Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1364 Bison Village

A regular council hall can produce 500 gold coins per week. With this money, ordinary villages can slowly develop.

It is difficult to develop particularly strong, but it is still easy to let the villagers have a good life.

However, this area is often plundered and exploited by European colonists. The village has even been captured several times. The functional buildings in the village have been demolished.

After each capture, the council hall will be downgraded. Now there is only a lowest-level, dilapidated council hall left in the Bison Village.

The dilapidated council hall can only produce 500 copper coins per week, which is barely enough to support the daily consumption of hundreds of villagers. The Bison Village has been declining day by day.

According to the normal progress of the game, when the mainstream players come here, they have already developed very well. There is no shortage of people, horses, treasures, money, and resources.

There should not be too many architectural drawings, and there are even fewer players who can train architects. So the village provided by the system has become this type.

Players need to spend a lot of resources to repair the council hall before they can develop the village in America.

Only relatively powerful guilds can develop on a large scale in the New World. After all, building a city here also requires dealing with the harassment of European colonists from time to time.

However, Xiao Ming is a player who often "destroys" the game process. At this time, there was no player on the American continent, and he came here.

At this stage, he can actually get a village that is impossible to get. Of course, development is not difficult for him.

When the researcher saw the dilapidated council hall in the Bison Village in his personal panel, he smiled knowingly.

He can easily repair even the ruins with source energy, let alone a dilapidated council hall? !

This is very powerful. It was originally a burden thrown to the player by the system, but it became a base. It will soon provide him with various resources such as troops, funds, food, etc.

Without saying a word, the researcher immediately led the team back to the Bison Village. The distance is actually not very far.

Under the gaze of hundreds of villagers, Liu Ke, Old Bison and others, the researcher took out some resources and used energy to restore the council hall.

Once again, the natives knelt down collectively, and their loyalty soared. Unfortunately, they were all ordinary villagers.

The only hero in Bison Village was the village chief, Old Bison. The resources of this village were too poor to support a second hero.

And Old Bison's adventure level and strategic level were only level 1. He was still a blank hero.

Only after he died could some of the younger generations in the village compete for this quota. Only the villagers who got the quota could go to the temple with the hope and resources of the whole village to strive to become a hero.

It was precisely because almost all the villages and cities of Native American Indians had been devastated by war many times that the Indians had very few resources available.

This directly caused a serious shortage of heroes and generals among the natives. Without excellent leaders, they were simply unable to fight against the brutal European invaders.

Similarly, there were no regular troops in this village, only a few militia-like existences, and none of them were more than level 1.

In addition to building the village, the researcher must also provide a certain defense capability for the village.

The Bison Village used to be just a system village, and it was already dilapidated, and it would not attract foreign enemies. But now the village belongs to the researcher.

Openly hanging the banner of the Li family pirates, once discovered by the Esconte Army, it will definitely be attacked.

So the researcher left dozens of level 3 puppets and more than 200 various skeleton soldiers of levels 1-3.

The puppets were made by Xiao Ming himself, where did these skeleton soldiers come from? Didn’t it say that the skeleton soldiers made by the researcher with the Death Harvest did not belong to him?

That’s right, those skeleton soldiers do not belong to the researcher, but wild monsters. They have a neutral and friendly relationship with the researcher. There is a little bit of friendship.

As the deadly enemy of the undead, it is relatively difficult for the researcher to subdue the skeleton soldiers.

However, please don’t forget that the researcher has the professional talent of intermediate diplomacy. Increase the surrender rate of neutral troops by 200% and reduce the cost of surrender by 40%.

This talent was given by Richard when the researcher saved Li Huamei's husband Richard. At that time, it was only a primary diplomacy talent.

Becoming an intermediate diplomat is when the researcher reaches level 15 of level 1, and fortunately got the opportunity to upgrade this talent.

With the surrender rate increased by 200%, some skeleton troops with relatively low combat effectiveness will meet the conditions for surrendering to the researcher's troops.

But whether they can surrender or not, Xiao Ming must personally lead the troops to "touch" the other side. If the enemy surrenders, everyone will be happy. If they don't surrender, they will fall into battle.

Xiao Ming is reluctant to destroy them, so he uses various techniques to trap the enemy and retreat with his troops. Keep these skeleton soldiers to continue to cause trouble for the Europeans.

After several such actions, Xiao Ming found that the "Force" also jumped out to help in time.

The Force can enhance Xiao Ming's intuition. After Xiao Ming subdued the Skeletons several times, the Force felt that the Skeletons' surrender would make Xiao Ming happy.

So the next time Xiao Ming considered leading his troops to engage the enemy, his intuition would remind him. When he felt comfortable, the Skeletons would surrender, otherwise they would resist to the end.

Now, Xiao Ming had a surrender detector. Its success rate was almost 90%.

Therefore, there will be a certain number of skeleton soldiers under the command of the researcher. If there is no room in the army, there will be more.

In the next few days, while the researcher was building the Buffalo Village, he took the troops to "wander" around, and pulled back all the skeleton soldiers and other wild monsters that could be recruited.

In just a few days, the Buffalo Village has become the Buffalo City. The tall city walls rise from the horizon, and the tops of the walls are full of skeleton soldiers.

From a distance, no one would have thought that this was actually a human city, and there was not even an economic building in the city.

Because the researcher was relatively rich and could afford the daily expenses of the city, the tavern and barracks were built first. Then other buildings.

The village chief, Old Buffalo, was not a good person. He cleverly sent villagers to spread the news and attract homeless natives to come.

The population of Buffalo Village expanded rapidly. There were too many wandering Indians around.

With such a magnificent city to protect them and a peaceful life, they are willing to be loyal to the researchers.

Some old, weak and disabled people are afraid of dragging down the young people, and are even willing to sacrifice themselves to save food for the researchers.

This is completely unnecessary. The only thing Xiao Ming lacks now is money. Many people can afford it.

In fact, if the Europeans can give the Indians a peaceful environment, they don’t mind being ruled by the Europeans.

Unfortunately, the colonists were too cruel, and the Indians had no choice but to die in their hands.

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