Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1246 General Secura

"Mmmmm, your grilled meat is so delicious. Come on, grill another twenty pieces." Ayla Secura, who has blue skin, ate the grilled meat while speaking incoherently.

"Mmmmm, we want some too."*2, Xiaohong and Xiaolu also joined in the fun.

"Okay~~" Xiaoming Lu was helpless and continued to grill the meat obediently. Looking at the strange creature from Felucia that had been eaten most of the time, he shook his head.

I didn't expect that Secura, a female Jedi Master with such a slim figure, could eat so much.

Isn't she afraid of getting fat? You know, Secura is also a member of the Jedi Supreme Council. If she really gets fat, how can she attend meetings with other committee members?

ε=(ο`*))) Alas, it's also my fault. Why did I make a double-strengthened grilled meat?

Now, Secura's mouth is slippery from eating, and I have to bear the consequences.

Moreover, the two followers are also causing trouble. Xiaolu, why do you want to eat grilled meat as a tree demon? ! Xiaohong, you ghost, eat some Yin Qi. It's a waste to give the two of you barbecue.

But I dare not say these words. Xiaoming "complained" in his heart while grilling meat happily. He actually wanted to have a good relationship with the committee. Xiaohong and Xiaolu were used to eating Xiaoming's fortified food.

Mingming was being hunted, how could they have so much leisure time and still grill meat? ! Aren't they afraid that the fire and smoke will attract enemies?

In fact, they hid deep underground in a room made by Xiaoming using alchemy. No matter what they do in this room, they will not be discovered by the enemies outside.

Xiaoming left a lot of parasites in the outside world, and can use Taoism to observe various situations in the outside world. You can go out at any time.

Speaking of which, this colorful planet Felucia is a bit like Pandora in the world of "Avatar".

There are separatist rebels on this planet. Ayla Secura served as a general and led the clone army to clear the enemies here.

When Green Xiaoming, the leader's left guard, rescued Secura, they were also in a dilemma.

Both the clone army and the separatist army were their enemies. It was very difficult to find friendly forces.

In fact, Xiaoming himself had the strength to deal with all the enemies on the entire planet. Different methods would take different amounts of time.

However, Secura was soft-hearted and didn't want to kill people. So he planned to hide for a while and find a way to get in touch with the Temple first.

So Xiaoming made such a spacious and bright "basement". Before entering the basement, Xiaoming hunted a prey to show his courtesy.

Unfortunately, at the beginning, Secura was in a very low mood and had no appetite to eat.

Xiaoming could understand her mood. Those clone soldiers were her long-term partners and friends. They had fought together.

Especially the clone commander Bly, Secura treated him as a brother.

It was very uncomfortable to be betrayed suddenly. Of course, Bly had already been burned to ashes by Green.

Moreover, Secura instantly realized the huge crisis hanging over all Jedi Knights.

Since the clone soldiers around him would rebel, it means that the clone soldiers scattered throughout the galaxy would also rebel.

Then, the fate of the Jedi Knights with other clone soldiers can be imagined.

If it weren't for the rescue of the subordinates of the leader's left guard, he would have died. Even he couldn't prevent it, and others might be in danger. Secura was very anxious about this.

After that, she received an emergency communication from the Jedi Temple, and learned that even the temple located in the capital was besieged by the clone army. Secura was even more uneasy.

It was not until Xiao Ming captured Anakin and basically solved the crisis of the temple. Secura, who received the news, felt relieved. The temple has not fallen, and there is still a chance for everything.

She has decided that she must find an opportunity to get a spaceship, go to Coruscant, and fight with other Jedi Knights.

Until then, she suddenly felt: ‘Wow, the meat roasted by the leader’s left guard is really delicious.’ She immediately turned her grief and anger into appetite and ate a lot.

Only when you are full can you go back and fight with the Sith. Jedi Knights are not cowards.

It is precisely because of this that in the original book, after the 66th order, many of the surviving Jedi Knights returned to the capital to find opportunities to assassinate Darth Sidious or Darth Vader. Unfortunately, due to lack of skills, they were all killed one by one.

After eating and drinking, Secura clapped his hands and said: "I will go to the clone barracks now and find a way to get a spaceship. Are you coming?"

"Sister Secura, where are you going?" Xiaohong asked doubtfully.

"I want to go back to the capital and live and die with the Temple!" Secura answered firmly.

"But," Xiaolu objected, "Didn't the communication tell you to wait for news and not go back?"

"Indeed, they said so, but I am a member of the Jedi Supreme Council. How can I hide at this time!"

Sighing, she continued, "Alas, let those young Jedi Knights live, I... forget it."

Xiao Ming and the other two looked at her and found it a little funny. Because Secura herself was young and beautiful, it was really inappropriate to say such old-fashioned words.

Secura set his sights on Lu Xiaoming. He said, "I think the situation in the temple is not optimistic. The chances of survival this time are very small. I shouldn't have dragged you into the water."

After a pause, he continued, "It's just that the three of you are too powerful. If you join, the Jedi Temple will have a better chance of winning."

As he said that, Secura actually knelt down on both knees in front of Xiaoming and the other two. "I have to beg you, for the justice and peace of the galaxy, please come with me. As long as you agree, after this battle, I am willing to be your slave. Please."

Secura's words were actually quite excessive. In her cognition, the Jedi Temple in the capital was in crisis and life was in danger. If several people died, would they have to be slaves in the next life?

But this exotic beauty had no choice but to pray. She knocked her head heavily on the ground, breaking her forehead.

When she was about to continue knocking, Xiaohong and Xiaolu rushed over to support her. Of course, even if she wasn't supported, she couldn't kowtow the second time.

When she kowtowed the first time, Xiao Ming really didn't react in time. Who would have thought that the guy who just wanted to eat barbecue would suddenly do such a big ceremony? But the second one naturally wouldn't let her continue.

"Lord Secura, what are you doing?! You are too polite, too polite. We are also Jedi Knights, and we have no choice but to do it for the temple. We will go back with you, and I have a way to get you to the temple immediately."

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