Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1123 Learning from the Apprentice

How can I describe the battle between Nan Xiren and Huang Yaoshi? He was so passive that it was a bit embarrassing.

However, no one laughed at him. After all, he was fighting against the top masters in the martial arts world. Others wanted to embarrass themselves but had no chance.

This East Evil's fighting style was the most technically difficult for Xiao Ming to deal with.

His palm technique was like falling petals, with palm shadows in all directions, five virtual and one real, or eight virtual and one real, like a sudden gust of wind in a peach forest, with all the flowers falling. The beauty was that his posture was elegant, as if he was dancing, and his palm was as sharp as a sword.

Watching this palm technique, Xiao Ming had a sense of déjà vu of seeing the beginning of the release of the Zanpakutō [Senbonzakura].

Among the five great masters of the Central Plains, except Wang Chongyang, the East Evil Huang Yaoshi was the one who restrained Xiao Ming the most.

Others, Hong Qigong's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Ouyang Feng's Toad Skill, and Master Yideng's One Yang Finger, were all relatively straightforward fighting styles.

Although the skills of these three people are also superb, otherwise they can't be as famous as Dong Xie, but they are more accustomed to the "straightforward" fighting style.

There is a combination of virtual and real, but unlike Huang Yaoshi's kung fu, almost all of them are virtual.

Only Huang Yaoshi's kung fu is all technical, and he doesn't seem to have that kind of direct tricks at all. Slightly lacking in the ability to attack.

Dong Xie, Xi Du, Nan Di, Bei Beggar, the four people are equally matched. The battle between them is naturally a match made in heaven.

However, Nan Xiren is two or three levels behind in terms of skills. With his skills, he can barely deal with Bei Beggar, Xi Du, and Nan Di.

With the advantage in internal strength, he may be able to defeat the opponent. After all, Xiao Ming is better in a protracted battle.

In terms of long breath and endless internal strength, Changsheng Jue is really excellent.

What's more, Xiao Ming has other bodies, which can run Changsheng Jue together to replenish his internal strength.

But when it comes to dealing with Huang Yaoshi, Xiao Ming's skills are equivalent to nothing. So the battle scene between him and Huang Yaoshi is not very good.

Nan Xiren learned the fighting style from his apprentice Guo Jing, just using the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms from beginning to end, over and over again.

Anyway, there are no major flaws in this set of palm techniques, and my internal strength is very sufficient, so let's fight him and see who can outlast the other.

Xiao Ming himself is not as stupid as Guo Jing, but when facing Huang Yaoshi, his brain is not much different from Guo Jing's.

It is important for people to know themselves. Xiao Ming knows that he cannot compete with Huang Yaoshi in terms of skills. If he really does that, he will be completely defeated.

Huang Lao Xie is a little disappointed. What he wants is a fight between dragons and tigers that are evenly matched. Not this kind of dull and boring battle.

Seeing that Nan Xiren, like a turtle, used the palm power of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to cover himself with an extremely hard shell. He shrank back into his shell and refused to show his head.

No matter how Huang Yaoshi tempted him or how he exposed his flaws, Nan Xiren would not be fooled. He did not seek merit but only to avoid mistakes. He was so uncomfortable.

Huang Laoxie wanted to try to break through this turtle shell, but he did not have a strong enough ability to attack. It was like a mouse pulling a turtle.

The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were indeed very exquisite. Huang Yaoshi could not think of a way to break through Nan Xiren's defense circle for a moment.

However, Dongxie himself was not in any danger and completely took the initiative, advancing and retreating freely.

He thought that in terms of internal energy consumption, this style of fighting should be his advantage, so it would be better to wear Nan Xiren down.

As a result, after fighting for more than half an hour, Nan Xiren was still vigorous and his palm power did not decrease at all. On the contrary, Huang Yaoshi, although he consumed very little, was a little tired.

He was secretly shocked. Isn't the internal energy of this elder Nan Xiren too deep? If they continue to fight like this, who knows who will be defeated first! ? It's better to stop while you are ahead.

So he retreated a few feet away, stopped fighting, and ended the game in a draw.

Everyone present could see that Nan Xiren was completely passive. Huang Yaoshi obviously had the upper hand.

Only Huang Yaoshi himself knew that if they continued to fight, the situation would turn to Nan Xiren.

After this battle, Xiao Ming also found that he seemed to have crossed a special threshold in terms of martial arts.

Before, because his internal strength was too low and other supernatural energies were too strong.

When Xiao Ming was practicing, his internal strength was always covered by other energies, causing Xiao Ming's body and mind to automatically ignore the internal strength. It was impossible to practice in reality.

So Xiao Ming could only practice the Changsheng Jue Zhenqi through the game cabin of the martial arts planet or the suppression of the reincarnation space.

So Xiao Ming took advantage of the suppression of the reincarnation space and spent 15 years to practice his internal strength to the current level.

Although the "reserve" of Changsheng Jue Zhenqi is still not as good as other supernatural energies, it is no longer so easy to be covered up and automatically ignored.

This is all because of the energy network that Xiao Ming built in several bodies, which are the silver network, green network, and yellow network. Now Xiao Ming's red network is still slowly being built.

Originally, Xiao Ming's various supernatural energies did not interfere with each other, and each one had to be specially cultivated to improve the quality and increase the capacity (upper limit).

So Xiao Ming used the source energy to connect all the supernatural energies together. An energy network was formed in each body.

Because supernatural energies flow and transform each other continuously, over time, all energy limits are automatically pulled to a relatively close level.

In other words, although there are still differences in quality between different types of energy, the capacity is basically at the level of 7th level/A level.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming's internal force was too little at the beginning, and it was only at the E level. Compared with other surging energies, it was just a speck of dust.

So even Xiao Ming did not regard internal force as a kind of supernatural energy, and did not merge it into the energy network.

Besides, the upgraded version of internal force is spiritual power, and spiritual power has long been integrated into the energy network. This makes internal force lose the opportunity to go online forever.

In the final analysis, internal force is just a low-end supernatural energy. The upper limit is too low to be "high-end".

In fact, if Xiao Ming did not want to do something in the secret realm of the martial arts planet game, he would not have to practice internal force at all.

Now Xiao Ming has practiced internal skills to the level of the Five Wonders of the Central Plains, which means he has reached the level of 4th level/D level.

This level of internal force is still not worth mentioning compared with other energies, but it will no longer be automatically ignored. Now, Xiao Ming can also practice internal force in reality.

In this matter, the combat power suppression equipment that Xiao Ming brought back from Pandora helped a lot.

When the device is activated, all kinds of supernatural energy in the body are suppressed. When it is suppressed below level B, the internal force becomes more obvious.

Xiao Ming really wants to see where the upper limit of internal force is after practicing.

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