Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1365 Three-in-one Enhancement

In addition, the treasure that the researcher temporarily "borrowed" from the explorer, the [Golden Statue of the God of Light], also played a huge role.

In just a few days, a large number of Indians have actively felt the guidance of the God of Light and come to find the researcher, hoping to become an ascetic monk.

This is not the guidance of the God of Light, but the guidance of "poverty". The profession of ascetic monk is the most suitable profession for the poor, and the Indians are already poor.

The consumption of ascetic monks will not increase, but their physical fitness will be strengthened a lot. They can also be equipped with spiritual pets to improve their combat effectiveness. It is very suitable for the current Native Americans.

Therefore, the effect of the Golden Statue of the God of Light in America is many times stronger than in East Asia. The life of Oriental people is much better than that of Native Americans.

Xiao Ming saw that this was a good thing, and he had an idea and simply used source energy to strengthen the statue.

Since he had 5 kinds of source energy, Xiao Ming no longer had the nature of strengthening all treasures 5 times. He would only occasionally strengthen something that he found interesting. Today, it fell on the head of the statue.

The Golden Statue of the God of Light has been strengthened three times, one of which was a special reward for the task, which has nothing to do with Xiao Ming's source energy. So the statue has three more opportunities to be strengthened by source energy.

Probably because there are three opportunities to strengthen at the same time, it triggered a certain judgment mechanism. The system actually gave special treatment. The statue has three strengthening directions to choose from:

1. Strengthen the character: Allow the holder (player character) to consume faith value to use the [Angel Descend] skill. The player will establish a connection with a certain angel in heaven.

When he activates this skill, the angel will lend divine power to make the player character transform into an angel to fight. It can be used on both strategic maps and adventure maps.

It lasts for one hour and can be used once a day. The stronger the angel's ability to establish a connection, the more divine power will be lent, the stronger the angel the player incarnates will be, and the greater the consumption of faith value will be.

The most important thing is that you can use the angel's skills. And basically angels have resurrection skills. It's just that the effect is high or low. It gives players the ability to resurrect, which is awesome.

It is not difficult to establish a connection with an angel. As long as you choose any kind of enhancement, the statue will automatically help the player communicate with the angel. After that, it depends on the player's ability.

This enhancement direction is only available to humans. Angels do not want to descend on non-human species.

2. Enhanced Hero: Allow the hero (player character) to consume faith value to use the [Angel Horn] skill. You also need to establish a connection with an angel first.

This skill can only be used on the strategic map. The effect is that all heroes and generals under the player's command have a certain increase in strategic four-dimensional attributes, and all soldiers are in high spirits.

It lasts for one hour and can be used once a day. The specific increase in attributes also depends on how strong the angel who establishes the connection is.

3. Special Skill: Allow the holder (player character) to consume faith value to use the [Redemption] skill.

The effect is that the NPC of the enemy camp can be converted into an NPC of your own camp. The premise is that the other party loses the ability to resist or voluntarily does not resist.

This skill does not require a connection with an angel. It all depends on whether the faith value is sufficient and the stubbornness of the target.

The redeemed NPC often joins the holder. Unless the other party really dislikes the player's character.

Xiao Ming can use source energy to replenish faith value. He can use "redemption" continuously.

In other words, no matter how stubborn the NPC is, as long as he does not resist, Xiao Ming can theoretically "redeem" him. As long as the time is long enough.

In fact, if you want to redeem some high-level NPCs, the faith value required may be astronomical. Even if it is continuous, it will take years to calculate.

Xiao Ming obviously does not have that much time to waste. It is better not to set the goal too high.

These three abilities are very useful abilities. The first two skills increase the combat effectiveness of the researcher and the army.

It doesn't matter when Xiao Ming operates it himself. After all, Xiao Ming's own strength is stronger. Pulling out an angel may not be able to beat Xiao Ming. The skill is a bit tasteless.

But he often switches roles. When the intelligent program controls the character, you can properly use "Angel Descends" or "Angel Horn". It will surely shine.

However, Xiao Ming thought about it and decided that the third "Redemption" skill was the most suitable for him.

Because he can cheat when using this skill, he can redeem more powerful soldiers and generals for his own use. Wouldn't he become stronger and stronger in that way?

Moreover, the system points out that the objects to be redeemed are NPCs of the hostile camp, not the very common NPCs of the evil camp.

Undead and demons belonging to the evil camp are not easy to find. In that case, the value of this skill is greatly reduced.

The hostile camp is much broader. The orcs can be regarded as the hostile camp. Even the current Escont Army can be regarded as the hostile camp.

Although the Escont Army is mainly a coalition of humans and half-elves, more than half of them also believe in the God of Light. But "redemption" can still be used on them. The reason is probably, "You don't believe in the right God of Light."

It must be said that the God of Light is very capable of recruiting men. How can this be redemption? It's clearly hypnosis + brainwashing!

However, Xiao Ming likes it very much. Of course, he will only use this skill on those NPCs who can be judged as bad guys.

No matter when and where, the standard of good and evil as Hades cannot be discarded at will.

After being strengthened by the three-in-one source energy, the Golden Statue of the God of Light officially became a fifth-level strategic treasure - the Jade Statue of the God of Light.

In addition to the addition of the redemption skill, the original ability has also been slightly improved.

First of all, the influence (brainwashing ability) of the Jade Statue is much stronger than that of the Golden Statue, making it easier for people to convert to the God of Light and devote themselves to the ascetic monk.

The upper limit of the faith value stored in the statue has been increased from 10,000 to 100,000. And the coordinates of strategic transmission have been increased to 4 groups.

Xiao Ming himself cannot use the extra 2 sets of coordinates, so he leaves it to the intelligent program to make the choice.

The most powerful is the light partner, that is, the pet of the ascetic monk, there is a new set of choices. Octopus, shark, and Naga among fish.

The reason for choosing shark is that this species is the most terrifying in the sea; octopus and Naga are chosen because divers are more familiar with them.

The long-range combat of octopus and melee combat of Naga are both very strong. It would be great if there was an electric eel, which is stronger, but it’s a pity that it is not allowed to choose.

Although the researchers are currently fighting on land, they will eventually return to the sea. The system has added fish light companions to take care of the researchers.

The promotion of the holy image is also one of the reasons why a large number of Native American Indians have voluntarily become ascetics in the past two days.

In the midst of the dire situation, they are the ones who need faith the most. They are the ones who are truly saved, not brainwashed.

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