Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 101: First Battle with Aliens in Secret Realm

Antarctic scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow. The wind swept the flying snow and raged on the vast ice field, covering the sky and the sun.

You can't see your fingers, only your gloves. The weather is creaking cold. In a camp that has been abandoned for a long time and has just been reopened, there are several figures moving around.

Zhang Xiaoming did not work with others, but wrapped in a thick down jacket, sitting in a barracks, using the cold weather to help himself calm down.

(You dare not calm down outside the house, it is easy to freeze to death before your mood recovers. Then completely restore the factory settings.)

This can't be blamed on him. Any Chinese on Pangu Star, after learning about the humiliation that the Chinese have suffered in the history of the earth, it is probably difficult to calm down.

The shame of Jingkang, the sorrow of Yashan. The barbarians took over, the ten days of Yangzhou. The Opium War, the fall of the capital, the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the Eight-Nation Alliance... until the eight-year war against Japan.

After seeing this, the child almost collapsed at that moment. Zhang Xiaoming randomly found a secret realm in the game cabin and hid in it.

He needed time to be alone and quiet for a while, to think carefully.

(This is a special game cabin prepared by the military for Zhang Xiaoliang, which really brought some surprises to Xiaoming.)

There was a howling wind and heavy snow outside. There were some strange sounds mixed in the sound of the wind and snow, which were the sounds made by the strong wind blowing various things.

Although there were heating equipment in the barracks, the temperature was only slightly better than outside.

Xiaoming sat in a chair, posing as a thinker, turning a deaf ear to everything happening outside. There was also a penguin next to him, tilting his head and looking at him.

After he entered this secret realm, he was always absent-minded. At the beginning, several different NPCs chatted with him and gave the "plot introduction" of this secret realm from several angles.

He just listened to it in one ear and out the other, and didn't take it to heart at all. It seemed that their company had found something extraordinary here in Antarctica. Then they sent twenty or thirty people over.

Among them were the company's scientific researchers, the expedition team hired with a lot of money to help, and the mercenaries responsible for security.

It seemed that even the big boss had come. Seeing that old man's sick appearance, it was unknown how many days he could live. Why did he come to the polar regions to suffer this?

Could there be a panacea here to prolong his life? Forget it, it had nothing to do with him anyway, so Xiao Ming didn't take it seriously.

Earlier, everyone else had set out to explore. Only Xiao Ming and the other four team members stayed in the camp to look after the house.

He didn't care about the work he was assigned, and just found a barracks with "heating" and went in to think about life.

Xiao Ming's circle had been released out of habit. I don't know how long it took, but in Xiao Ming's telepathic perception, three strange guys mixed in.

In the observation of the circle, it was found that their body structure was very different from that of humans, and they were probably aliens.

They were taller than ordinary humans, wearing high-tech armor, equipped with various cold and hot weapons, and wearing masks.

It's just that their taste is a bit weird: Why do you match such high-tech armor with fishing nets?

I really want to complain about them: It doesn't suit you. You won't look good wearing fishing nets. Don't learn from those female stars.

Of course, these guys are not here to show off their clothes. They are really here to show off... how to kill people.

Their armor seems to have the function of optical invisibility. They sneaked into the camp and killed the other four team members in various ways.

With your physique and equipment, you can just attack them directly. You are really bored to death to play these tricks.

Hey? Hey, why are you panting when I say you are fat? Why are you coming towards me?

I have to say that the appearance of these three alien "fishermen" really cheered Xiao Ming up.

In fact, the truth is very simple. If you lag behind, you will be beaten. Xiao Ming is not ignorant of this. It's just that he never thought that his motherland would be the one that lags behind.

The huge gap made him a little confused for a while. Give him some time, he should be able to sort it out.

These three alien fishermen accelerated this process. They vividly interpreted that when you fall behind, even alien fishermen can bully you.

Originally, Xiao Ming, who was "contemplating", was too lazy to care about this trivial matter. But now the fire has burned on him, and he can't ignore it.

Xiao Ming just took the opportunity to vent the anger in his stomach. Just think of you three as the British and French coalition forces and the Japanese devils.

Readers naturally know that these alien "fishermen" are actually Predators. Their fighting habits are actually more like hunters.

And the secret realm where Xiao Ming is located is exactly the scene of Alien vs. Predator 1.

There is no such movie on Pangu Star, so Xiao Ming doesn't know that these three aliens are actually minors in the Predator race.

This time they came to Earth for the coming-of-age ceremony. The situation is similar to the college entrance examination + internship that Xiao Ming has experienced.

The combat effectiveness of underage Predators should not be underestimated. (They haven't got the shoulder gun yet.)

With the physical fitness of Xiao Ming's character in the secret realm. If they confront head-on, they will definitely die. Normally, hide-and-seek results in more losses than wins.

But Xiao Ming is not a normal player. The ability of mind can be regarded as a super cheat. Especially when the opponent is a technological race like the Predator.

The three aliens were always surrounded by Xiao Ming's circle, and they didn't feel it at all. Xiao Ming felt that he could easily play tricks on them.

This kind of battle with such a huge disparity in "strength" is not exciting at all. Xiao Ming had already activated the circle before, keeping an eye on the opponent's movements.

Now he activated the absolute, eliminating his own aura and reducing his presence.

The effect is that Xiao Ming's figure is clearly on the thermal imaging devices of the Iron Blood Warriors. But these three just ignored it.

Telekinesis is used to deal with intelligent creatures. Although it cannot fool technological products for the time being, the Iron Blood Warriors who use technological products still cannot escape the category of creatures.

If the three Iron Blood Warriors act collectively, Xiao Ming will have to spend a lot of effort. But the three of them are too arrogant and choose to fight on their own.

This gives Xiao Ming the opportunity to defeat them one by one. Quietly go around the back of the Iron Blood Warriors and use the telekinesis to shoot them in the head one by one.

Xiao Ming's telekinesis ability is now several times stronger than before, and this time he shot with hatred. The stones ejected are attached with a large amount of enhanced telekinesis.

The first two alien warriors who were labeled as the British and French coalition forces by Xiao Ming were both shot in the head with just one shot. Green blood and turbid brain matter splattered everywhere.

The last soldier labeled as a Japanese devil by Xiao Ming also became extremely cautious after losing two of his companions.

He probably felt that there was an enemy that could not be detected. So he kept moving and changing positions frequently.

Xiao Ming spent half an hour with him, first severely injuring his legs and making him unable to move.

He waited patiently for a long time, and when the other party took out the alien potion to treat his own injuries, he shot him with dozens of stones and killed him.

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