Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1265 Kaminoans

The leader (Yin Xiaoming) has made great achievements in learning the Force, and the other Xiaomings have also done some decent things.

After helping the Republic to quell the chaos in several star systems, the leader's guard (Hong Xiaoming) has been staying in the Kamino star system to learn cloning technology from the Kamino people.

The Kamino people are slender, like normal humans stretched out. They have big glassy eyes, long necks and pale skin.

The males of their race usually have protruding head fins, and this atavism can be traced back to their evolutionary origins in the Kamino Ocean.

This planet is an ocean planet and there is no land at all. The atmosphere is full of water vapor, and there are strong winds and storms all year round.

The cities where the Kamino people live are all supported by pillars above the sea surface. I don't know why it is more stable to build cities on the seabed.

The capital city of Tipoca stands in the turbulent ocean of Kamino. This airtight metropolis is supported by huge pillars and can withstand the beating of strong winds and huge waves.

From a close distance, it can be seen that the graceful curves of the city's buildings help change and deflect the wind direction while resisting the harsh environment.

The official residence of Kamino Prime Minister Rama Su is located here. Deep in Tipoca City is a huge cloning factory, whose cloning technology is at the top level in the galaxy.

As a Jedi Master and a confidant of the Jedi Supreme Council, the Master Guard was warmly received by Rama Su. He also ate the underwater delicacies of this planet.

Through Rama Su, Xiao Ming learned about the origin of the Clone Corps.

The reason why the Kaminoans established this corps was actually commissioned by a mysterious Jedi Master, Cypher Dias.

Cypher Dias once proposed that the Republic should build a strong army, but was rejected.

So he accepted Palpatine's secret order, concealed the Jedi Council and the Galactic Republic Congress, came to Kamino, and secretly ordered a clone army.

Obviously, Cypher was used by Sidious. And soon he was killed by Count Dooku, and all the information about him was deleted.

This secret was later discovered by Master Obi-Wan. In the crisis, the Republic had to activate this clone army.

Xiao Ming had no interest in history. He came to Kamino to learn cloning technology.

However, this is the specialty of the Kamino people, how could it be easily taught. Rama Su tactfully rejected Xiao Ming's request.

Xiao Ming did not threaten with force. Instead, he took out his specialty - source energy-enhanced food to lure Rama Su.

Even though the Kamino people did not have a strong appetite, after tasting the triple source energy-enhanced food, Rama Su really smelled it.

From then on, Red Xiao Ming needed to strengthen a certain amount of food every day to get the opportunity to study every day. This continued until he learned almost everything.

It was because of the slow learning speed that Xiao Ming thought that the saying that the Force could enhance the ability to understand was a bit exaggerated. Otherwise, why do I learn so slowly?

Xiao Ming once brought out a laboratory and many scientific researchers from the Avatar world. Some of them were transformed into insect humans.

Now these people live and conduct scientific research in the Zerg territory in the Demon World of Xiao Ming's private world (the world of "Yu Yu Hakusho"). There are many things in the Demon World for them to study.

This time, Xiao Ming will also bring back a lot of information. It is estimated that the scientific researchers under his command may not be enough.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming does not have too many requirements for scientific research. Basically, he lets them study casually and prepare for a rainy day.

In most cases, Xiao Ming does not need to use technological products at all. His strength can handle most situations.

However, occasionally he will encounter a world of pure technology without supernatural energy, and Xiao Ming will be at a loss. At that time, technological products can come in handy.

So Xiao Ming usually scratches and studies as much as he can. Just in case.

In recent years, the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) has not been idle. After living in the Naboo galaxy for a while, one day, Padmé came to him with little Leia in her arms.

"My lord, I have a favor to ask." Marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog. This queen actually regarded herself as a subordinate of the right guard of the leader together with her husband Anakin.

Xiao Ming felt very good about her. While reaching out to take the teasing of the little princess, he casually said:

"It's a piece of cake. If you have anything, just tell me. I'll leave it to you, right, Leia?" Xiao Ming was still answering Padmé in the first half of the sentence, and the second half became Leia.

Leia didn't understand anything, just looking at Huang Xiaoming and smiling foolishly. Xiao Ming usually infused Leia with source energy. Leia was more affectionate to him than to her parents.

Padmé rolled her eyes and talked about her purpose. She hoped that the right guard of the leader could save the planet Tatooine.

Tatooine is the home planet of the Skywalker family. A huge desert planet, belonging to the Arkanis region on the outskirts of the Milky Way, orbiting a binary star system.

Because of the lack of resources and remote location, the Republic's forces could not take care of it at all. Therefore, Tatooine gradually became a lawless place.

All kinds of criminals gathered here, wanted criminals, murderers, smugglers... There is even slavery here.

Back then, Anakin and his mother were slaves of Jabba the Hutt. Later, Jabba lost them to Watto in a gambling game.

Later, Anakin's mother died tragically on this planet. So Tatooine brought Anakin almost all painful memories. It was a thorn in Anakin's subconscious.

In order to help her husband, Padmé had a bold idea.

If this planet could be saved, the evil that was rampant there could be ended, and all the slaves could be liberated. Perhaps Anakin could be given a shot of adrenaline.

The Galactic Republic ruled most of the central region of the Milky Way, and it was really out of reach of the outer regions.

There were more than one or two planets like Tatooine that were full of evil in the Milky Way. It was a daydream to want to liberate them all.

But Padmé believed that things should be solved step by step. We could always save one of the planets first. Don't let a small kindness go unnoticed.

In fact, if Anakin wanted to wipe out the evil forces on Tatooine, he could do it with the 501st Legion.

But so what? Once the 501st Legion left, Tatooine would return to its original state. The slaves would continue to suffer.

I want to transport all the slaves on the planet and place them somewhere else. The cost is too high, and even the Naboo system cannot afford such a cost.

So Padmé thought of the [Portal] skill of the right guard of the leader. With this skill, it is much easier to save those slaves. The Naboo system can fully accept these people.

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