Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1380 Transforming Racial Characteristics

Brian is just a follower, and the lord he follows is not a very powerful adventurer. It is obviously too ambitious to consider the issue of cooperation with the family now.

The elders of the Barrowcliff family did not make fun of the electric eel, which was already a good fish. The answer to him seemed very casual and vague.

The family's offer is generally between 10% and 80% of the corresponding income. Such a wide range of choices is completely nonsense. It is equivalent to saying that it is between giving away and taking for free.

But Brian is also very smart. He saw that the diver had a constant flow of various goods in his hands and was very generous. He made some interesting things and took them back to please a certain elder with whom he had a good relationship. He blatantly bribed and accepted bribes.

Catering to the interests of the elders really worked immediately. The elder often secretly told Brian some useful information.

These two days, the diver had just acquired the Aman Village, and Brian was not sure whether the diver would seek cooperation with him. But he wanted to make corresponding preparations.

Everyone says that opportunities only come to those who are prepared. Young Master Electric Eel thinks that it is right for him to be more prepared.

However, this matter has not been finalized yet, so he cannot speak it out casually. If it fails, it will be embarrassing.

So, the benefits of winning over the elder before were reflected. There is no problem in talking to him privately, and there is no need to worry about anything else.

The elder is grateful for his help. He really helped him analyze it attentively. He gave a relatively reasonable price.

The Barrowcliff family can use 1 sea tribe village building stone in exchange for 25% of the daily production of Aman.

These goods can be shipped in two ways. One is for Brian to bring them back to the adventure map for sale; the other is to establish a caravan on the strategic map after Brian's status is improved.

In fact, with Brian's good impression of the divers, he can borrow the warehouse of the divers' fleet to help him carry goods. Just pay a little fee.

Don't underestimate that 1/4 share. On the strategic map, although Amman has just started and the output of goods is not large, it is still a relatively large transaction.

In the future, if Amman develops, the prospects of this share are still very bright.

After listening to Brian's conditions, Xiao Ming thought about it and agreed.

In the next day, Brian went back and forth between the strategic map and the adventure map several times before he finally finalized the matter.

Mainly because the Barrowcliff family was a bit troublesome, it required a high-level meeting to discuss, and even private bargaining. It took some time to discuss it.

As soon as the sea tribe village building stone was obtained, the system gave a prompt, asking the diver whether he was willing to consume this village building stone to modify the racial characteristics of the Amman village.

In theory, doing so is a loss.

Amman was originally a system village, and Xiao Ming could use the sea tribe village building stone to build a sea tribe village nearby. Then transfer all the undead sea tribes in Amman village there, and it will be over soon.

In this way, the diver has two villages to develop. They can also help each other.

If we follow the system's suggestion and change Anman Village from a human village to a sea village, wouldn't it be two villages becoming one? It would be a huge loss!

But in fact, the account is not calculated in this way.

The map where Anman Village is located is a level 0 map. It is very difficult to carry a village, and new villages are not allowed to be built in the short term.

If you want to build one, you must first upgrade the map level. Only when it reaches level 2 can you build a second village.

It takes a long time for a player guild to upgrade the map level. Not to mention the resources consumed during the period.

After the second village is established, it will cost a lot of financial and material resources to operate it. The income is very slow.

So relatively speaking, it is more cost-effective for the diver to transform the racial characteristics of the village as soon as possible. The system gives this option to take care of the diver, a sea player.

Of course, Xiao Ming is more familiar with upgrading the map level. His source energy can do things that other players can't do.

It can easily repair some abandoned buildings and make the map revitalized faster. But this is only relatively easy. It still takes some time.

Xiao Ming knew that he couldn't afford to delay, and he talked to Brian about this matter, just to work hard in the direction of transforming the race.

At this time, he naturally consumed the sea tribe village building stone according to the system prompts, and turned Aman Village into a sea tribe village.

The time was almost up. Before 0:00 on October 24, the diver had not left the vicinity of Aman.

Although the vicinity of Aman was a level 0 map, it was really something. Whether on land or in the sea, there were many pirates wandering around and became wild monsters.

These wild monsters were not very powerful. Xiao Ming took the troops around and basically swept them all.

Unfortunately, these wild monsters were all pirates after all, and they were not compatible with the divers. Almost no one chose to surrender. Xiao Ming's wish to increase the population of Aman Village was unfulfilled.

However, there was no benefit on land, but there was on the seabed! Soon the diver found from the seabed near Aman that there were actually many pirate shipwrecks and corpses.

Those corpses, Xiao Ming was not too rare. After all, the situation here is different from that in the Americas.

Most of the corpses in the Americas died unjustly. After Xiao Ming used [Death Harvest], they would become similar to friendly forces.

The corpses here are not so lucky. They were all pirates when they were alive, and almost none of them were wrongly sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Even if they are harvested by death, they will at most become undead monsters. If things go wrong, they will become a group of violent monsters.

Divers do not have the diplomatic talent of researchers, and there is basically no possibility of surrender. Xiao Ming is interested in those sunken ships.

In the past, divers obtained a large number of wreckages of large ships in the sunken shipyard. After repairing them with source energy, they provided naval weapons for other characters. So Xiao Ming has a good impression of sunken ships.

The sunken ships in this area are naturally not comparable to those in the sunken shipyard. The number is several levels lower. The quality is even worse.

Most of the sunken ships in this area are small ships, and the wreckage of medium-sized ships is rare.

Xiao Ming is not picky, and he pulled all of them to Amman. And there is no need to repair them laboriously, the hull can be disassembled and used as building materials.

Naturally, the goods that have been rotten and deteriorated are not needed. There are also some things that will not be eroded by seawater, such as pearls and agates, which will become the wealth of Amman Village.

There are still many metal weapons in the ship. Although they are rusty, they can still be used after polishing. In addition, the divers also salvaged a small number of artillery, which can be used to enhance the defense of Amman Village.

In short, these shipwrecks have provided a lot of help to the development of Amman Village. Xiao Ming is thinking about whether the divers should continue to salvage after the weekend reincarnation mission is over...

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