Magic Or Forbidden Curse? This Thing Is Called A Nuclear Bomb

Chapter Two Hundred And Fiftieth: The End Of The Final Chapter

"Did you make it?"

In the Sea of ​​Destiny.

Toria nervously asked God of Destiny.

The terrifying annihilation ability is clearly visible.

The mother goddess who was hit by the javelin of time has no chance of surviving.


"Yes, he succeeded."

When hearing this sentence, Tolia was stunned.

Mother Goddess.

The mother goddess who gave birth to and controlled this generation of magical civilization.

Died just like that?

"Then how is he?"

"According to calculations, he couldn't bear such a huge amount of energy, so he should have died with the mother goddess."

Toria was even more confused.

Ye Ren is dead?

Then how would she explain it to Rumia and the others?

At this moment, Ye Ren seemed to fall into the sky like a meteor, and Ye Ren was covered in white matter.

It fell into the sea from the sky, setting off waves tens of meters high.

It stands to reason.

Falling like this from the universe into the sea.

Ye Ren's body should be smashed to pieces.

"What's wrong? Why do you look at me like a ghost?"

Toria and God of Destiny have mixed feelings.

Didn't you say Ye Ren is dead?

How people are still alive, and it seems even more unpredictable.

"I can no longer observe you in any way.

The God of Destiny made a confused sound.

It can observe "September 20" and detect atoms.

But he couldn't see through Ye Ren's current body.

"Well, it's normal, human beings have limits...I'm not a human anymore!"

After returning from the Quantum Realm.

To some extent, Ye Ren has mastered some special abilities.

This is probably the characteristic given to him by the quantum body.

Strange to say.

Ye Ren can transform matter and energy into each other in a very small amount.

And this process.

Ye Ren is very familiar, like sinking consciousness into a wall of sighs.

"In a sense... I am like a real god now, I have completed the evolution."

When on Blue Star.

There are two genres indistinctly appearing among human civilizations.

A party believes that—

"The flesh and blood are weak, and the machinery soars.

A party believes that—

"Material is weak, spiritual energy is eternal.

And Ye Ren has now taken the most critical step on the second road.

He completed his ascension.

The energy created through fusion destroys the flesh.

Consciousness reconstructs a new body in the quantum realm, and acquires the ability to transform matter and energy.

Although Ye Ren himself doesn't know how he did it.


"The mother goddess is dead, the barriers of magical civilization have been broken, and the truth is underfoot."

Thirty years passed in the blink of an eye.

When Ye Ren returned to Rumia and the others, he was surrounded by girls.

No cheers.

There are no hymns sung for heroes.

There are no worldwide carnival celebrations and festivals.

Some are just a sleepless night.

As Ye Ren puts it:

"Save the world? I just want to protect you.

If it wasn't for the Mother Goddess who would eventually destroy the magical civilization, Ye Ren wouldn't be bothered to fight it.

Not to mention the girls around Ye Ren like Rumia.

In the God Realm, except for Tolia, Liz, and the God of Destiny.

No other being knew that the end had nearly come.

Nor does any god know that it was Ye Ren, a scientist from another world, who saved the magical civilization.

It was business as usual.

The most intuitive impact brought about by the death of the Mother Goddess.

It means that there are more races who dare to explore the universe.

Gods, humans, vampires, orcs, goblins, elves, dragons, dolls, magic lines, hymns...

Since the Wall of Sighs appeared, it has not been paid much attention to.

The level of magic power on the mainland is now hundreds of times better than it used to be.

These three years.

Created an unprecedented heyday of magic era.

The third-order mage became the starting point.

The seventh-order demigod is one in a million.

There are quite a few eighth-order gods.

Ninth-order master gods are rare.

As for whether there is a tenth order.

There are some legends on the mainland——

"The most talented magician in the history of human civilization, Veronica, the empress of the St. Antis Empire, is said to be a tenth-order existence."

"The first one to grasp the truth, the legendary god of alchemy, Rumia, is the god of the gods, and it is said that she is also at the tenth level.

"Don't forget that there is another person...he created scientific alchemy and pushed alchemy to a new era, and he is also the teacher of the alchemy god."

his name.

I don't fit in with everyone in this world.

he is

"Ye Ren."

"Who called me?"

The one who was worshiped by alchemists all over the continent.

At this time, with a head of messy hair like a chicken coop, he jumped out of the laboratory.

There was still smoke billowing behind him.

Grim tentacles and strange lightning can be vaguely seen from the smoke.

"Evelyn asked how your travel preparations are going."

"Travel...I, I'm almost ready."

"Noah said that there is a newly opened opera house in the empire next door, and I want to ask you if you want to go see it together.

"Well, when is it?"

"Veronica said she was going to conquer the stars above, and asked if you could give her some advice.

"Are you going to enter the interstellar era so soon!?"

"Baoli disappeared while playing with your small black hole generator two days ago, do you have anything to say.

"Damn it, didn't I say that she is forbidden to enter my laboratory!"

"Lilia and Vivian seem to be fighting with the Anthem next door, do you want to help?"

"Why do the two of them fight with people every day..."

Ye Ren's complexion became more and more painful.

It doesn't matter.

He scratched his head.

His eyes suddenly fell on Rumia's delicate face.

it's beautiful.

Unable to bear it, Ye Ren went up and kissed:

"My Rumia, you are the most worry-free, let me pet your head."

The feel is still as good as ever.

The girl rolled her eyes.

Although what is said on the mouth:

"After all, there are so many people who like you. If I don't let you worry, I will probably be abandoned by you."

But his hands gently smoothed Ye Ren's messy hair.

This is too ugly, it's better to clean it up and look better.

"Rumia...we're both married."

Ye Ren felt aggrieved.

"Yeah, get married.

It's okay not to say.

Speaking of which, Rumia got angry.

She tugged at Ye Ren's collar:

"I am a dignified alchemy goddess. I actually saw...three brides in wedding dresses at the wedding!"

Good guy.

At that time, she was so angry that she abandoned the marriage on the spot.

Ye Ren continues to wrong Baba:

"What can I do, I am also desperate.

You desperate ass.

Rumia glared at Ye Ren, this guy is so good at taking advantage of it.

"Lumia, listen to me... Baoli said that if I don't marry her, she will pester you every day to give me a cuckold."

Rumia: "........

Very Polly style.

"Evelyn is so poor, she has been following me and calling you sister all the time."

Indeed, even Rumia couldn't refuse such a sweet and well-behaved girl as Evelyn.

"Teacher Nuoya didn't say anything, if it wasn't for Teacher Nuoya, I wouldn't have become an alchemist..0"

"You're clearly just greedy for her body! You're a scumbag!"

"Where do I have it?"

"You admitted it yourself. You are Yu Jie's concubine. I even recorded a video here. Do you want to watch it?"

"A ba ba ba ba...

Although bickering.

But Lumia also knows the importance of Teacher Nuoya in Ye Ren's heart.


When it comes to Veronica, she gets angry:

"That empress, when did you get on good terms with her?"

"I'm also baffled by this, I don't even know what she likes about me...but...she's the empress..."

"I'm still a goddess!"

"It's different."

In short, under Ye Ren's cheeky offensive.

Coupled with his coquetry and cuteness, in the end Rumia could only stare at him softly.

"I can't say enough about you, Ye Ren, you can sleep on the sofa tonight."

"Oh, I'll go to Evelyn, she'll never turn me down."


"I was wrong, Rumia, I was really wrong, Rumia!!!"

Be happy or be noisy.

Ye Ren likes Rumia as much as Rumia likes Ye Ren.


Rumia lay softly in Ye Ren's arms.

The majestic alchemy goddess, like a soft kitten:

"So what have you been doing for the past three years? We haven't even been on a honeymoon."

About this.

Ye Ren suddenly fell silent.

"Three years, you still refuse to tell us?"


Ye Ren sighed:

"It's not that I won't tell you, but I don't know how to say it. I... have become more and more certain now."


"It just so happens that I can prove it to you now.

Ye Ren returned to the laboratory.

Activate the track device.

A high-energy pulse opened a dark blue door.

These three years.

Ye Ren has been searching in the quantum realm.


He has found it.

The energy burst out with a dazzling blue light, compressed and reorganized under Ye Ren's control, and was transformed into matter.


is transformed into a body.

She stared blankly at her hands, almost in disbelief.

until she looked up.

Hear Ye Ren say to her:

"Welcome back, Katarina. 3.5"


That's what Ye Ren has been doing for three years.

He almost got lost in the Quantum Realm when he first made the time javelin three years ago.

At that time, there was something that saved him.

When fighting with the mother god later, I almost got lost in the quantum realm again.

He was rescued again.

At that time, Ye Ren guessed that Katarina might have been transformed into an existence similar to the prince's ghost, floating in the quantum realm.

She saved Ye Ren twice.

Now, Ye Ren brought her back to reality.

"It's only been three years, I'm so good, thanks to the locking system, Rumia, let me tell you, this locking system is what I passed...

There were also some technical terms that Rumia didn't quite understand.

But this time.

Rumia just smiled knowingly.

She waited for Ye Ren to finish speaking.

Gently wrapped around Ye Ren's neck:

"Then you don't have anything to do now, right? The honeymoon you owe me, when can you start?"

"Now! Right now!"

Rumia's eyes narrowed into crescents.

Until Ye Ren said carefully:

"Can we get Evelyn to join us..."


"Rumia, Rumia, I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

(full text).

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