Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1379 Let’s see if you still rebel

Like Xiao Mingxiong, his two subordinates David Diaosi and Brian Barrowcliffe also did not believe in the villagers of Amman.

But unlike Xiao Ming, who worries about gains and losses, they actually have ways to deal with it.

David's plan is: as long as he regains some strength, he can kill these people first, and then transform them into special undead, and they will naturally be obedient when they fall.

Brian felt that as long as he achieved some more results, he could apply for the Sea Tribe's village building stone with his family. When Amman was built into a sea city, these humans became a minority.

Any wishful thinking is difficult to realize. Even if they bring over the two major pirate forces, the East and West, they may not be willing to provoke the mysterious Sea Clan.

Xiao Ming, who used telepathy to learn their thoughts, felt that it would be more beneficial to combine the two methods into one.

Please note that not every player has this right. Only the leader of one force, the Diver, can cooperate with the other force in this way.

Other characters, even those who want to cooperate with other forces, must obtain permission from Ashbone City or the White Fang Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Xiao Ming made a prompt decision and accepted Amman's surrender. More than 200 villagers in the village joined the divers. Sure enough, the other party's surrender was conditional.

The half-orc Bin Wahid directly became the head of the village of Amman, and no divers were allowed to replace him.

He even has 5 generals, more than ten pirates, and several talents who can serve as navigators under his command. Although the number of troops is not large, there are many high-level officials.

Even if Xiao Ming tried his best to mix sand into the village of Amman, I am afraid that he would not be able to shake Bin Wahid's rule for a while.

His strength is also quite good. As a blue boss level hero. Strategic occupation: level 2 and level 7 pirate, adventure occupation: level 4 and level 5 ax thrower.

The five generals under his command are one green elite hero and three whiteboard ordinary heroes. 1 gray waste hero. The level is one level lower than Bin Wahid.

And these 5 are evenly distributed racially. One each for an orc, half-orc, human, gnome, and dwarf.

Everyone has their own little Jiujiu, who may not be loyal to the guest.

But if there is a conflict between divers and the village chief of Wahid, they will most likely favor the village chief. At least that's the case for the time being.

Xiao Ming can guess how the creator of the game arranged it. If players want to actually get Amman Village. Let’s start with these 5 generals.

Give gifts little by little, complete tasks, and increase your favorability... As long as you can draw 2 or 3 of them to your camp, you will have the upper hand in the competition for power.

However, the divers' method of dealing with them is simpler, cruder, and more effective.

He planned to "borrow" the treasure [Death Silver Coin] from the informant first. Use the function of silver coins to transform all these villagers into undead. The balance of villagers' loyalty is naturally heavily tilted towards the divers.

Then use the diver's [Undead Sea Tribe] talent to fuse them with the water tribe and transform them into the Undead Sea Tribe. Basically the loyalty will completely shift towards the divers.

Finally, Xiao Ming plans to give up some of the interests of Amman Village and use Brian's family to turn Amman into a city of the sea people. That's basically safe.

Looking at the Death Silver Coin in his hand that had been strengthened three times by source energy, Xiao Ming decided in less than half a minute to strengthen it two more times.

The original level 3 strategic treasure, the Death Silver Coin, has been upgraded to the level 4 treasure, the Death Gold Coin. The upper limit for storing the breath of death has an extra 0 at the end, and is now 100,000.

At the same time, the Death Gold Coin has a sixth function - "Undead Growth Acceleration". The experience gained by the undead heroes, generals, and troops under the holder's command increases by 25%.

This feature is an absolutely awesome strategic level feature. The longer the time, the greater the cumulative advantage.

Unfortunately, it does not increase the probability of surrender of the undead troops, nor can it increase the loyalty of the undead under its command.

Xiao Ming doesn't know yet, but in fact, most of the mid-to-high-level strategic treasures have racial alignment tendencies. It will have an impact on NPCs in the same camp.

There are actually bonuses to surrender probability and loyalty. It's just that these are hidden attributes and the system will not express them explicitly. Players need to slowly feel it themselves.

The game is still in its early stages, so even if you are a professional player, it would be nice to have a strategic treasure to use. Where else can you notice so many details.

It's still possible to wait until later in the game. By then, there should be 3 or 5 sets of treasures and equipment all over the body. Even if you don’t have a union yourself.

If you change the treasures frequently, you will naturally discover the tricks in them. Of course, some players have foresight and have thought of it long ago.

Over the next few days, the divers rarely left Amman. There are many things here that need to be handled by him personally.

All the villagers headed by Bin Wahid were transformed into undead sea tribesmen, and they all had undead octopus heads.

After all, divers only have the primary undead sea clan talent, and the sea clan arms that can be fused with them include octopus and naga. And they are not suitable for fusion with Naga.

In order to meet the needs of these villagers, Xiao Ming had to take his fleet to catch octopus monsters in the nearby waters.

Fortunately, these guys are not of a high level. There are a large number of octopuses of the same level, so it is not difficult to catch them.

After becoming an undead octopus, basically all Amman villagers are loyal to the divers. Because there is really no other way out.

With the identity of the undead sea tribe, no pirate force can trust them anymore.

Aman Village is actually a human village. Now it is full of undead and sea tribes. Xiao Ming can feel that the human buildings in the village seem to be slowly decaying.

Intuition tells Xiao Ming that this village needs to change its race. Otherwise, it may have a counter-effect over time.

It seems that in the future, we must be careful not to change the race of the entire village casually.

If it weren't for the backup of Brian, the electric eel, Xiao Ming didn't know how to end it.

"Brian, if I want your family to contribute a piece of sea tribe village building stone, what kind of return do you need?"

"Really?!" Brian Barrowcliff was very surprised to hear this.

Marching towards the strategic map is something that all the families in the adventure map want to get involved in. And the sooner this happens, the better. Any family member who contributes to this matter will be valued and rewarded by the family.

When the diver just took over Aman Village, Brian did consider how to get involved.

In the past few days, he watched the divers completely control the Amman Village. His little thoughts faded. It was not very strong to begin with.

He never expected that the divers would take the initiative to propose cooperation. This made Brian overjoyed.

He once asked the elders of the family about this question seriously. The answer is to analyze the specific situation.

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