow.

Either Ye Ren is killed by the Mother Goddess, civilization is destroyed, and everything dies and is reborn.

"I never, never fight unprepared battles."

Ye Ren's confident smile.

Let Tolia relax a little.

"My heart is beating so fast right now."

"Actually, so do I.

It's time to start.

Ye Ren ignites the sea, a chain reaction starts, and nuclear fusion begins.

Fate also fulfilled her promise.

She intensifies the nuclear fusion process while delivering the resulting energy to Ye Ren in a precisely controlled manner.

The damage done to her by this process is terrifying and irreversible.

every moment.

The Shendu of Destiny was disintegrated and dissipated in nuclear fusion.

"We only have one chance."

The voice of the God of Destiny sounded in Ye Ren's mind.


Only one chance.

Ye Ren took a deep breath, and the nano-biological robot emerged from the body.

His eyes were swallowed by black at this moment.


Hearing the call, the Goddess of Light waved her small hand.

She had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

The space magic is activated.

Ye Ren was instantly teleported into the universe.

A huge eyeball confronted Ye Ren in the air, it was too big, and it was floating so alone.

"Where is your body..."

Ye Ren ignored the big eyeballs.

His eyes finally locked on the celestial body not far from the moon.

at first.

Ye Ren thought it was a planet.

But then Ye Ren found out that he was wrong, it was not a planet, it was a creature.

A creature as big as a planet.

"Got you."

The moment when Ye Ren looked at the mother god.

Mother Goddess.

He also looked at Ye Ren.

How do you say that.

When you stare into the abyss.

Abyss meowed.

Oh no... the abyss is staring at you too.

Now, the leaves have experienced the feeling of being looked down upon by the abyss.


It's so small.

Human beings are so insignificant compared to a planet.

Ye Ren has not moved yet.

The mother god had a reaction ahead of time.

It unfolds.

Ye Ren can only describe what he saw as "blocking out the sky and blocking out the sun".

A creature that is so huge that it cannot be described in words.

When the Mother Goddess flew towards Ye Ren at a seemingly slow, but actually swift speed.

Ye Ren felt like he was going to die here.

The difference in body size.

The ending was doomed on a physical level, and Ye Ren felt himself being sucked in as it approached.

It is pulling Ye Ren towards its body surface through its own gravity.

"It wants me.

By visual analysis.

Ye Ren judged that there was a large amount of poisonous gas on the surface of the mother god's body that the human body could not bear.

All it takes is one inhalation to quickly deplete life.

"It's feeling my magic."

The contract rune on Ye Ren's left hand was sealed by some kind of power.

Neither Rumia's alchemy matrix, Baoli's divine fire, nor even the power of Veronica and the God of Light can be animated.


"Who is competing with you?"

Nanobiobots make up the plasma thrusters.

Used to help Ye Ren counteract gravity.

At the same time, Ye Ren fired a ghost cannon at the Mother Goddess.

However, as expected.

The power of the ghost cannon on the mother goddess is probably like a mosquito biting an elephant's leg.

"Then try this again."

Ye Ren took out a small diamond-shaped box from behind.

Don't look at it as small.

This is the most powerful nuclear fusion bomb that Ye Ren can produce so far.

By detonating the front fission bomb in advance.

Create a high-temperature and high-pressure environment to start the internal fusion process and convert a full kilogram of hydrogen metal into pure energy.

This power.

Compared with the nuclear bomb that Ye Ren detonated on the mainland, it is more than a million times stronger.

After all, the previous nuclear bombs only released a few tenths of a gram of raw material in the form of energy.


Even so, it's for the Mother Goddess.

It's just a small hole blown on the surface of its huge body.


It also hurts.

Over the past tens of thousands of years.

This is the first time it has been hurt, so the mother god is surprisingly angry.

Ye Ren's pupils narrowed into needles.


Time seemed to pause at this moment.

When the Mother Goddess attacks, Ye Ren too is forced to resort to last resort.

0 for flowers...

No bells and whistles.

Only this last stroke.

Pure and primitive game.

"God of Destiny!"

The surface of the planet behind Ye Ren, the endless ocean, ignited at this moment.

The energy produced by the fusion did not spill over towards the continents.

Instead, it was forcibly imprisoned by some force, and it was thrown vertically into space in the form of a beam of light.


It was Ye Ren.

The moment Ye Ren was hit by the energy, he was directly scattered. It stands to reason that he should be dead.

No matter can remain intact under this level of energy bombardment.


In the quantum realm, Ye Ren's consciousness is still clear.

Everything is going as planned.

Then just activate the trapped elementary particles.

"Give me... go!"

Ye Ren's consciousness.

It's the switch.

Huge amounts of energy hit the particles, and a large number of elementary particles entered an annihilation state in an instant.

In other words, the time javelin has been fired.

Its target is the Mother Goddess.

Even if it has a huge body like a planet, it cannot resist the power of annihilation.

It is collapsing, dissipating.

Sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, but at this moment, the intelligent creatures of the entire magic civilization.

It was as if they could hear screams and howls from above their heads.

Ye Ren succeeded.

The time javelin is more powerful than imagined.

The Mother Goddess has been wiped clean from the timeline.

And it can never be resurrected again.

But there is a point.

Ye Ren didn't count, maybe he did, but something went wrong.

That's the energy that ignites the ocean to produce fusion.

Not only started the time javelin.

At the same time, it also annihilated Ye Ren's body and will.

His consciousness is the switch.

But after the time javelin was activated, the switch was also wiped out.

Ye Ren clearly felt that he was dissipating.

Obviously no body.

But consciousness gradually became hazy and blurred.

Memories are collapsing.

so cold.

It was probably an illusion, when this cold feeling gradually spread and swept over.

Unwilling, angry, helpless.

Ye Ren felt himself sinking, sinking in a sheet of icy water.

To suffocate.


When consciousness is dying.

Ye Ren insisted on relying on the last belief.

Will there be a miracle?

can you?


A pair of hands caught him through the icy water and pulled him back from the brink of death.

This familiar feeling reminded Ye Ren of the first time he entered the Quantum Realm.

The same is true.


Energy and matter can be transformed into each other, which is the truth of the universe.

In addition to activating the time javelin, a large part of the energy produced by fusion is left behind.

This energy is pinched together and transformed into matter.


It was transformed into Ye Ren's body.

Ye Ren trembled in the universe, his face full of astonishment. .

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