Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1266 Tatooine

The vast universe is extremely dark and cold, and countless stars, whether far or near, look like small dots.

There are two relatively large stars nearby. There is also a planet that can be seen clearly with the naked eye, which is the golden Tatooine.

The planet is as dazzling as gold, but that is the light reflected by the vast desert. It is often mistaken for a star by uninformed people.

Two million years ago, Tatooine was also covered by vast oceans and jungles. Later, climate change caused the ocean to dry up, and the barren and desolate land of Tatooine evolved into a variety of terrains.

There is also another saying that this change is actually man-made. It's just that the changes in Tatooine occurred before the establishment of the Republic, and the truth is long unknown.

The main force coming to Tatooine this time is actually the robot army. Robots are the most suitable troops as cannon fodder.

In addition, an elite force is composed of a part of the 501st Clone Army, a part of the Naboo Army, and a part of the Gungan Army.

In name, the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) is the commander-in-chief, but in fact, Anakin Skywalker is in charge of the command.

This time, Xiaoming did not use the decapitation tactic again. The last time he dealt with the Trade Federation, it was because the enemy was numerous and we were few, so he had to do it.

He could not always be a nanny for the Galactic Republic. The army of the Republic should also be trained well.

Those gathered on Tatooine are just criminals, basically scattered soldiers and guerrillas, without too strong armed forces. It is perfect to use them for training.

Although these guys also have their own spaceships, they are also equipped with energy weapons and even energy shields.

But facing the space battleships of the Republic's elite forces, even if they are united, they are not opponents. What's more, they are just a group of rabble.

Under the fierce attack of the space fleet, 30% of the spaceships were destroyed, and 30% of the spaceships were accepted after announcing their surrender. Most of the rest were forced to land on the surface of Tatooine.

Only a very small number of spaceships ran away at the beginning of the war. Their captains are indeed wise enough.

At that time, the situation was chaotic and several ships escaped. In the later stage of the air battle, it was completely impossible to escape. They were caught up and destroyed one by one.

Anakin issued orders to his adjutant in a majestic and vigorous manner.

"Captain Rex, outer space is in your hands. No ship is allowed to leave Tatooine before I come back."

"Yes! Sir!" The clone captain numbered CT-7567 answered his chief officer firmly.

He is a clone officer with outstanding military exploits and strong abilities. The combat plans of the 501st Legion are generally formulated by him. Including this battle.

Anakin led half of the troops and took a landing craft to the surface of the planet. Outer space does need such an outstanding officer to guard it.

In the original book, Rex, who was over fifty years old, reflected on the justice of the Galactic Empire after retiring. Later, he even joined the rebels against the empire. So magical.

Similarly, the leader's right guard did not go to the surface of the planet, but stayed in the spaceship with Padmé to play with the two children.

Instead, Mao Mao'er and Xiao Shennong were quite interested in war games. Just now in the air battle, they controlled dozens of the Republic's main fighters "Titanium Fighters" to participate in the battle.

Because the fighters they controlled could cooperate perfectly, their combat effectiveness far exceeded that of other fighters. They fought very well in the air battle.

Now the two of them have each divided a part of their computing power, controlled a robot army, and participated in the landing operation with great interest.

Xiao Ming was too lazy to pay attention to the two naughty children. He and Padmé discussed political issues.

"Queen Amidala, don't you think the current ruling model of the Republic is problematic?"

Padmé is no longer a queen, but others are usually willing to respect her as a queen. Xiao Ming was just teasing.

She frowned slightly and asked, "My Lord, there are too many problems in the Republic. Which aspect do you mean?"

"I'm talking about the distribution of ruling power. At present, the Republic is centered on the capital and expands outward in circles. The interior is very rich and the people live a relatively stable life.

However, the further out it goes, the weaker the ruling power of the Republic becomes. Crime is getting more and more serious. Ordinary people even have problems surviving. Just like Tatooine."

The queen frowned even deeper. "The Republic has been like this for a long time. Do you have any solution?"

Xiao Ming did have a solution, but it was not something he thought of himself, but something he thought of based on the situation of the New Han Kingdom.

He pointed to several locations on the map and said:

"My idea is to build more political, economic, cultural, and military centers, that is, secondary capitals, here, here, and here in the outer circle of the galaxy.

Within a certain area of ​​the secondary capital, peace can be guaranteed in one area. Instead of returning everything to the capital Coruscant."

Padmé smiled and said, "This is indeed a solution, but the parliament will not agree. This may lead to the division of the country."

The queen did not go into more details. It is obvious that she has considered this idea a long time ago.

Even in history, many politicians have considered it and even promoted it. It's just that the capital is determined not to give up power.

The people who block it are very complicated. The most important ones are the main members of the parliament. The establishment of a secondary capital will disperse their political power. Of course, they don't do it.

The second is the big businessmen in the capital circle. They have a lot of interests in the capital. Once the secondary capital is built, many interests will be diluted. It is hard to give up good fortune.

In addition, there are the remnants of the Sith, profiteers who collude with criminals, and ordinary parliamentarians who are bribed by profiteers. With so many obstacles, it is no wonder that things cannot be done.

Xiao Ming smiled and said meaningfully: "Is the current parliament still the original parliament?..." The two smiled at each other and stopped discussing this topic.

Among the several secondary capital locations pointed out by Xiao Ming just now, there is Naboo. And Tatooine can be completely divided into the jurisdiction of Naboo.

The Milky Way is really too big, so big that it is difficult for a central government to handle the situation everywhere.

But the affairs of the secondary capital are too complicated, and Xiao Ming does not have enough political ability to do this. Now it is equivalent to entrusting this matter to Padme.

With her ability, connections, Anakin's support, and the resources and technology left to her by the leader's right guard.

She can quietly build Naboo into a similar secondary capital. By then, the parliament would have to accept this fait accompli.

If she could operate well, she could even get the parliament to pass a resolution to build suitable secondary capitals in various places in the outer circle of the Milky Way. After all, the parliament was very weak at that time.

In this way, the criminals in the Milky Way could only survive in some very small cracks. There would no longer be such good conditions for them in the outer circle. And fewer people would be harmed by them.

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