Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1247 Master Yoda

After long-term use and running-in, Xiao Ming has integrated the Zerg's mental skill [Wormhole] and Kamar-Taj's teleportation magic.

These two abilities were not much different. Maybe the wormhole ability is larger and more durable, but the teleportation aperture is not much different.

The two are integrated into a new ability [Portal], which is smoother, more convenient and easier to control. And it directly consumes a small amount of source energy.

With a nervous mood, Master Ayla Secura passed through the portal and came to the Jedi Temple. More than a dozen Jedi Knights, led by Master Shaak Ti, welcomed her arrival.

The two female humanoid Jedi Masters hugged each other tightly and cried bitterly.

The Revenge of the Sith had only started for about half a day, and the huge pressure had made it difficult for the two members of the Supreme Council to bear.

The female Jedi Knights present also cried, and even two or three men shed tears. Everyone persuaded for a long time before giving up.

Master Shaak Ti stopped crying and began to introduce the current situation to Master Ayla Secura.

In fact, the current situation is much better. Otherwise, everyone might die at any time, and they don't even have time to cry.

The Jedi Knights living outside the capital suffered extremely heavy losses, and most of the Jedi Knights are dead at this moment. Those who are still alive are also hiding from XZ, and their lives are in danger.

When Order 66 was issued, the members of the Supreme Council were treated with special attention by the Clone Corps.

Commissioner Ki Adi Mundi, Commissioner Plo Koon and others died. Master Yoda is worthy of being the pinnacle of Jedi Knights and easily killed them.

The surviving Jedi Knights include Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Maris Broad... and so on. Unfortunately, some of their followers were killed or injured.

These so-called followers are the reincarnations. Hearing the news of these people's deaths, Xiao Ming couldn't help but sigh. At this time, Xiao Ming didn't know that they were all implicated by himself.

The surviving Jedi all received the emergency communication from the temple, and the others hid temporarily, but Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan must come back.

In addition, Marys was also stubborn. She didn't even get the title of master, and she was determined to come back for revenge.

"Master, can you use this... this portal to bring Master Yoda and Master Obi-Wan back?"

Master Shaak Ti proposed to Yin Xiaoming with great interest. As long as Master Yoda comes back, she won't have to bear such a great pressure.

In addition, just ten minutes ago, several Xiaomings, except for Green Xiaoming who was not in the temple and Orange Xiaoming who was still a child, were promoted to Jedi Masters.

With such strong strength and such great contributions, no one opposed the promotion of the master and others. It can be said that it is what everyone wants.

Master replied to Shaak Ti with some embarrassment: "This portal is not opened casually, it needs to be at both ends..."

Halfway through the words, Xiaoming felt that his spiritual world was "invaded" by someone. I quickly immersed myself in the past to check.

I found that it was no one else, but the green dwarf - Master Yoda. Although Xiao Ming had never seen him, he had seen his portrait several times in the temple. He recognized him at a glance.

Sun Xiaotian and Phantom Cat, who were responsible for defending Xiao Ming's spiritual world, were confronting him. But they did not fight.

To be precise, Sun Xiaotian and Phantom Cat both felt the power of the other party and did not dare to act rashly.

Seeing Xiao Ming's spiritual projection appear, Master Yoda smiled kindly:

"Shaak Ti is right, the master is really amazing. This is the first time I have seen such a huge spiritual world.

Unfortunately, it is not solid enough. You must be extra careful and never fight Darth Sidious head-on. If he invades your spiritual world..."

As expected of the strongest Jedi Knight, he saw the fatal flaw of Xiao Ming's spiritual power at a glance.

Other Jedi masters have devoted themselves to tempering their spiritual cultivation, and their spiritual world is very solid. It will not be easily broken. Xiao Ming is far inferior in this regard.

Although Master Yoda did not say anything absolute, Xiao Ming understood what he meant.

If Master Yoda was hostile, he would definitely have to pay a huge price. Even with Tsukuyomi, he might not be able to defeat an S-level master.

Xiao Ming immediately bowed to learn. An anxious look also appeared on the face of the projection.

Master Yoda was able to invade his spiritual world from far away in other galaxies. Sidious was in the capital, close at hand. What if he did this?

Others were not afraid. They could not reach the level of Yoda and Sidious. They would be crushed by Xiao Ming's huge spiritual power, and a little bit of insufficiency was not a problem.

Yoda saw Xiao Ming's worries. He immediately comforted him and told Xiao Ming that it was very unlikely that Sidious would do this.

First of all, neither of them would easily invade anyone's spiritual world. This kind of invasion consumes too much force.

This is a very dangerous thing. Almost everyone has a considerable home advantage in their own spiritual world. If one thing goes up, the other thing goes down. If you invade the spiritual world of others at will, it is easy to be defeated and never come back.

If Master Yoda had not been in an emergency and had a certain degree of trust in Xiao Ming, he would not have been so reckless.

Secondly, the leader is now in the Jedi Temple. This is Master Yoda's home ground, and he is familiar with everything in the temple. Including the fluctuations of the Force.

Therefore, he can enter Xiao Ming's spiritual world so 'easily'. Sidious does not have such convenient conditions.

Again, Yoda came with good intentions. Without malice, there is no automatic counterattack in Xiao Ming's spiritual world.

If it were Sidious, even if he could use this method to destroy Xiao Ming. He would also be seriously injured and consumed. How could he bear it? !

Finally, Sidious is now seriously injured and dare not do such a suicidal thing. He is a veteran of "Star Wars".

In Star Wars 1, he was already very old and did not die until the finale of Star Wars 9.

It took decades for Anakin's grandson to grow up before he was killed. Even Master Yoda, Master Obi-Wan, and even Anakin's son were exhausted by him.

How could such a person take such a big risk with his life?

But then again, Sidious will not take risks, which does not mean that other masters in other worlds will not. So the problem of Xiao Ming's spiritual world still needs to be solved.

Master Yoda promised that after the battle, he would teach Xiao Ming what to do. Even if he died in the battle, his heroic spirit would fulfill his promise.

Similarly, the leader had to go all out in this war. Xiao Ming readily agreed.

With the spiritual connection established with Master Yoda, Xiao Ming took some effort and successfully opened the portal to take Master Yoda to the capital.

Forget about Obi-Wan. Although Master Yoda could also force a spiritual connection with him, it would consume too much energy. There would be a fierce battle next, so he had to retain his strength for the time being.

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