Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1124 Peach Blossom Island Master

Huang Yaoshi, nicknamed "Eastern Evil", is one of the Five Great Masters of the Central Plains. He is the owner of Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea.

He is well versed in astronomy, geography, the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, Qimen Dunjia, calligraphy and painting, and even farmland irrigation, economics and military strategies. His martial arts are the best in the world.

It is said that he fought with Nan Xiren and used many magical skills of Peach Blossom Island. Lu Chengfeng and Huang Rong are not blind and have long seen the true identity of this masked man.

If Huang and Nan had not fought fiercely, Huang Rong would have rushed up to act like a spoiled child.

Seeing the powerful palm wind of Nan Xiren, she was afraid of distracting her father. If her father was injured, it would be bad.

Therefore, she insisted on holding back and did not scream. Little did she know that Nan Xiren only looked fierce, while Huang Yaoshi was actually able to move freely and safely.

As soon as the battle was over, little Huang Rong shouted "Daddy", jumped up, and tore off her father's human skin mask.

Huang Yaoshi was thin, handsome, elegant, and as pure as a god. He was not like a filthy person in the world.

The Seven Freaks of Jiangnan and several younger generations were intimidated by his demeanor and did not speak for a while.

Looking at little Huang Rong and then at Huang Yaoshi, everyone nodded in admiration. Only such a chic and elegant person can give birth to such a smart and beautiful daughter.

Fortunately, the fourth child and the East Evil fought "equally" (putting some gold on their face), otherwise how would they have the nerve to ask for marriage in the future.

At this time, Lu Chengfeng also threw away his crutches, rushed forward a few steps, knelt on the ground, and only uttered the word "Master" in his mouth, and then burst into tears.

Huang Yaoshi cut his tendons, so that he had to use a wheelchair for more than ten years. But Lu Chengfeng still had no complaints about his master, and he really had a deep relationship between master and apprentice.

When the master and the apprentice and the father and daughter met, they naturally had a warm welcome. Lu Chengfeng called his son Lu Guanying over to kowtow to the master.

Just now, Lu Guanying had called Nan Xiren Master several times, and Huang Yaoshi had long known that he had become a disciple of Nan Xiren. After thinking about it, he felt that this was not an insult to Lu Guanying.

At this time, he raised his hand to lift Lu Guanying up and took the opportunity to test him. But he was surprised to find that there was a rather strange true qi in Lu Guanying's body.

The amount of true qi was not much, which showed that the time of cultivation was very short. But this true qi was extremely pure and even better than what he had learned. He knew immediately that it was a superior internal skill.

No need to ask, this internal skill must have been taught by Nan Xiren. It was really amazing. The future of this disciple will be limitless in the future.

This shows that Nan Xiren not only saved his apprentice, but also gave him a very profound internal skill, without hiding anything. This kindness is really great.

Although Huang Yaoshi has a stubborn temper, he still knows what is good and what is bad. He took the initiative to bow to Nan Xiren and thank him. Xiao Ming quickly returned the greeting.

Lu Chengfeng didn't know before that the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu" that Nan Xiren passed on to his son was actually a peerless magic skill.

Now seeing that even his master was moved by it, he hurriedly brought his son to thank him again.

In fact, he had already thanked him when he passed on the skills, but he didn't pay so much attention at that time. Lu Chengfeng didn't expect Nan Xiren to pass on such a profound skill.

Several people thanked each other, and it was lively for a while.

With Nan Xiren's status in Lujiazhuang, he already had his own courtyard and many servants to serve him.

Lu Chengfeng settled the Jiangnan Seven Freaks in Nan Xiren's courtyard. He also welcomed the master and the junior sister to the inner hall. They still had a lot of intimate things to say.

The Jiangnan Seven Freaks were the same. The brothers hadn't seen each other for a long time, and gathered in Nan Xiren's house to talk about what happened after they separated.

Guo Jing, Yang Kang, and Mu Nianci, the three younger generations, yawned after serving for a while, and were driven back to sleep by Zhu Cong. The five monsters talked all night.

Last night, Huang Yaoshi held his daughter and talked with Lu Chengfeng until dawn. Mainly asking how Nan Xiren treated him.

During this period, Huang Yaoshi did not forget Mei Chaofeng, and ordered his apprentice to send Lu's servants to lock Mei Chaofeng up.

In the original novel, Qiu Qianren lied that Huang Yaoshi was killed by the Seven Sons of Quanzhen and Hong Qigong. As a result, Mei Chaofeng's true feelings were revealed, she cried bitterly, and she was desperate to avenge her master.

This friendship touched Huang Yaoshi, and Mei Chaofeng suffered a little loss at the hands of Guo Jing, which aroused Huang Yaoshi's mentality of protecting her. Mei Chaofeng just escaped.

In the secret realm of this life, Qiu Qianren slipped away early, and without telling that lie, Mei Chaofeng also lost the opportunity to show off.

At the same time, Guo Jing did not fight with Mei Chaofeng, and Huang Yaoshi had no reason to protect him. In this way, Mei Chaofeng's fate might not be good.

The next morning, the two sides met again after breakfast and it was time to talk about some serious matters.

After Huang Yaoshi had a detailed discussion with Lu Chengfeng last night, he felt that Nan Xiren's method was indeed real and could cure his disciples.

Huang Yaoshi had a total of six disciples. After Chen Xuanfeng and Mei Chaofeng escaped, Lu Chengfeng, Qu Lingfeng, Wu Mianfeng, and Feng Mofeng were expelled from the sect after their tendons were cut.

Lu Chengfeng reported to his master that Junior Brother Wu had passed away for many years, and he had not yet found out the whereabouts of Junior Brother Qu and Junior Brother Feng. But from now on, he will try his best to find them.

After all, the motivation is different. In the past, it only took 5 points of effort to find them, because finding them was just a gathering for drinking;

Now it is different. Being able to cure their legs is a big deal. Lu Chengfeng must put 9 points of effort to find them.

Although they haven't found it yet, Huang Yaoshi wants to make this a reality and ask Nan Xiren to promise to treat Qu Feng and the others.

Nan Xiren's treatment method is very miraculous. Even if Huang Yaoshi knew it, he couldn't do it. This favor must be repaid.

How could Peach Blossom Island easily owe others a favor? Lu Chengfeng actually didn't have the ability to repay Nan Xiren, but Huang Yaoshi could.

During the conversation, Huang Yaoshi proposed to give Peach Blossom Island's three unique skills, not only to repay the favor of treating Lu Chengfeng, but also for Qu Lingfeng and Feng Mofeng in the future.

At this point in time, Qu Lingfeng was actually dead, and Feng Mofeng might not be found. Huang Yaoshi would suffer a loss by taking out three unique skills at once.

If it were Ouyang Feng, he would definitely be reluctant to pass on his unique skills to outsiders, no matter how kind the favor was. He would only pass on his skills to Ouyang Ke.

But what kind of person is Dong Xie! How could he be so petty. Even if he passed on his unique skills, he was confident that he would be stronger.

This is the fact. The skills of Peach Blossom Island can only be used by smart people.

If a fool were to learn, even if he copied them, he would not be able to exert the greatest power.

Even if a smart person learned it, Huang Lao Xie would not be afraid. He was confident that he could create stronger kung fu.

In terms of this demeanor alone, the East Evil is far superior to the West Poison, which is admirable.

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