Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 100 The Strange Man from the Far Island

The basic principle of the agreement with the New Han Space Army is simple and direct.

The military will give some confidential scientific and technological achievements in exchange for Zhang Xiaoliang to become a "part-time" research sample for the military.

There are definitely slightly complicated regulations for the specific details. But Zhang Xiaoliang will definitely not be sliced. The transaction process is as follows:

The military provides an exclusive, specially made, top-level multifunctional game chamber. Zhang Xiaoliang's body is kept in this game chamber for a long time.

The game chamber will monitor all kinds of data of Zhang Xiaoliang's body in real time. For research by military researchers.

There are two main experimental research methods: general and special.

Special research means that when the light spirit appears, the military will notify Xiao Ming as soon as possible. If the situation permits, Xiao Ming must try to log in to Xiao Liang's body in time.

Go to the place where the light spirit appears to attract the light spirit. You can be in the game chamber or wear a full set of monitoring clothing.

It is convenient for scientists to monitor in real time: which data of the body will change during Xiao Ming's attraction of the light spirit.

General research is similar to a physical examination. When there is no light spirit, Xiao Ming also needs to take time to log in to Xiao Liang's body for scientists to study and test.

In order to prevent Xiao Ming from being bored and even feeling annoyed, Xiao Ming can play games in a special game cabin most of the time during the process of being studied.

The game cabin is special, so the game character is also specially arranged by the military.

The personal space of Zhang Xiaoliang's game cabin and Zhang Xiaoming's personal space cannot be synchronized. They are two different spaces.

(The personal spaces logged in by Zhang Xiaoming's different copies are synchronized, the same.)

In this special game cabin, if you play the game of Magic Planet, Xiao Ming can only log in to a fixed character.

If you play the secret realm, the characters logged in from this game cabin are also independent characters. They will not be confused with Xiao Ming's previous characters.

The scientific data that the military needs to provide (including the research data on Xiao Liang) will definitely not be handed over to Xiao Ming's forces at one time.

The specific principle adopted is the principle of time equal exchange. How much time Xiao Ming spends on research for the military. How much time can he use to read confidential information.

It is absolutely not allowed to copy and transfer data using a computer system. That would be too fast. So Xiao Ming has to rely on his brain to remember. It's relatively fair.

Let's not talk about special research for now. Xiao Ming decided to do his general research at night as much as possible, so as not to delay his normal game time.

This is also thanks to Xiao Ming's recent "upgrade", which greatly reduced his sleep time and greatly increased his game time. Otherwise, Xiao Ming's game progress would be greatly affected.

The transactions between the two sides were roughly arranged. Major General Xu Feng took Xiao Liang to chat about family matters. Then he turned to another topic.

"Lieutenant, have you heard of the strange man on the distant island?" Xu Feng's question was so abrupt.

"Strange man on the distant island?" Xiao Ming frowned and searched his memory carefully: "No, I really haven't heard of it. Where is the distant island?"

The major general's expression relaxed a little. It seemed that this person really didn't know the secret. We can lay a foreshadowing.

"The Strange Man on the Far Island" is actually the general name of a series of books. Legend has it that they are all books written by a strange man who lives on a distant island."

Xiao Ming thought: This gimmick is too old-fashioned, right? This is similar to meeting an old man at the bottom of a cliff. People who live on an island still have time to write books?

Xu Feng knew what Xiao Ming was thinking by observing his words and expressions. He did not point it out, but continued to talk.

"The "Far Island Strange Man" series of books was written during the Later Qin Dynasty. There are dozens of books in this series, probably tens of millions of words, and it is impossible for one person to write it."

Xiao Ming felt more respect for writing a masterpiece of tens of millions of words in that era. In an era without computers and typewriters, you can only write by hand. Tens of millions of words, amazing!

"The content of the book is probably the history of another parallel world. Do you know the theory of parallel worlds?"

Xiao Ming nodded to indicate that he had heard of it. This theory is basically heard by modern people. Many movies and TV shows are also based on parallel worlds.

It was written in that era hundreds of years ago, which was a bit advanced, but it was nothing special. Buddhism had the saying of one flower and one world earlier.

"It's good for you to know. The contents of those books are based on a hypothesis: suppose that in a parallel world, the development of history has changed.

During the chaotic times at the end of the Tang Dynasty, if it was not the twelve families of the Later Qin Dynasty who unified China, but a short-sighted and conservative dynasty, what would happen afterwards?"

Major General Xu Feng paused here deliberately to give Xiao Ming some time to think.

The Later Qin Dynasty can be said to be a major turning point in the history of the Chinese nation, and the history of the early years of the Later Qin Dynasty was too legendary.

Later, it was learned from Xu Feng's video that the founders of the Later Qin Dynasty actually got the creations of alien civilizations. This is a bit of a cheating suspicion.

So if the Later Qin Dynasty did not unify China at that time, the subsequent historical development, Xiao Ming felt very scary when thinking about it.

It is estimated that it would be impossible to form the social form dominated by the Chinese people on Pangu Star. It is very likely that China and several major powers will compete for supremacy.

Xu Feng continued to introduce "Far Island Strange Man": "When this series of books first came out, it was after the World War. I don't know who dug it out of which hole.

This book was not circulated among the people at the beginning. It was only circulated among the high-level officials of various Chinese countries. At the beginning, no one took it seriously and just read it casually.

Later, it was discovered that the descriptions of China and other countries in the world in this set of books were too detailed. The details were too rich.

Most people thought that this could not be a fictional book, and it was almost certain that it was the true history of another world.

In the history of that world, the Chinese people suffered a lot. I won’t tell you in detail what kind of suffering it was.

I’m afraid you won’t believe it even if I tell you. Go and read the book when you have time. It’s in the information given to you by the military.

Now "The Strange Man from the Far Island" is a set of works that high-level Chinese people in various countries must read. It can make our minds clearer. "

After saying that, Xu Feng patted Xiao Liang's shoulder and left.

Hey, you're not like that. How can you just whet people's appetite and then run away. What do you mean?!

Curiosity was aroused, and it had to be satisfied. Xiao Ming hurried to his "being" research room. Entered the exclusive game cabin.

The series of books of "Far Island Strange People" was called up. There were dozens of books, which was scary. How long would it take to read it?

Xiao Ming strongly suspected that the military wanted to use this book to delay and reduce the time for reading confidential scientific materials. Humph, wishful thinking.

You have a plan, and I have a strong ladder. Xiao Ming is a person who can do two things at the same time. This kind of There is no need to do two things at once.

And Maomaoer is "parasitic" on Xiao Ming's body. Although the nine-tailed fox cannot connect to the game cabin. Maomaoer is in the game cabin itself.

If you want, you can download all the information that the military has opened to Xiao Ming in a short time. ——That's courting death.

It still needs to be covered up. Maomaoer opened a screen over there and recorded the desired information at the speed of human reading.

Xiao Ming opened the database and began to read various book reviews of "Far Island Strange Man".

This is Xiao Ming's reading habit. He doesn't like the suspenseful reading method of reading from beginning to end. Instead, he likes to read the book reviews first.

After understanding the general content of the whole book and various reviews, he decided whether to read the book.

And if he wants to read it, at what speed should he read it? Word by word, or ten lines at a glance.

The book reviews of "Far Island Strange Man" are also scary. Because the readers of this set of books are special people. They rarely write boring book reviews with one or two sentences.

Either they don't write, or they write long articles.

Xiao Ming specifically looks for the most praised book reviews to read. Through these articles, Xiao Ming has a general understanding of the content of "Far Island Strange Man".

He also has a certain understanding of the history of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, which is mentioned most in the book reviews. Know.

Xiao Ming never expected that humiliating history. No matter how much he thought, he could not imagine that China could possibly get to that point.

Zhang Xiaoming, who is nearly 40 years old, mature in mind, and has superpowers, is a little broken at this moment.

In this chapter, the book "Far Island Strange Man" suddenly appeared in front of the protagonist, causing a huge shock to his mind. The first volume of this book ends here. In the next volume, what kind of mood and attitude will the protagonist, whose mind has been cleansed, face the game and life? ——As a loser, he can just shake his head and it will be fine, so he will continue to live his life as a otaku.

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